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Good local co-op games on PS4?

The Devils Reaper

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Firstly, sorry if there's already a thread on this topic. (I couldn't find any when doing a search)


I have a mate i game with regularly and we had a lot of fun platting Diablo 3 and The Borderlands collection, was just wondering about other local co-op games on the PS4?


Stars Wars Battlefront? Is this offline local co-op only? Would suck having to do the online grind solo or with random boosting partners..




No idea how this popped up under MGSV lol


I selected Consoles>PS4

Edited by Demon--Prototype
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Battlefront's offline is shit and small, but the price has dropped considerably so it's actually not too bad if you find it for 10 or under. There's 5 or 6 survival missions you can do in co-op, there's basic hero battles and shooty shooty bang bangs, and fighter stuff, I mean, for ten bucks there's enough stuff, but it's never been worth full price.


Knack is a fucking blast and co-op is amazing, worth it, on sale for 7.55 on the PSN at the moment yo. Just saying.


Um, Guacamelee is pretty fun. Minecraft obviously if you like it. Coffin Dodgers is a laugh if you pick it up on sale for two bucks or so like I did. Riptide GP is a fun Hydro Thunder style thing with split screen... just realized the last 2 are competitive not co-op. Call of Duty, any of them, are good for either online or offline bots v co-op, Blops 3 also has split screen campaign. NBA Playgrounds, at least on Switch, is a real fun game to play locally co-op and competitive.


There's just a couple off the top of my head.

Also the 2 player mini game in San Andreas is a blast if you're just after a bit of a time killer.

Anything by Housemarque is a must. (Resogun, Super Stardust, Dead Nation, Alienation)

Disney Infinity 2.0 / 3.0 both are pretty fun. I'd lean on 2.0 more because Spidey can be used in the main story.

Literally any LEGO game.

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22 minutes ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

Battlefront's offline is shit and small, but the price has dropped considerably so it's actually not too bad if you find it for 10 or under. There's 5 or 6 survival missions you can do in co-op, there's basic hero battles and shooty shooty bang bangs, and fighter stuff, I mean, for ten bucks there's enough stuff, but it's never been worth full price.


Knack is a fucking blast and co-op is amazing, worth it, on sale for 7.55 on the PSN at the moment yo. Just saying.


Um, Guacamelee is pretty fun. Minecraft obviously if you like it. Coffin Dodgers is a laugh if you pick it up on sale for two bucks or so like I did. Riptide GP is a fun Hydro Thunder style thing with split screen... just realized the last 2 are competitive not co-op. Call of Duty, any of them, are good for either online or offline bots v co-op, Blops 3 also has split screen campaign. NBA Playgrounds, at least on Switch, is a real fun game to play locally co-op and competitive.


There's just a couple off the top of my head.

Also the 2 player mini game in San Andreas is a blast if you're just after a bit of a time killer.

Anything by Housemarque is a must. (Resogun, Super Stardust, Dead Nation, Alienation)

Disney Infinity 2.0 / 3.0 both are pretty fun. I'd lean on 2.0 more because Spidey can be used in the main story.

Literally any LEGO game.


Thanks man, good to know about Battlefront. It's $15 bundled with everything so thought i may give it a hit but if the local co op component is that limited.. Im good.


I wasn't aware Knack is co-op, awesome!


We'll eventually knock out all the COD's but im just waiting for any of their "complete" editions to go down in price.


Forgot to mention Resogun, Super Stardust, Dead Nation, Alienation. We smashed all them, so much fun!




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Definitely seconding the incredibly fun Human Fall Flat, brilliantly designed Guacamelee, and extremely intense Overcooked (though you may want one or two more friends for the later stages).


I'll toss a nod to Spelunky, for being a great way to learn its nuances through co-op; Octodad: Dadliest Catch, for being hilarity inducing and the perfect balance between frustrating and genuinely clever; Lovers in a Dangerous Space Time, for requiring the same dedication and true cooperation as Overcooked to complete your goals; Death Squared, for its portal-esque puzzles that require careful planning from both—or all four—players; TowerFall: Assension + Dark World for its difficult to master wave-based gameplay, excellent boss battles, and exceptional competitive modes when you just want some local death match; and a little nod to Hyper Light Drifter and Nom Nom Galaxy, as like Guacamelee, they're just excellent games that happen to have co-op options!


Not really a cooperative game, but Crawl is a lot of fun to play locally. It's a dungeon crawler where one player controls a hero and the rest control the hordes of monsters and traps trying to kill them. It's a lot of fun, kind of a similar combative-cooperative feel as the tabletop game Dungeon Run, but definitely more fun with three or four people (still excellent with two though).

Edited by Spelunkette
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I play a lot of local ps4 games with my girlfriend and friends, so here's a list of the ones I enjoyed:


- How to Survive 2

- 7 Days to Die

- Plants VS Zombies: Garden Warfare 2

- Dangerous Golf

- Abyss Oddysey

- Don't Starve Together

- Neon Chrome

- Guacamelee: Super Turbo Championship Edition

- Coffin Dodgers

- Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime

- Resident Evil 5

- Resident Evil Revalations 2

- Trine 1, 2 and 3

- Towerfall Ascension

- Rocket League

- Little Big Planet 3

- Filthy Lucre

- Alienation

- Full Mojo Rampage

- Zombie Vikings

- Salt and Sanctuary

- Gauntlet

- Helldivers

- Goat Simulator

- Any Tales of ... Games


Hope you find something,

Local Co-op gaming is the best!

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