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Out of these 3 series, you must destroy one, buy one, and recommend one.


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Group 1:

1- Silent Hill-- Destroy

2- Resident Evil-- Buy

3- Doom-- Recommend

Group 2:

1- Final Fantasy-- Destroy

2- Elder Scrolls-- Recommend

3- Borderlands-- Buy

Group 3:

1- Sly Cooper-- Buy

2- Jak and Daxter-- Destroy

3- Ratchet and Clank-- Recommend

Group 4:

1- Call of Duty-- DESTROY

2- Hitman-- Recommend

3- Metal Gear Solid-- BUY

Group 5:

1- Grand Theft Auto-- Buy

2- Grand Turismo-- Destroy

3- Need for Speed-- Recommend

Group 6:

1- Sonic (sonic related games with only Sonic characters)-- Destroy

2- God of War-- BUY

3- Bioshock-- Recommend

Group 7:

1- Super Street Fighter-- Destroy

2- Mortal Kombat-- Recommend

3- Spider-Man games-- Buy

Group 8:

1- F.E.A.R.-- recommend

2- Duke Nukem-- destroy

3- Star Fox-- BUY

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I am really glad a lot of people enjoyed this! There was surprisingly great number of people destroying Sonic....I guess I learned something. Anyway, now I shall share mine.

Group 1:

1- Silent Hill - reccomend, this is a series at least most gamers should experience. I have had my fun

2- Resident Evil- buy, I just would like a new option in online multiplayer and I rather enjoy the games. RE is second to SH still...

3- Doom- Destroy, I really don't see it going anywhere, it hurts, but must be done

Group 2:

1- Final Fantasy- buy, with a happy dance afterwards

2- Elder Scrolls- destroy, I am getting very tired of them, they were once fun, but future generations can live without them

3- Borderlands- recommend, I hate the art style, it hurts my eyes, but that doesn't mean someone else won't enjoy this great series

Group 3:

1- Sly Cooper- recommend, a classic series that stays in the heart. I need to give someone with an Xbox a taste ofSony

2- Jak and Daxter- Buy, the cutscenes are LEDGENDARY and I will always love these games. (Hoping for Jak 4 still!)

3- Ratchet and Clank- destroy...another painful one....but must be done

Group 4:

1- Call of Duty- destroy, Call of Duty 4 was really fun, but after Modern Warfare 2....I lingered

2- Hitman- buy, Agent 47 is bone chillingly awesome, and the new Hitman is simply amazing. I think the series still has a future

3- Metal Gear Solid- Recommend, number 2-4 were classics, but I don't see them repeating it with new games, so I might as well give them to someone ele

Group 5:

1- Grand Theft Auto- buy, honestly, these games just never get boring!

2- Grand Turismo- recommend, the controls are great, and driving skill is maximized, I just would prefer GTA for comical reasons

3- Need for Speed- destroy, the GameCube one was the only one I found fun, and there are greater series out there....but man was it fun..

Group 6:

1- Sonic (sonic related games with only Sonic characters)- buy....what? I loved almost all the sonic games!

2- God of War- destroy, I have been noticing a trend of prequels going on....that is a sign to stop....this has gone on too long

3- Bioshock- recommend, the graphic style is one of my favorites, I would really like to see these games get more widespread

Group 7:

1- Super Street Fighter- buy, I find these enjoyable, they are the only fighting games I have stuck with anyway

2- Mortal Kombat- with a tragic ending on an amazing last hoorah.....de- wait...no! Recommend! Spidey WLAN die

3- Spider-Man games- destroy, inFamous replaces these easily

Group 8:

1- F.E.A.R.- recommend, number 2 was scary...and number 3 was a very average game, I am done with them

2- Duke Nukem- destroy, I get tired of this series within minutes

3- Star Fox- buy, I can not tell you how awesome the few 3rd person games are on the GameCube, where you actually run around on planets, like Starfox adventure, one of my favorite games...I want a new one

Those are mine, If you guys would like me to post more, give me a few likes and I will do another one! I will make sure to get some REALLY tough groups in. It may make you search your inner self and die a little while choosing.

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Group 1:

1- Silent Hill - Recommend. I love these games and so I think everybody should experience them at least once.

2- Resident Evil - Destroy. Resident Evil has been going steadily downhill and I dread to see where it goes next. Best to kill the series before it taints my fond memories of Resi 2 and 4.

3- Doom - Buy. The original Doom is a classic. I don't see this series going anywhere from here, but damn I loved the older entries.

Group 2:

1- Final Fantasy - Destroy. This is actually painful. I absolutely loved I - IX, but I haven't enjoyed a single title since the launch of the PS2. :(

2- Elder Scrolls - Buy. I could happily play only Morrowind from now until the end of time. It's my favourite game ever made, so buying this series is the obvious choice. Screw Oblivion though. Skyrim is a step in the right direction, but I'm very wary of the upcoming MMO.

3- Borderlands - Recommend. Borderlands is a great series and one of the best Co-op experiences I've ever had in gaming, but between that and Elder Scrolls there's one very clear winner.

Group 3:

1- Sly Cooper - Buy. Because I've never even looked twice at the series and a completely new experience could be a good idea.

2- Jak and Daxter - Recommend. Because it's Jak and Daxter. Anyone who enjoys platformers should give this game a go.

3- Ratchet and Clank - Destroy. Compared to Jak and Daxter this series offered very little to interest me.

Group 4:

1- Call of Duty - Destroy. Destroy. Destroy. 'Nuff said.

2- Hitman - Recommend.

3- Metal Gear Solid - Buy. Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2 were brilliant games and excelled in their genre, and I've never played 3 or 4 so now might be a good time to do so.

Group 5:

1- Grand Theft Auto - Buy. Because it's Grand Theft Auto. :)

2- Gran Turismo - Recommend. I'm not a racing game person, but this has always been my favourite series of the genre.

3- Need for Speed - Destroy. Because I prefer Gran Turismo. Nothing against Need for Speed, but... eh.

Group 6:

1- Sonic (sonic related games with only Sonic characters) - Buy. I could willingly invest an obscene amount of hours into the Chao Garden of Sonic Adventure, and I've recently purchased these games once more on PSN so I will be doing so very shortly.

2- God of War - Destroy. Although passable, this series never really interested me. Of the three it is the weakest option.

3- Bioshock - Recommend. I've only touched on the first game in this series, but already I'm impressed by the setting and atmosphere of this title. It seems fairly unique so I'd recommend people give it a go.

Group 7:

1- Super Street Fighter - Buy. I've loved Street Fighter since I was a kid and it is still one of my favourite fighting game series'.

2- Mortal Kombat - Recommend. Because it's extremely fun on multiplayer.

3- Spider-Man games - Destroy. Spiderman 2 was fun in short bursts, but on the whole Spiderman games are decidedly average.

Group 8:

1- F.E.A.R. - Recommend. Why not? I've heard good things, despite never having played this series.

2- Duke Nukem - Buy. It's Duke Nukem. Duke Nukem is awesome. This character is such a badass that he can even be forgiven for the jumbled mess that was Duke Nukem Forever.

3- Star Fox - Destroy. Never liked this series, although Fox was the best character in Smash Bros. 'til they added Lucario. :P

Edited by Penguin Pirate
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