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Is Kotaku in danger of shutting down?


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Shakespeare and Mozart are popular...their music has lasted several hundred years...that means they were popular. Musicians like Drake and Ellie Goulding won't last a couple of decades...not sure what your point is? Also I don't ever remember mentioning I like Shakespeare or Mozart but then again I did write like 10 lines of text so I can see how that would be a lot to read.


Also your view on life that is if anything is slightly hard then it isn't worth doing? Listen the world is going into a scary place. People are getting dumber and dumber and that is why "journalism" now is slide shows with a couple of words on it and a lot of pictures. People aren't actually interested in doing real investigating. They see a real news site post something and then quickly either copy/paste it or write up their own 140 character "article".


Also you keep saying we should feel bad about these people losing their jobs but every time I bring up examples you dismiss it. I said the Nazis just did what they were told but that doesn't mean they were right and I brought up Jeff doing what he wasn't told and is doing great now. You can't just pick and choose what fits your blanket statement. You have to understand that these people are part of a company and if they chose not to make their voices heard...then they deserve the outcome they got.


I brought up an example earlier about standing up for my ethical beliefs at my job. You know what happened to me? I was promoted 3 times in 9 years because my bosses knew I had integrity and I was a hard worker. They knew they could trust me because I didn't just blindly go along with everything and that I could be trusted with giving advice because I actually thought about what I was doing and didn't just "follow orders"


At my job now, I have now been promoted twice in under 2 years because once again I speak my mind and look for ways to A) Better the company B ) Save the company money and C) improve antiquated ideas that were only done because "that is how it was always done". I am now above people who have been there for 2 decades because they are happy just "doing their jobs" and I decided to shake the cage a little and progress myself.


So anyways I am done with this. I have made my point as clearly as possible. If you want to feel bad for people you don't know because they lost their jobs because they were posting libellous statements and misleading click-bait posts...then go ahead. 


You said: "I think most music and movies are terrible nowadays" - that would intimate you like things that happened in the past would it not?  So no, you didn't say directly, but I thought I would jump in with using extravagant references to try and embellish my point.  Nuremberg? 


I didn't say that did I?  Are you capable of playing devil's advocate or can you see the world only through your own eyes?  I said some people, not me.  Do you know the difference/So what if people are getting dumber (I'd love to see the empirical evidence of this out of curiousity) - we should beat the intelligence into them whether they like it or not?  You're not allowed what you find entertaining because I deem it too stupid?


No I don't dismiss it.  What's your retort on Gerstmann being fired for what he believed in?  Maybe everyone should do that, all start their own businesses and all compete in the same space for traffic.  It's that simple, everyone should get fired, everyone should always focus more on moral standing and everyone can read completely moral things about games.


And that's your personal choice.  Good for you.  So are you saying that everybody should rattle the cage?  You need people happy at the level they're at as well as the people who drive.  If we all challenged the status quo there would be no status quo.


I'd love you to point me to where Klepik printed libel.  He should lose his job for example?  Everyone at Nike should lose their job.  Apple.  Everyone in the government because some abused expenses.  Every doctor because medicine is primarily a business.


Call done, when you're so far up your own ass that the world should be conforming to your way of thinking as opposed to recognising that the world is full of different people with different strokes, who just want to earn a paycheque.    


I would of gathered someone who professed to be so intelligent to be able to realise that not everyone is like you and people act in different ways.  So yes, I do feel bad that people who just wanted to get their hours done and are punished for it.


You continue to be heartless and think they deserve it.

Edited by LastPisTolman
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For everyone concerned about the employee's, think about it this way.  The good writers could take this as an opportunity to work on a more respectable publication (if such a thing exists) where their abilities can be appreciated by their employers and the people reading it.  The bad writers could take this as an opportunity to get into a business they suck at less.  Everyone wins.

Edited by Dreakon13
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  • 2 months later...

Gawker got exactly what they deserved and if Kotaku is axed than we'll all forget about it pretty quickly. I mean let's face it, the majority of people forgot what Sony did to Lik Sang pretty quickly and we all play their consoles.


Sure I don't like people losing their jobs but so many have thanks to technology which is were we are at as a species. 

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I do not understand the vitriol surrounding Kotaku and the gaming community.  Does this stem from Gamergate?


I personally like Kotaku since they also post stories about Japan and film Mike Fahey eating junk food.  They also have an excellent "Talk Amongst Yourselves" community that is run by readers and cater to different topics.  The Ani-TAY community is an excellent anime source and is tight-knit.  Those excellent reader-run blogs/communities are going to disappear to no fault of their own or Kotaku.


The Kotaku editors had nothing to do with writing about Hulk Hogan's racist penis.  I agree what Gawker did was wrong/hypocritical and some of the sister sites, like Jezebel, are obviously writing with a bias.  Regardless, at the end of the day, these are people too.  People tend to forget that and dehumanize them - but there are people on the other side of the computer screen.


I do recall Jason writing an article where he complained about Dragons Crown's boobies taking away from the game.  I disagree with him there but it doesn't mean that the rest of his opinions are invalid.  The same goes towards the other authors.

I've heard rumors about Ziff-Davis trying to buy Gawker but it remains a rumor.  Ziff-Davis also runs IGN.

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