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Losing motivation for Platinum's


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its best to find games that are fun to play and are fun to earn the platinum

i got a few of my games that are so boring, but i gotta get the platinum

but fun games like gta4, burnout, or even some call of duty, i thought were fun and enjoyable to earn all the trophies, including dlc

even a little challenge doesnt stop me, if its fun, then that platinum will be acheived fairly quick, lol

Edited by CrashTV-XHess
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I tend to ignore the trophy list, but a tough list is a little bit of an incentive for me as I prefer being challenged. What I mean is, if I had to pick a game that was long but easy or a game that was short but hard, I would pick the shorter one as it is challenging. If there is an aspect of gaming that stands out for you (Story, difficulty, gameplay, atmosphere, etc.), try focusing primarily (but not entirely) on games with that certain something that grabs your attention and it could reinvigorate your desire to earn platinums.

Edited by Blanc_WhiteHeart
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Try to play games for fun instead of the trophies. I used to be a platinum-all-of-my-games dude when i was still an infant to the ps3 world, but as time passes by, i become less motivated getting some of my unfinished games done and realized that there's so much to do in life than just hunting trophies. It's been 5 months since i got my last trophy (doa5) & going to be almost a year since i last got my platinum. In my oppinion, trophies are nothing more than just shiny rewards & self-achievement.

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I personally set a queue to avoid "Plat-Fatigue". I play three game types at once -

  1. Shooter
  2. Difficult plat (assorted types)
  3. An easy plat (assorted types)

If I have a short amount of time, I reach for the easy plat. When I have hours to kill I pop in the difficult plat and go to town. If I had a bad day at work I just go for the shooter! [its also why I have games on my profile where I completed the online trophies and not the story mode] ;)

I used to just play one at a time but when you have a long game with a lot of time between "pings" it can get disheartening. My queue set-up keeps me focused :)

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I personally set a queue to avoid "Plat-Fatigue". I play three game types at once -

  1. Shooter
  2. Difficult plat (assorted types)
  3. An easy plat (assorted types)

If I have a short amount of time, I reach for the easy plat. When I have hours to kill I pop in the difficult plat and go to town. If I had a bad day at work I just go for the shooter! [its also why I have games on my profile where I completed the online trophies and not the story mode] ;)

I used to just play one at a time but when you have a long game with a lot of time between "pings" it can get disheartening. My queue set-up keeps me focused :)

That is very similar to how I do things. I got bored working on a game at a time, so now I play a bunch of games at once and come back to each periodically.

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I think that the new Trophy Advisor can be a great motivator! I made it a fun little game to go for the first trophy on that list no matter how much i don't want to. (If of course it is possible to obtain it). I just got back into God of War because of it and I've been enjoying alot more recently. I've been obtaining trophies that im not even going for because of it and its always been a habit of mine to set an objective when i play video games. It can also add alot of variety to your gaming experience, and is a great way to cut through the "fat" (easy ones) of your trophies and gets to the bones (hard ones).


Edited by ZombeeJoggernaut
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As someone who is currently on a quest to earn 100% or as close as possible, I understand the fatigue. Especially when talking about games like GTA4 - it took me 3 months to get Wanted, one of the worst grinds ever.

I have some other boring grinds I'm working on right now. What works for me is not trying to do it as fast as possible but rather just trying to put in an hour here or there. Wizardry has a very boring 40 hour grind that I'm been working on for about a year now and still about 14 more hours to go. But putting in like one hour every other week makes it not so bad.

As for the whole "don't play for trophies - play for fun" I find that argument kind of annoying, because it's based on the assumption that getting trophies isn't fun - an assumption that lots of people would disagree with. Even tho I don't enjoy the long boring grinds, I do very much enjoy that 'ding' sound at the end, the feeling of accomplishment and the knowledge that I'll never have to play that game again.

If people aren't returning to games after getting 100% it's because they don't think it's fun. Someone posted something brilliant on here, I forget who, but the quote was something like "you're only wrong when you think you know what's fun for someone else". For me getting 100% usually requires playing the game more than I ever wanted to in the first place, so why would I return to it after. Of my 22 games played I think there's only two I can see myself returning to play with out the promise of trophies, Mortal Kombat and Mirror's Edge.

If you want the trophies then you gotta buckle down and do it. If it's too boring then try taking a break and coming back later, always works for me.

Good luck :)

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As for the whole "don't play for trophies - play for fun" I find that argument kind of annoying, because it's based on the assumption that getting trophies isn't fun - an assumption that lots of people would disagree with.

Give this man a piece of cake, he earned it.

If you haven't figured it out yet, I agree with that 100% B)

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