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Trophy thoughts?


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21 minutes ago, Dangisuckatgamin said:

It's the same game as "Cuisine Royale" if I recall right... the new name is really lame. That's my thoughts LOL.

Same trophies as well. Not sure I'll replay this if it doesn't replace the previous list and is a 0%er.

They swapped the titles between PS4/PS5, not really sure why

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Full name is Crsed: F.O.A.D (Cuisine Royale Second Edition: Fulfillment of All Desires). Neither the devs or psnp know what to call this game. In saying that, this game is literally a joke. It started out as a stupid, but somewhat funny battle royale to mock other BR games like PUBG and Fortnite. They added countless features and items into the game to try make players who weren't aware of their trolling situation to think 'wtf am I playing?'. It then turned out to be a success and they made decent profit on the game and have just kept going with it since. Just appears like they're continuing their ways by renaming it to this monstrosity.

Funnily enough, it's actually a decent BR too

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This game is a waste of time well for trophies IMO. First of all, there's no platinum.Secon of all asks you to play for 100 hours like maybe 50 ok but 100, and I thought Rogue company was bad.I know people are gonna say if you enjoy it it's ok to play for 100 hours it is ok but this will take so much time and isn't really rewarding.

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2 minutes ago, mumik08 said:

This game is a waste of time well for trophies IMO. First of all, there's no platinum.Secon of all asks you to play for 100 hours like maybe 50 ok but 100, and I thought Rogue company was bad.I know people are gonna say if you enjoy it it's ok to play for 100 hours it is ok but this will take so much time and isn't really rewarding.

You can just afk the hours. Might take a long time, but afk'ing doesn't require you to do anything.


The trophies also appear to autopop or near enough to it, so there's that

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14 hours ago, TheBeardedRonin said:

Does anyone know if the PS5 version autopops your previously earned ps4 trophies?

As I mentioned in a previous post, yes they do. Not all at once, but they do. I launched the game 3 times (with some trophies popping each time I launched) and played 3 matches with trophies popping after only 2 of the matches. You may be able to launch and close the game until you have 100% of the trophies, or you may have to play one or two.

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