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Did Servers Officially Close Down?

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I was going to go try and grind and level up the game more, but it keeps saying the servers arent working at this time, try again later. I looked into it and I assume the servers are now officially shut down. Could some of yall attempt y'alls end on trying to get this game multiplayer running and see if there is any way for this game to work.

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not sure if it's just your game but rayman legends and watch dogs is experiencing server issues 10 mins ago i'm doubtful they would take the whole thing down.


was working fine earlier.


edit: 10:55pm. it's any game that uses ubisoft server. some cant play recon breakpoint. have to wait it out till tomorrow. could be reasons. hopefully not DDOS i still have 2-4 months of rayman daily's for the plat close to 1k points to go.

Edited by Lordguwa
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All old gen Assassins Creed servers usually go down briefly, but as mentioned above this is a general instability on the part of Ubisoft and should return soon. however, I recommend everyone who hasn't completed this and other Ubi games (or, honestly, any other game that requires old gen online) to complete as soon as possible. we're still lucky that something connects in the old gen.

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This isn’t new. The servers for Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood in particular have been giving problems for years. This, added to the fact that it’s a fairly long-lived game, means that this type of thing happens often.


In any case, this particular game has an online mode that never works very well, even when “everything works fine”. The incompatibility by regions, sudden disconnections, lag... and other problems, are usually frequent.

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