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UR Conqueror Episode 2: Vanquish

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Started this weekend. Almost done with chapter 3.

PSA: don't follow Rooster Teeth's guide for the statues. They missed about 8 in chapter 1 so you'll have to replay pretty much all of it.

 Nice dude. I used a guide that missed some of those too but I didn't remember the name lol thanks for sharing that. I'll add that to OP.

Edited by Lord_of_Ra
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Finished my run on Saturday night. Went back and did a bunch of the misc stuff. Still need to do a chapter one Pangloss run. Also, three more misc trophies.

I did challenge two and three a couple days ago. So last night I decided to hit it again. Finished off 1 and 5, decided "why the hell not? " and fired up challenge 4. Got killed on wave one, then on wave two about 3 times. Then played it too cautious and got whacked on wave 5. Two more phase 2 deaths, and then I cleared it. I think the trick on phase 5 is to unload two rockets into the left Romanov immediately. It really clears up a little breathing room so you can work on the other threats. I did get pretty lucky with the right side MG Romanov using its huge rocket very early, and I was able to take him out right after the left one went down. Then it was just playing cat and mouse with CV and the flamethrower guy.

So far I've had the most deaths on challenge 2, but it was the first one I tried so I hadn't really figured everything out yet.

I'm going to start on CH 6 in the next day or two, I'll track how many deaths and where they occur.

Edited by Hemiak
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  • 2 weeks later...

PSA: don't follow Rooster Teeth's guide for the statues. They missed about 8 in chapter 1 so you'll have to replay pretty much all of it.

Yeah that was bloody annoying. Instead of saying at the start they decide to tell us on the next video  :facepalm:

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Just started yesterday. Earned 3 quick trophies, didn't have too much time :)

I really like the story and gameplay already, this should be fun :D!


Glad you're finding the story great. This game is overall a freaking amazing gem imo :D

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So far I've had the most deaths on challenge 2, but it was the first one I tried so I hadn't really figured everything out yet.

I'm going to start on CH 6 in the next day or two, I'll track how many deaths and where they occur.


The second hardest challenge is challenge 4. Personally, challenge 6 is nothing but pure repetition as the waves are not that bad as everyone thinks it is. It's mainly surviving the last wave which poses an issue for most. In terms of what to actually do varies from person to person since the A.I. can literally spam EMP blasts which causes your suit to overheat; in which case causes you to die or enter an near-death state causing everything to slow down after taking some damage.


Just make sure you only use 1 EMP grenade on Wave 2 and to use the rest including the reserves which is located on the right-hand side of the map on wave 6-only. If by chance your suit does overheat from an EMP blast from either Bogey (and this varies on the situation + how far they are from you) be sure to light a cigarette, while in cover, to draw there fire from you. Only waste your EMP grenades if you take a fatal hit while they are close and to use cigarettes when they are far away. If you manage to get in the near-death state like I mentioned above, wait until it is close to being over to use either a cigarette or an EMP grenade. If you use it too early and give the Bogey's a chance to recover, you will most likely die and have to start the challenge over.

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You are not the first person, nor will you be the last, to forget about the usefulness of cigarettes in Vanquish, so don't worry. Challenge 6 is difficult, yes, but it can be done if you are persistent enough. While not the same game, it is similar to VR 18 which is set on the hardest difficulty, you only have access to level one weapons and to make matters worse, a level 1 Raiden on Metal Gear: Revengence which breaks the platinum for most players along with the no damage boss trophies. Next, you have to beat the main story on the highest difficulty and get S-ranks on every story mode mission. Then finally, the 100% is brutal in its own way considering the requirements.


Vanquish lets difficulty slide as you only need to play the game on Hard mode, but not on God Hard mode. If that was the case, I see not one, but two platinum breakers in Vanquish. I believe Platinum Games knew that challenge 6 was difficult enough to begin with, so maybe that is why they did not add a trophy for beating God Hard mode, but who knows. Just keep at it and you'll come out on top.

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So with the cigarettes I managed to down the blue bogey twice last night. I hadn't played in 4 says so it took me a couple tries to reach wave 5 again. But then red went ape shit and wouldn't play nice. He literally just followed me around spamming his auto lazer. If he would have taken 2 seconds to fire up any of his big shots, I would've been able to escape to safety, had plenty of ammo left. He literally just followed me around the stairs like 5 times and I couldn't get out of overheating. :(

I feel this is harder than VR 18. The problem with Mgr is that there are several trophies that are almost a hard as this one. 2 or 3 of the other VR missions are almost as bad as 18, and then you have to basically perfect every fight in the game on the hardest difficulty. Other than this one trophy, the list for Vanquish is like 5/10 max.

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