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Is it possible to ban people from your sessions entirely?

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Hi, I was just wondering if there is a way I can prevent certain people from joining sessions I make. Someone keeps joining my sessions for a game, doesnt interact in any way, doesn't reply to messages but still keeps joining new sessions I make. One theory I have is because they want to keep the rarity/ratio of the trophy as low as possible by preventing people from joining sessions by taking spots, but of course this is speculation. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I@m growing tired of kicking them from every session/

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Not sure if you can specifically ban people from joining, but adding them to your "Ignore" list could help. Also, if (for example) you need 3 additional players, make room for 8 players instead, that way he can only occupy a single slot.


I think if they leave the session, they automatically get banned and need to be manually re-added.


There's always the option to send a private message to a moderator and explain your situation and see if they can help smooth things out. They may even have a more permanent solution to what I've recommended above.

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I'm pretty sure there is kick button that also bans the player from ever joining the session again, but unfortunately you must do this for every session you make. Also there is the option to manually approve whoever wants to join, but that tends to scare off most players trying to participate.=/.

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make a session with unlimited spots, it won't change anything in practice. or leave a warning in the description.

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The problem with making unlimited or more slots than needed is, what if the boosting only calls for 4 people but 6 people join including the unwanted player? 


Once someone joins the boosting session, if you go to the sessions page you can see the participants. Next to their name should be a red circle with a line button. Clicking that will kick them and ban them from joining again.

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57 minutes ago, BestUsername---- said:

The problem with making unlimited or more slots than needed is, what if the boosting only calls for 4 people but 6 people join including the unwanted player? 


In the description put something like "first come first serve basis" or "additional slots considered backup"


It's not uncommon for people to no-show a boost, so having extra people signed up is usually a good thing. And in the event everyone does show up, depending on the boost, you can usually sub the extra people in with the people that finish first or have a time constraint.  It's usually not a problem to put a little more effort to get a couple extra people waiting on the sidelines rotated in.

Additionally, OP can just boot the offender once and simply edit the session time to up to one week later vs making a new session.  

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1 hour ago, AJ_-_808 said:


In the description put something like "first come first serve basis" or "additional slots considered backup"


It's not uncommon for people to no-show a boost, so having extra people signed up is usually a good thing. And in the event everyone does show up, depending on the boost, you can usually sub the extra people in with the people that finish first or have a time constraint.  It's usually not a problem to put a little more effort to get a couple extra people waiting on the sidelines rotated in.

Additionally, OP can just boot the offender once and simply edit the session time to up to one week later vs making a new session.  

Guess it's just me then. The sessions that I host usually only have the exact number of slots open that I need. I guess I would feel bad as a host if I wanna boost something and then someone joins and doesn't get their chance.

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8 hours ago, WereyCar said:

Someone keeps joining my sessions for a game, doesnt interact in any way, doesn't reply to messages but still keeps joining new sessions I make.

Please PM a moderator if a person is consistently doing this. 

Otherwise as said above, if you only want to make a session for a specific number of spots and don’t want to add a few backup spots, turn on the approval required option to prevent people from joining without your approval. Then you can try to communicate with them beforehand. 

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9 hours ago, WereyCar said:

Someone keeps joining my sessions for a game, doesnt interact in any way, doesn't reply to messages but still keeps joining new sessions I make.


A PSN trophy hunter from Germany would do this to me.

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6 hours ago, Eraezr said:


A PSN trophy hunter from Germany would do this to me.

At first I thought he was just there to help me because he already had the trophy, but when I messaged him he didn't reply on any platform, not even to my friend request. They have multiple postings about how rare the game is on their profile too. I made 3 new sessions and on each one he was the first to join.


Also thanks to everyone for the advice, I'm going to start manually accepting people into my sessions from now on to prevent this from happening.

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