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Kill Your Completion (Event finished)

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Just wanted to say that I got the :platinum: trophy for Wolfenstein: The New Order an hour ago.

I played on Über tha last three days as the last two trophies were the two difficulty trophies. The Über playthrough wasn't really hard till to the last few chapters.

The final boss was easier than on normal due to more rockets.


Next I want to finish Brothers: A Tale of two Sons and then I'm trying to get the platinum trophy for Deadpool.

Fun fact: you only have to replay the last chapter on über.
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Been cleaning up some trophies from the games played in this event. Finished career mode in MotoGP 13, well most of it... as it seems I have to farm levels to get offers from a specific team. To be fair, most of the missing ones have to do with grinding levels or doing races with specific drivers. Also just finished up Farcry Classic for the plat. While cleaning up the system of all the autosaves (140 :blink: ) this game made, I almost deleted my Fallout 3 files as well :facepalm:.

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Game ranking:

:platinum: Games I will plat/100% for sure:

Battle Princess of Arcadias

Love Live! School Idol Paradise Vol. 2


After finishing Wild Arms 3 yesterday I was finally able to wrap up the Love Live-games and Battle Princess and the plats for those games.


About Love Live:

I didn't expect this but the unit-specific songs of the game I played during this event were still the best. The tunes of the other two units weren't that good imo. Overall it was a nice rhythm game for in between and finally one I was able to plat. Maybe this gives me the confidence to finally retackle the Project Diva-games. :blush:


About Battle Princess:

The last hour I had to do was rather boring. Select last boss, choose the two characters to level up, wait until the boss loads up, attack him for about 20 seconds, wait till victory screen, save, and redo this again for another fourty times... I still think that this game is nothing too spectacular but it was nice to finally remove this game from my backlog. What quite surprised me is the fact that the plat for this game is much more common on the PSN (11.7% rarity) than on PSNProfiles (11.5% rarity). This must be the first game where I saw this.

Edited by Crimson Idol
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  • 2 weeks later...

If anyone feels like stabbing their backlog some more, I joined this event...




It's for completing 5-10 PS+ games you haven't started yet from the first of september to the end of the year.


Personally I'm not much of a completionist but I found 5 or 6 PS+ games even I should be able to complete. They're not eligible for a future Hemiak event either since I either already played a bit of them, for instance during a dive where I got one trophy in everything in my backlog, or because I already have played other games in their franchises.

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If anyone feels like stabbing their backlog some more, I joined this event...


It's for completing 5-10 PS+ games you haven't started yet from the first of september to the end of the year.

I signed up for that too. I'm using it to unload about 6 under 10 hr 100% titles. The only restriction on games is they need to be from plus, and have under 25% completion.

Been playing DD pretty regularly, though I got sidetracked with retro grade. Killed the Griffon finally, and then another one was flying around like 2 days later. :/ Killed a couple golems, and realized that dragons have a weak spot on their heart. I went back after the Drake I ran into previously. 20 min later I was running away again with only 2 of his 5 health bars depleted. >.<

Oh, I also got propositioned by the dukes wife, then I saved her life, then she betrayed me, then I got whipped and thrown into prison. Then the crazy bitch came down, told me she loved me, and set me free. :dunno: women, amirite? :D

The crazy thing is I can walk right back into the throne room, and nobody seems to care that I was accused (and convicted without trial) of trying to spoil the duchess.

Side-quest plot-continuity notwithstanding (try saying that fast) it's still a lot of fun.

Edited by Hemiak
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Haven't returned to any of my games lately, but I did buy a couple of your all's games including Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (Hemiak) and Crysis (voodoo_eyes). Went a little crazy during the sales last week and bought several other games as well. Currently eyeing this PlayStation Humble Bundle too. My backlog seems to be getting bigger despite starting 10 games for this event.  :(

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It took me longer to realise than I like to admit but it apears that I am a premium member now - I haven't done this myself (I've got no Paypal account), so I have an anonymous samaritan...


I joined this event when I had just started out on PSNprofiles, I had the obligatory 49 posts to join but I don't think I had triple digits back then. This event is what really pulled me into the forums, and it has the closest group of gamers talking together that I've seen so far, so I figure that even if my samaritan has not actually been part of this event, odds are it's a reader of the thread. (and if not, then I'll pre-emptively go ahead and feel even more ashamed that I'm not even deducting properly)


So I don't know who you are, but thank you very much, I really appreciate it!

