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An idea for a contest - Two Trophies a Day Plus

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So me and a close friend of mine decided to run a  contest between ourselves over the last year, more for giggles than anything else. Over this time we set up certain rules which became more fleshed out as the year came around. We are nearing the end of it, and I thought, before we decide to try it again, I'd see if there was any interest out there for anyone to make this an official contest with rules and prizes.


We call it Two Trophies a Day Plus


Rules are as follows:


            - Each day you are only allowed to get two trophies. It can be with PS3, PS4 or the PS Vita, but can only be two regardless of the system. If you get other trophies after the initial two, they will not count for points; there aren't penalties for getting extra trophies, they just won't count when it comes to scoring. 


            - The 24-hour time limit, as well as the beginning and end of the contest, will be based on Central Time Zone (UCT - 06:00)


            - Contest will run starting January 1st to June 30th, 2017.  All contestants have to be signed up by December 23rd, 2017


            - During this period, there will be 26 days where the limit to the amount of trophies will be not limited to just two trophies. Instead, the trophy limit will be up to ten, although the minimum of two is still in place. Using these days must be reserved 48 hours in advance.


            - There will be two 'grace' days (days where you don't get the two trophies done due to circumstances out of your control) that can be used per month; on those days you will receive the equivalent of the points that are for two Bronze trophies. These days cannot be banked if not used during the month, Once these two 'grace days' have been used, and the minimum two trophies are not met for a day, no points will be awarded.


            -  Games that have trophies that can unlock by cross-saving to another platform (ie Sound Shapes) are not allowed to be used, but games that can come with separate trophy sets on different platforms (ie Steins Gate) or cross-save with the same trophy set (ie Bind of Issac Rebirth) will be allowed.


            - The trophies themselves can be of any type (Bronze - Plat), but more points will be awarded for a Plat trophy than a Bronze trophy. The games can be of any type, genre and rating, excluding the following exceptions.


            - Trophies have to uploaded to PSNProfiles.com before the end of the contest (they do no have to be uploaded as you achieve them) and a winner will be decided by points accumulated according to points given to each type of trophy on PSNProfiles.com.


           - Judging will start July 1st and will be done as soon as possible Please understand that it might take days or even weeks to go through and check the results.


Prizes are as follows: (prizes will be announced when this goes live).



Anyways, let me know what you guys think and, if there's enough interest, I'll start a round of this.

Edited by DFuzed
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This is an interesting idea. Here are my thoughts:

  • The limit breaker on points (for weekends and vacation-type things) could get a little confusing without a proper system. It's also unfair for some people to have more lead-way than others just because they have more free time. I say every month, participants can choose three days to up the limit to ten trophies. Days should be confirmed in advance (I'd say 48 hours).
  • Five grace days seems a little extreme and may scare off many people from joining. Maybe having grace days on a monthly system would be better. I'm thinking each participant gets two grace days a month for a total of 24 days. Days would not be able to transfer into the next month to prevent people from just going a week without getting any trophies.

Those points aside, I would be up for joining something like this. Two trophies a day isn't hard at all, and this league will require a different kind of strategy than the other leagues on this site that I feel would be a lot of fun to take part in.

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I loved the feedback for this and made a few adjustments to the rules; they were mostly subjective to us and we usually made them up in response to any personal issues that came up for either of us.


I changed the limit break from 4 a month to 52 per year; gives people leeway to either have one day a week to play more or use a couple days at once if they took time off work to play a game that just released (something I do all the time).

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This sounds like an interesting motivational method for getting platinums - two trophies a day is perfectly reasonable, with maybe six trophies on Saturday and Sunday and several grace periods to prepare for times when you can't be near a PS system. I plan on adopting that method so I can get through the rest of my backlog quickly. ^_^

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One question. When you do earn more than two trophies in one day, which two are counted for points? Is it the first two no matter what? Or the highest value two?

Either way, good luck and I hope this works out. Seems interesting.

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One question. When you do earn more than two trophies in one day, which two are counted for points? Is it the first two no matter what? Or the highest value two?

Either way, good luck and I hope this works out. Seems interesting.

Typically we counted the first two trophies, mainly because it made planning for an upcoming Plat that much harder.

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There has been enough interest for trying this, between responses here and the PMs I've gotten. I have changed the rules to the format I plan to use and I plan to make a new topic to officially start this contest in mid-November. Let me know if I have missed anything

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