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Hey guys I decided to make a post because I just got the platinum and I don't want anyone to experience what I went through. There is a bug in time trials where the game has an error that will take you to the XMB and close application. When you open the app again, it will say the file was corrupted and will DELETE your file. Thus you will have lost ALL progress and start from scratch. I was 2 Oxide time trials from platinum and this happened to me. Thankfully I had a save file on the cloud and had some progress saved, however I had to do half the Oxide time trials again... Idiot me just continued from where I was, did like 5 more oxide times and it happened again.. I ended up having to save to the cloud after I beat Oxide times each time. Just decided to spread the word, good luck guys.

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Happened to me twice as well. Once while joining a friend in online, and the second time while trying to leave online and head back to the main menu. I lost my entire global save (everything outside the adventure mode save). It could just happen during any loading screen, that'd be my guess as that's when it happened to me. I doubt it is map related.

Edited by Im-Riszky
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i guess the safest bet at this point is to hope they put out a patch to fix the issue and backup saves if have plus. at least won't lose everything.

RIP save >< darn corrupted data.

Edited by lordguwa
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