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Haven't returned to any of my games lately, but I did buy a couple of your all's games including Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (Hemiak) and Crysis (voodoo_eyes). Went a little crazy during the sales last week and bought several other games as well. Currently eyeing this PlayStation Humble Bundle too. My backlog seems to be getting bigger despite starting 10 games for this event.  :(


Good choices :lol: . Dragon's Dogma is great, the only thing I disliked was the fast travel system.



Haven't really gone back to any other games from this event. Although I'm almost done with MotoGP 13, waiting for a friend of mine to come back from vacation, to get the couch co-op trophy done.

I finished all the Fallout 3 DLC though. The DLC really takes it's toll on the system though, had far more freeze issues than with only the base game.


Didn't buy any other games that were played by the lot of you, as I own most of them already.

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Didn't buy any other games that were played by the lot of you, as I own most of them already.


I haven't bought any new games at all yet, in two events that focus on my backlog now :)


You all did get me interested in the following though: Ico (&SOTC), Darksiders and Deadpool. Would've been more but I played a bunch of the discussed games already.

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I haven't bought any new games at all yet, in two events that focus on my backlog now :)


You all did get me interested in the following though: Ico (&SOTC), Darksiders and Deadpool. Would've been more but I played a bunch of the discussed games already.


I've been trying to cut back on new purchases, although I've only been mildly successful :lol:

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It took me longer to realise than I like to admit but it apears that I am a premium member now - I haven't done this myself (I've got no Paypal account), so I have an anonymous samaritan...

I joined this event when I had just started out on PSNprofiles, I had the obligatory 49 posts to join but I don't think I had triple digits back then. This event is what really pulled me into the forums, and it has the closest group of gamers talking together that I've seen so far, so I figure that even if my samaritan has not actually been part of this event, odds are it's a reader of the thread. (and if not, then I'll pre-emptively go ahead and feel even more ashamed that I'm not even deducting properly)

So I don't know who you are, but thank you very much, I really appreciate it!

that's awesome man. I was actually gifted my premium as well. Though for me it was a buddy who had won it through another event and was already premium himself.

I finished up Retro Grade the other night and felt like checking out the current Helldivers war. Forgot how much fun it is and I've pretty much been playing that in my extra game time. Finally got the defending a home city trophy, and knocked a bunch of others out as well. Couldn't hook up to the servers last night, so I jumped in my recently acquired tank and ran over an illuninatae target, then I ran a level one planet using only strategems.

Ooh, I also got kicked for the first time the other night. :( I got in with two really good players and a douche. They kicked him early and decided to take a chance with me. What transpired was the single worst mission I've ever run. Every time enemies came out of the ground it was right on top of me. Every time a strategem was called down it landed on me. I had like 10 deaths in as many minutes. Right after we returned to the bridge I got kicked, so at least they allowed me to collect the mission rewards.

For Dragons Dogma, the fast travel is a little weird. You have to place port crystals everywhere but the capital and the first city in order to travel there. It seems as if you have to visit most of the farther locations 2 or more times. I suggest dropping a port crystal at blue moon tower, and one either near, or in, the witch wood.

Edited by Hemiak
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that's awesome man. I was actually gifted my premium as well. Though for me it was a buddy who had won it through another event and was already premium himself.

I finished up Retro Grade the other night and felt like checking out the current Helldivers war. Forgot how much fun it is and I've pretty much been playing that in my extra game time. Finally got the defending a home city trophy, and knocked a bunch of others out as well. Couldn't hook up to the servers last night, so 8 jumped in my recently acquired tank and ran over an illuninatae target, then I ran a level one planet using only strategems.


We were actually successful in defending? I got disconnected with about 30 minutes left and figured we didn't have a chance. Need to log back in and get my shiny new trophy. You should have seen how horrible I was during my first match last night. Been a while, so I forgot almost everything and had to refresh my memory. While trying to figure out the controls, I did my usual throwing grenades at teammates and some regular friendly fire. Needless to say, I've been kicked before.  ;)

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I might just put every single game from September's PS+ list on my list for the next event, except for Forgotten Sands which I played twice already.

I was thinking of adding Datura to my lineup for the ps+ cleanup event.

You should have seen how horrible I was during my first match last night.

