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Sifu - Trophy guide for Age 20 (2/5)


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Hope everyone is enjoying the game and not dying at the age of 70 ?Here is a gameplay walk-through of the 1st level of SIFU. In this game-play I speed run the squats level with no deaths.


some simple tips

  • Make sure you're always using your weapons wisely! you can get about 7/8 kill with each weapon picked up.
  • L1 will become your best friend! learn how to dodge correctly and not L2 ? (took me a long time)
  • For the first Boss you want to L1 dodge - Then a slow mo action sequence will happen - then Triangle triangle triangle until he falls on the floor repeat this action and you will be fine!
  • Make Sure to Pick up the bamboo sticks at the 2nd stage of the boss
  • you can save your file to the cloud before each room if needed!


video guide


2nd Mission:


Edited by Wheat_YT
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Great video I got down to age 21 on 1st stage myself having trouble figuring out what way to directional dodge will back step and dodge to the side and still get hit 


two things I noticed on my play through we’re that you can kill the enrage enemies without them enraging if you kill them without using the triangle+circle finisher you can take them out before they buff 

also in the room right before the boss if you choose the option he’s expecting me the heavy will step closer ( I met them in the middle) and make for a easy triangle, triangle+ circle finisher 

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On 7/2/2022 at 11:01 AM, earthgeneral said:

Ottimo video Sono sceso all'età di 21 anni sul 1 ° palco io stesso avendo difficoltà a capire in che modo schivare la direzione tornerà indietro e schiverà di lato e verrà comunque colpito


due cose che ho notato durante il mio gioco sono che puoi uccidere i nemici infuriati senza che si arrabbino se li uccidi senza usare il finisher triangolo + cerchio puoi eliminarli prima che si divertano

anche nella stanza proprio davanti al capo se scegli l'opzione che mi aspetta che il pesante si avvicini (li ho incontrati nel mezzo) e faccia un facile triangolo, triangolo + cerchio finisher

I still haven't figured out how to dodge attacks, I can dodge the first 2 hits, but I always take the third

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1 hour ago, Jitters84 said:

Great videos.  Is there a downside to using the shortcut?  The shortcut in the first level saves a LOT of time and makes the first level a lot easier (I haven't gotten through the 2nd yet).

I don't think you actually miss any Idol's by using the shortcut because there's an idol on the shortcut. The only reason it would be a benefit in clearing the whole level would be if you're after Score bonuses.

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We don't have to do the levels back to back, right? I think the game remembers your youngest age when you reach a level. for example I beat the first level with no deaths, so now when I start level 2 I'm age 20, so now I can just focus on level 2 until I beat it at 20 or so, and etc.. no need to repeat the previous level 



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2 hours ago, TalalHmd said:

We don't have to do the levels back to back, right? I think the game remembers your youngest age when you reach a level. for example I beat the first level with no deaths, so now when I start level 2 I'm age 20, so now I can just focus on level 2 until I beat it at 20 or so, and etc.. no need to repeat the previous level 



This is correct!

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