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Any fun + easy games?


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I just earned the platinum from Knack. Wow, that was very challenging... not only that, but also a grind just to unlock diamond Knack! Now I'm struggling in Resogun just to pass level 5 on Experienced difficulty, which is the game's standard difficulty setting but it is WAY TOO HARD FOR ME!!!  :( They say the platinum is easy; I say, "yeah right."  <_<


Now I realized how bad I am in video games. I don't want to suck in any video game, NEVER! At the same time, I don't want to struggle just for good results. Every time I fail way too many times, I go crazy and very upset. Also, I don't want to grind EXP, farm items, or do something completely different from the main game just to move on in the game because it bores me. That's why I gave up on Final Fantasy VIII... I'm just inflexible, and that's part of having autism...


The only games that really interest me are games like Spyro the Dragon (PS1), Ratchet & Clank, Jak and Daxter, Okami, etc. Actually, any game of any genre that is fun and addicting but not hard or require too much grinding. Playing such games in single-player make me happy. I'd certainly love to try Skylanders, but I don't like the idea of having to buy toys just to get more out of the game. I also like to earn platinum trophies that are within my reach (not too hard or time-consuming).


Any game you would recommend that is fun and "easy"?


EDIT: took out the part about wanting a game that doesn't require grinding. See the post that I made below.

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I hate to break it to you, but there are very few platinums that don't require any kind of grinding. That's one of the reasons they're sought after. If they were easy to get, they'd be meaningless.

Also, I'm kind of confused. You talk about PS4 games, but this is the PS3 forum. Did you post in the wrong forum, or are you looking for PS3 recommendations?

If you're looking for relatively easy PS3 games, you can do inFAMOUS 2, Lollipop Chainsaw, and Zone of the Enders 2nd Runner were all pretty easy for me. There's likely going to be some grinding for a few of the trophies though, especially since you say you're not that good at games. These are the easiest I know of though.

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Walking Dead.

One of the best story-driven games of all time and all you need to do to plat it is complete all 5 episodes. The first is free. For the rest you need to pay £15. You can get 3 plats on this game:

- PS3 Version

- Vita Version

- PS3 Japanese Version

The DLC is a bit different with 2 missable trophies. One easy and one is pure luck.

Get 100% in less than one day you'll be one of the fastest achievers.

Edited by ProGamerX56
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Well you say you suck at gaming but on your profile your have some games platinum that take some skill including wipeout 2048. So where does that come from? :P Just because your bad at one game doesn't say you suck at gaming.

Oh and if you like platforming games why not give the sly collection a try? There fun games and not hard at all.

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I hate to break it to you, but there are very few platinums that don't require any kind of grinding. That's one of the reasons they're sought after. If they were easy to get, they'd be meaningless.

Also, I'm kind of confused. You talk about PS4 games, but this is the PS3 forum. Did you post in the wrong forum, or are you looking for PS3 recommendations?

If you're looking for relatively easy PS3 games, you can do inFAMOUS 2, Lollipop Chainsaw, and Zone of the Enders 2nd Runner were all pretty easy for me. There's likely going to be some grinding for a few of the trophies though, especially since you say you're not that good at games. These are the easiest I know of though.

The platinum doesn't have to have no kind of grinding, but not too much. For completing the main story, however, all I want to do is to play it through and explore the map, find treasure, etc., without struggling or having to stop and grind EXP only to be strong enough to move on. In fact, I'd rather play through with strategy than with better stats. I only said I want to earn platinums that are not too hard for me or consume way too much time, not exactly those that are quick and easy.


And yes, I'm looking for PS3/Vita recommendations.

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