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Unachievable trophies


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I've seen a lot of premium members with hacked trophies and nobody removes them from leaderboard. We don't even have 'report cheater' function anymore so we don't report and upset members who pay for premium membership.


Well actually premiums can report - So I guess you know what you now have to do ;)

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I like the idea. How to implement it correctly would be tough but at least a notice that this trophy could be unachievable depending on your location would be helpful.


Also this is why I realllly don't care about 100% completion. It is a nice goal but Online only trophies kill that. :P So I just enjoy my games and try to finish what I can :)

Edited by Technatorium
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I've suggested this idea twice in different fashions, but this is by far the best way of implementation, and I dig the pics.  This is a must have for such a professional trophy tracking website, IMO.  And I'm not one to go for a platinum unless the game is 9/10 or better on the fun/gameplay scale and the trophies aren't a complete grindfest, minus maybe Warhawk or something.


Either way, this is a super idea and IMO the most important addition this site could have.  You see how many links we've provided on this thread alone, imagine combining those links into one database.  Make it shiny, call it a "cloud", and people will eat it up like candy!

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I forgot about this suggestion, this would probably take a community effort to get all the trophies that are unachieveable and keep up with them, but it would definitely be possible and cool if Sly went for it


On top of marking every trophy as "unachieveable", I would also like to see like a dedicated page, or at least a filtering option that would be reached through the "games" or "trophy" page or something like that, so you can see all the games in one place. Also, (this would take more work), but a general reason for that specific game having unachieveable trophies, reasons like "servers down", or something like that.

Edited by BlindMango
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Rather than have the community constantly checking for unobtainable trophies and then getting someone to change the page,  would it be easier to flag trophies that had not been won for some time?


Most trophies get won on a fairly regular basis so if a trophy hasn't been won for a month or two it is probably now unobtainable.  It is possible to see this info on the trophies last earned list, so automating the process should be possible.  A warning could then be placed on the trophy to say that it maybe unobtainable and if helpful people wanted to, they could comfirm this in the trophy's tips.

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Rather than have the community constantly checking for unobtainable trophies and then getting someone to change the page,  would it be easier to flag trophies that had not been won for some time?


Most trophies get won on a fairly regular basis so if a trophy hasn't been won for a month or two it is probably now unobtainable.  It is possible to see this info on the trophies last earned list, so automating the process should be possible.  A warning could then be placed on the trophy to say that it maybe unobtainable and if helpful people wanted to, they could comfirm this in the trophy's tips.


Nope, it should be as easy as that but unfortunately that wouldn't work because there are some super rare trophies that people just don't days for days and days, and then there are also people that still hack the trophies that are unobtainable too for some games (MotorStorm; Pacific Rift online trophies is an example). Then there's the issue of people not knowing day one of a new unobtainable trophy because of the system waiting a month or two to detect it (unless it was hacked in that time period, then the system wouldn't detect it for several more months, haha), with all that in mind, it would simply still be more accurate and up to date if the community or a group of people handled it, if it were to be implemented.


Also, speaking of cheaters, if this were to be implemented, it would be a good way to mark people automatically as cheaters once they get an unobtainable trophy past its unobtainable date. Meaning an unobtainable trophy is literally impossible to get in a legitimate means now, so you've obviously hacked.

Edited by BlindMango
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Also, speaking of cheaters, if this were to be implemented, it would be a good way to mark people automatically as cheaters once they get an unobtainable trophy past its unobtainable date. Meaning an unobtainable trophy is literally impossible to get in a legitimate means now, so you've obviously hacked.


You've gotta be careful with the implementation of "impossible" trophies. The online trophies are now impossible for some games, however the Platinum trophy is still very possible for those who completed the online stuff before the servers went down.


That's certainly the case for several of my games including Create, Lord of the Rings Conquest and EA Active 2, so my guess is we can't include Platinum trophies, which may defeat the purpose of such a list.


I'd go with a simple "flag trophy as unachievable" then maybe "choose reason why" reporting system. There should only ever be two reasons for impossible trophies anyway (servers offline or glitched), so the reason may be somewhat redundant. That said, it would be handy if a trophy stated "Trophy no longer achievable. Server closed on DD/MM/YY" to make it easier to filter out the hackers.

Edited by ant1th3s1s
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This would great for determining glitched, closed servers or just stuff that was never fixed. For example, Burn Zombie Burn! is currently impossible to 100% because they released DLC trophies without ever releasing the DLC.


I like where ant was going with the flagging system. In regards to platinum, I think we can leave them as achievable as to not confuse those that had finished all the online before server closures EXCEPT in cases where nobody has legitimately earned the platinum due to a glitched trophy that developers never fixed.

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You've gotta be careful with the implementation of "impossible" trophies. The online trophies are now impossible for some games, however the Platinum trophy is still very possible for those who completed the online stuff before the servers went down.


That's a good point, then in that case we would simply include the specific unobtainable trophies in that system, not the platinum for the game though  :P


The recommendation for adding a report option for "trophy is now impossible to obtain" option would be a great idea regardless of if this unobtainable trophy system would ever get implemented or not

Edited by BlindMango
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