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How many of you got the Battlefield 3 Beta?


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psssst it looks better on 360 Just thought i'd put that out there :P

anyway i had no interest in buying this until after i played the Beta, i quite like it

Haha, that's the opposite of how most people feel ;)

I'm quite underwhelmed with the beta but to be completely honest, i was going to buy even if it was complete dogshit :P

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Yes, that is true, but there are also different types of BETA's. Anyone who is not familiar with or knows the difference between a Closed BETA and an Open BETA will naturally respond with the atypical "It's a BETA, it's supposed t have issues."

When a game reaches the point of offering a Open BETA to the masses, the developers are looking for glitches and abnormalities in gameplay or in todays era, online gaming issues, all other aspects with Open BETA's are (usually) well refined and ready to go, such as the texture mapping/graphics, sound, ect.

Especially when any Open BETA offers a limited map or level, it is very typical for said Open BETA to put its best foot forward in regards to the graphics, sound and the aesthetics of the game. A good 90% of those who participate in Open BETA's never take the time to reply to the developers or report problems, but view the Open BETA as a "free chance to play a game", and many developers are aware of this, which is also why when a game offers a Open BETA, it is, for the most part, ready to go, minus a glitch or two that can only be exploited and discovered with numbers en-mass online.

Closed Beta's are for debugging. You don't need masses of people to find bug's/glitches/exploits. There are professional hunters.

Open Beta's are for Load testing. In this case, there is no reason or need to change anything between the two. Why spend extra man hours updating a Beta?

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Why spend extra man hours updating a Beta?

To prove to the people that will spend their hard earned cash on your product that the bugs/glitches/exploits they're experiencing will truly be fixed by release. Why release a beta if you really don't care what the consumers think?

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Looks like I'm in the minority here but I'm an hour in and, I must say, I'm liking it so far. Not quite the graphics beast I drooled over in trailers and PC footage, but it looks good. Everyone knocks on being killed by too few bullets, but it feels about right from a realism perspective.

I'm loving it too. Although there are some pretty bad glitches... but I'd rather have them appear in the beta instead of the final product.

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Why release a beta if you really don't care what the consumers think?

It's EA, they know most "consumers" are morons.

And what, you can't trust them to have the FR done? It has to be done in the Beta to Prove to You, that it's worth your money? That's just like saying to a car manufacturer, "Hey if the concept isint 100% roadworthy, then don't do it."...

I've played ALL of D.I.C.E.'s games. They know what they're doing.

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And what, you can't trust them to have the FR done? It has to be done in the Beta to Prove to You, that it's worth your money? That's just like saying to a car manufacturer, "Hey if the concept isint 100% roadworthy, then don't do it."...

Well then, if that is the case that you defend so vehemently, when consumers purchase this product, there will be NO patches waiting or on the way, correct? Does DICE know what they are doing....sure they do; but that is not to say that they may not be rushing the release either.

It isn't like this is a new phenomenon among developers: More interested in meeting a release date with a broken or glitchy game and either have a huge patch day 1 or on the way rather than delay a release and release a game as complete as possible.

Although it is true many folks expect a BETA to be a demo, there are also those who will continue to accept mediocre results and defend a developer in this mediocrity as well, and the Devs know this full well.

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And what, you can't trust them to have the FR done? It has to be done in the Beta to Prove to You, that it's worth your money? That's just like saying to a car manufacturer, "Hey if the concept isint 100% roadworthy, then don't do it."...

You'll have to excuse me if a beta starting mere weeks from release isn't being taken seriously.

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people often think this is a bc2 sequel. its not, its battlefield 3, not bc3. proning was in bf2.

campers come everywhere. this is a small map. the bigger maps will be better. be patient. thats what i tell myself after ripping my mustache off after playing the beta.

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