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Which is better Namco, Sega or Capcom?


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Is this thread to get peoples thought on price and how all game companies. [discount NISA] charge way to much money for things or which company were prefer due to game merits?

If its the latter then I Bandai for the "Tales of" games

Capcom for "Resident evil"

And Sega for Vanquish" and other great titles such as "Resonance of Fate"

All of the 3 make some good games and some shitty ones. But if its the former topic then Capcom is probably worse. For Example Asura's Wrath was a gem of a game but the fact that you had to buy the DLC to complete the story[Which i don't care about] was pretty messed up. Even if the DLC was better then the game some how.

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I have to say Namco, they make really fun games and have Pac man. :lol:

Capcom ...Well, It's hard to say these days, but I do like when they bring HD version of old games like Okami. I just want them to give us Darkstalkers resurrection and Capcom vs SNK 2 already.

Edit: Sega is ok with me they gotten better and better lately.

Edited by EliteVega
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Sega. Capcom's been destroying Resident Evil and I still don't have a good feel for the Tales of games, and I haven't liked Pacman since the Dreamcast game. I guess the Championship DX game on PSN is cool, but it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I dunno, rose tinted nostalgia goggles.

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Sega. Capcom's been destroying Resident Evil and I still don't have a good feel for the Tales of games, and I haven't liked Pacman since the Dreamcast game. I guess the Championship DX game on PSN is cool, but it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I dunno, rose tinted nostalgia goggles.

Do you mean the Platforming Pac man games? cause I agree, I miss them very much. I hope they add Pac man 2 in PS2 classics.

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Do you mean the Platforming Pac man games? cause I agree, I miss them very much. I hope they add Pac man 2 in PS2 classics.

There was more than one? I'm talking about Ms. Pacman's Maze Madness, it was the only Pacman game on Dreamcast. Came with the original Ms. Pacman as a ingame game.

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There was more than one? I'm talking about Ms. Pacman's Maze Madness, it was the only Pacman game on Dreamcast. Came with the original Ms. Pacman as a ingame game.

There was a platform Pac man game made for PS2 and xbox. I do remember Ms.Pac man maze madness for PSone sadly didn't rent it.

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For me it all depends on certain aspects.

  • In means of affordability, it'd be SEGA, since their games are usually the cheapest of the three developers.
  • For DLC support for their games I'd have to go with NamcoBandai, since their games tend to have cheap DLC (and sometimes plenty of it) and it usually isn't necessary if you only want the main story of the game.
  • Variety would be SEGA, since they have a large range of games to choose from (To name some of their franchises that I play; Yakuza, Sonic the Hedgehog, Valkyria Chronicles, Virtua Fighter & Hatsune Miku - Project Diva)
  • For replayability it'd be a three way tie, since that one boils down to individual titles and I can't compare the three developers in this regard.

But in each of those aspects I think one of the three is lagging behind;

  • Capcom are way behind for me in means of affordability, they usually have the most expensive games and the most expensive (and sometimes most redundant or minimal) DLC. There is also the fact that Capcom will release the same game (Street Fighter as an example) multiple times instead of offering what has been added to the original release as DLC, which would be cheaper for both them and the consumer.
  • SEGA don't seem to do much DLC for their games, which is kind of good, but bad as well, since they are in a way offering a complete product on release, but they aren't offering much (or anything at all in some cases) to expand on their product.
  • Capcom are lacking in variety in my opinion, since they are mostly known for a small handful of franchises (Street Fighter & Resident Evil are the two most commonly linked to Capcom).

Just keep in mind that this all my opinion and I have not tried to represent any of this as fact.

EDIT: I'll give an example of what I call "redundant" DLC, all of the weapon or armour in the DLC packs for Dragon's Dogma don't seem to be effective for very long, I find myself with stronger non-DLC weapons or armour by what I'd say isn't 1/4 of the way through the story.

Edited by Blanc_WhiteHeart
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Id say Namco if they would actually release some of their games in North America and some of their recent releases such as Touch my Katamari just dont have the polished feel earlier games in the series had, Capcom seems to be intent on either ruining their major franchises (Resident Evil) or out to gouge their customers with Pricey DLC. So i guess id go with SEGA

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i agree with some of u, but, i still choose what i love the most! capcom! ok, i agree, its games r a little expensive than the 2 of them(Namco n Sega), but, its also better than them! i don't know y i still choose capcom after reading all full long of all of yr msg! but, i just love capcom becoz it had great games, n its just very creative by joining other game group to make a game such as UMVC3! n 1 last thing, capcom's games story is not just finish in 1 game, like lost planet n lost planet 2. its story is continue with its other version n is with some more interesting story. that y i love capcom!! :wub:

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