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  1. @ZinHunterAK @CymroMatt https://discord.gg/ghostoftsushima They have threads for looking for rivals, raids, legends, etc. From my experience they were quick to get to people, seemed to be on frequently (at the time I think daily) and at flexible times, and were very friendly. I was a bit rusty at the game since I came back to do mp and they were patient, asking how much I wanted to experience the raids as opposed to effectively powering through, and even carried me at times lol That's part of why I would recommend discord over the boosting sessions here. The discord seems to be full of... a larger ratio of pros? In boosting sessions here I feel like it's a bit more of a mixed bag, some very talented pros but far more people asking for help and less frequent sessions.
  2. As an aside about efficient 100% methods, I would highly recommend joining the discord group for the 3 multiplayer raids. I had seen stories in forums about hours of work going to waste in raids due to inexperienced teams and lack of communication, so I joined the discord group. Would absolutely recommend because they streamlined the process so much that it was quick and easy to do. The legends stories were generally fine to do with randoms.
  3. I did Death March on a plat-in-one run and would absolutely recommend it. Aside from the very beginning and one specific part of the Baron Family Matters questline, I found Death March to be very manageable and easy. Wanted to do the plat in a single run and ended up doing almost every quest because I was having such a good time.
  4. I went into the challenge knowing that I always use way more water than necessary, so I did time challenges for all 5 (x2 for the trophy stacks). Did the dirt bike (this took quite a few tries but at least it was short), golf cart, van, back garden, and fire truck. For anyone struggling with this trophy I think it's all about knowing if you are a more precise powerwasher (quantity) or fast chaotic powerwasher (time). I HIGHLY recommend watching youtube videos on the challenge you choose several times to be sure you know precisely how to approach it (which nozzles to use, soaps, order, etc.), and abuse that touchpad and options pause to give yourself a breather. Those are what made a huge difference for me.
  5. Oh my god you've got to be shitting me. I think mine was bright red, but this absolutely worked. Thanks so much for finding this! I'm beginning to wonder if it isn't a glitch so much as a bad joke from the devs...
  6. @azx_cr Playing the PS4 version of the game unlocks trophies in the PS4 version stack, regardless of which console you play it on, so you can install and play both the PS4 and PS5 game versions on your PS5 console without worries.
  7. UPDATE: Semi-solved. For others who get this problem, CDPR is aware of the issue. In the meantime starting a new B&W save file from the main menu and progressing through Wine Wars did get the monster nest objectives to clear properly and the trophy to pop. OG POST: Encountering the glitch where the Belgaard vineyard endrega nest isn't clearing (killed 4 endrega, looted enemies, destroyed and looted nest, looted journal), nor is the centipede nest objective in the nearby mini-canyon (killed 2 centipedes, looted enemies, destroyed and looted nest, looted letter). I get the exp for destroying the nests and get the loot but it never actually clears the objectives so I get a maximum of "3/5 problems solved" and cannot progress. I had not cleared either area before this quest. Tried PS4 and PS5 game versions (versions 4.03 and 4.020.00), meditated, left and came back, reloaded previous saves, tried mixing up the order of events (enemies-nest-loot, nest-enemies-loot, clear nest before quest-start quest, etc.), restarted the game and console, google deepdived, contacted CDPR support. But oddly people still seem to be obtaining the trophy The Grapes of Wrath Stomped.
  8. Another method for those struggling with the cheese spot, I had success spamming the Gavel of Haima. You don't have to perfectly hit the enemy since the Gavel has a bit of an aoe upon hitting the ground that inflicts stun. Super helpful for when Alecto tries to charge and attack and gets stunlocked instead.
  9. I would say start with Elden Ring. I had played a little Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 3, and Sekiro before and found it a bit of challenge (possibly because of control schemes being a little different than I was used to). Playing Elden Ring I found was a great way to really grasp game mechanics, control schemes, and manage difficulty. Compared to the more linear setting of the majority of the other games listed, Elden Ring being open-world allowed for "I'll leave and come back to this enemy later" and changes in scenery or enemies, plus(!) you can also quickly go to the location of equipment to help your desired build. Because of Elden Ring I was inspired to go back and actually do the rest, and just finished DS1 last night. The biggest advice I can give to anyone though is to do an hour or two of homework first. Before opening the game, have an introspective moment and ask yourself some questions: "Do I tend to be an up-close-and-personal type of fighter, a mid-range melee fighter, a distance fighter, or a combination?" "Am I capable of living with a build with set limits (mana, arrows, etc.)?" Those answers should frame what kind of build you want to do and the type of gear you want to go for, and it should help out a lot.
  10. @DarkKillerITA Yes, found all three on Saturday and my counter is working properly. I hope it starts to work right for you since these are painful enough to find without a glitch screwing you over.
  11. There's always the hours played portion of your PSN ID profile (on console Profile -> Games), but unfortunately that will also count time in the menu, etc. Not ideal, but better than nothing.
  12. Um... since this is from 3 hours ago and I'm betting you've already purchased today's items, you might only have 4 days of new items left (24 items), and 1 more day of +3 featured items left (27 items) on May 8th. The Sweet Thieves event seems to be the one the devs want to go out on, and it ends in 4 days and 16 hours.
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