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Add "Planned For Platinum" panel similar to Trophy Cabinet

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22 minutes ago, DaivRules said:

Like a Currently Playing cabinet? Where you can add a game after you have added it to your trophy list?


Seems like it could help some people see what other members are playing and possibly link up. Maybe even tie it to Sessions and show any open sessions for that game.




Yeah for me it's more a case of I want to start Street Fighter IV, yet while I don't need 100% perfect completion, it would be nice to know of someone that is interested in Boosting it with, before I start the game and then get stuck with trophies I can't get while the servers are still open.


It's like Madden 17, there are 3 online trophies I can still get, yet I've created 3 sessions and no joins, which is most likely the case that people simply aren't playing the game anymore.  It would be nice to know what 3 to 7 games people are trying for or would like to go for so we could initiate discussions in order to get boosting partners prior to starting games and getting stuck with still attainable trophies.

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1 minute ago, LegendExeter said:

It's like Madden 17, there are 3 online trophies I can still get, yet I've created 3 sessions and no joins, which is most likely the case that people simply aren't playing the game anymore.  It would be nice to know what 3 to 7 games people are trying for or would like to go for so we could initiate discussions in order to get boosting partners prior to starting games and getting stuck with still attainable trophies.


I'd imagine that this would be more effective the more current the title is in someone's Currently Playing.


In your case, looking at the Recent Players part of this page: https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/5194-madden-nfl-17/ shows it's not terribly popular right now and probably isn't going to get much attention in the Sessions, but it might be worth directly messaging the four players above you who have at least played it in the last month. 

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I personally would prefer to keep the trophy profiles as a summary of statistics and factual accomplishments, displaying games you have already played, and trophies you have already earned. I don't see a place there for wishful thinking or future plans, discussing those things can and should be done in the forums. 


Once you indeed earned those trophies and finished those games... add them to your cabinet if you wish. 

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2 hours ago, MikeCheck-- said:

Yeah, this is an unnecessary idea honestly. Also, with the PSNP+ extension you can literally add games to a list which serves as a "planned Platinum" list. 


Also, it'll never be added. Sly has dropped from the site seemingly. 


About the idea, I want to always remember about the games that I plan to platinum, or that my friends and visitors can see what I want to play next.

But I never heard about the PSNP+ extension, looks cool! I wonder why it's still not a part of the website.

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On 8/17/2021 at 1:02 PM, ryozombaku said:


About the idea, I want to always remember about the games that I plan to platinum, or that my friends and visitors can see what I want to play next.

But I never heard about the PSNP+ extension, looks cool! I wonder why it's still not a part of the website.


See my note about SlyRipper seemingly dropping support from the site lol. A lot of things he hasn't implemented. I am glad he is still around to do the bare minimum so the site functions but he really should give some power to a COUPLE of mods (wont name who) and HusKy

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On 8/17/2021 at 11:03 AM, MikeCheck-- said:

Yeah, this is an unnecessary idea honestly. Also, with the PSNP+ extension you can literally add games to a list which serves as a "planned Platinum" list. 


Also, it'll never be added. Sly has dropped from the site seemingly. 

100% this. Everyone that wants a feature like this should install PSNP+. I have a "Interest" list, similar to what a "plan to Plat" list.

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