Speaking of this, once you finish BiB we should play some matches again. I have both really good and really bad missions. I've been playing every night or two and am slowly picking up the misc trophies. A couple seem like they're gonna be a serious pita. Edited by Hemiak
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I was thinking of adding Datura to my lineup for the ps+ cleanup event.

Speaking of this, once you finish BiB we should play some matches again. I have both really good and really bad missions. I've been playing every night or two and am slowly picking up the misc trophies. A couple seem like they're gonna be a serious pita.


Well, I finished the BiB online trophies last night so that sounds good to me. Right now I'm having a hard time choosing and focusing on a single game between going back to the games from this event, playing Retro/Grade, and the fact that I've replenished my backlog and bought a crapload of games in recent sales. Might be a good time to mix in some matches in Helldivers since I'm already switching between a couple of games. 


Just send me a msg if I'm online and you want to play some. I'll probably be playing something else (prob CoJ: BiB or Retro/Grade) but nothing urgent that I can't stop to play some Helldivers. Congrats on getting some of those misc trophies. Most of the rest I need are grindy (100k kills) or the pita ones like no deaths on a Level 10 mission or no damage trophy.


On a side note, my backlog seems to have exploded in size with recent flash/weekly sales, humble bundles, and good PS+ lineups so I might have plenty of games to choose from if I join the next installment of this event.  :)

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Damn it. I had a cancelation today so headed home early. Wife was doing some work stuff with a friend so I hopped on Helldivers.

I ran a couple missions, earning several new toys, and a good amount of xp.

I then decided to take a shot at running one or two of the hardest trophies. I found a level 10 planet with easily fail-able objectives and decided to go for it. I had ran 4/5 objectives without being spotted, started the last one and then ran away to allow the enemies to blow it up. I even had a clear shot to the extract point. Apparently that objective isn't fail-able, but now there were about the 100 bright red dots sitting on top of the objective. :( ended up getting spotted and killed, negating three trophies in one fell swoop. I think that kind of a run is doable, you just have to find the right planet.

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Damn it. I had a cancelation today so headed home early. Wife was doing some work stuff with a friend so I hopped on Helldivers.

I ran a couple missions, earning several new toys, and a good amount of xp.

I then decided to take a shot at running one or two of the hardest trophies. I found a level 10 planet with easily fail-able objectives and decided to go for it. I had ran 4/5 objectives without being spotted, started the last one and then ran away to allow the enemies to blow it up. I even had a clear shot to the extract point. Apparently that objective isn't fail-able, but now there were about the 100 bright red dots sitting on top of the objective. :( ended up getting spotted and killed, negating three trophies in one fell swoop. I think that kind of a run is doable, you just have to find the right planet.


That sucks. Makes it so much worse when you are so close. I forgot about that stealth trophy, that's another one that looked like it could be a hassle. Did you do that solo or with randoms? 


I should be getting online shortly if you are interested or available to play any tonight. I probably need some practice to get the hang of the game again though, so wouldn't expect great things from me for the first few matches. 

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That sucks. Makes it so much worse when you are so close. I forgot about that stealth trophy, that's another one that looked like it could be a hassle. Did you do that solo or with randoms? 


I should be getting online shortly if you are interested or available to play any tonight. I probably need some practice to get the hang of the game again though, so wouldn't expect great things from me for the first few matches.

I was solo. Took a humble-vee, two distractors, and a turret for extraction. I went on a level 10 cyborg planet because 2/3rds of the patrols are dogs that don't actually cause alarms.

For objectives, I had two trains (easily failable), a missile launch (easily failable), a bag carry (easy to complete), and then I actually screwed up on the Geo survey objective. Apparently the objective doesn't fail if they destroy the probe. >.< And then there are like 50 red dots.

I'd be down to party up tonight. Anybody else is welcome to join too. I'm usually on after 830 central.

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Finally got the MotoGP 13 plat today. Took me and a friend of mine almost 3 hours for one bloody trophy. Which was to come 1st and 2nd in a race on the most difficult track, with possibly the slowest riders of the class. Apparently they also had to be in a specific order as we found out the hard way >.<.


Considering he had never played a MotoGP game before he had some trouble getting used to the game and getting increasingly angry with the game, but he powered through until the end :D .


PS The AI were dicks and constantly bumping against us throwing us off the bikes :shakefist:

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