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How scary is this game compared to other horror games?

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When I was in high school, I was traumatized during music class when a movie came on the projector where the girl from the movie "The Exorcist" came into view with a loud scream and I was standing right in front of the screen. It literally scared me so much that I was afraid for years and did not dare to watch a horror movie or play a horror game. When I see the image now (and I am now 24 years old) I still get scared.


I know Amnesia from Pewdiepie and it always looked like a scary game but not as scary as  something like Outlast or PT. How scary is this game compared to other horror games? I really want to play it (a friend played it on my profile hence me already having 4 trophies for it) but I'm a scaredy cat. The smallest monster sound or jumpscare will probably scare me to death (figuratively) but I want to give it a shot and possibly get it to 100%

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Personally, I thought this game was incredibly boring and about as not scary as it's possible to be but then again, I don't scare easily and found the Exorcist to be snooze worthy with only a couple of creepy scenes of note.

Edited by HuntingFever
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9 minutes ago, HuntingFever said:

Personally, I thought this game was incredibly boring and about as not scary as it's possible to be but then again, I don't scare easily and found the Exorcist to be snooze worthy with only a couple of creepy scenes of note.


Well I've never seen the movie. The picture of the girl alone gave me nightmares.


But thanks! I might try to play the game and get it on 100% soon. If I find the courage....

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The Dark Descent and Justine were pretty solid horror games imo. The atmosphere is what really drives it but you have to be able to appreciate dark, claustrophobic games with some spooky ambiance. The enemies are rarely a threat, even on the hard mode but there are a couple points where it can suck. So if you can handle the atmosphere you shouldn't have any issues. Personally I thought Amnesia was scarier than Outlast. Outlast is just some dudes chasing you with their junk hanging out.


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7 minutes ago, Tetho_mig said:

To conclude, the first game will probably be a nightmare for you, the second and the third ones should be more manageable, but if you're as much a scared cat as you say, I don't think you'll have a great time either.


I agree with this. I personally found The Dark Descent to be tame, but I see you have Resident Evil HD on your profile, maybe attempt that first if you scare easy. It's less on the atmospheric scares, has more puzzles, you can fight back and even run by a decent amount of enemies. 

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It's not one that goes for gore or grotesque imagery, but it does do very good, scary work with some jump scares, a really claustrophobic feeling of unease, and the fear factor of knowing you don't have any real way of fighting back, so you're having to hide from the things that can harm you.


Theres a madness / light mechanic that you are always having to manage - and that can be very unnerving -  and the game does some really good stuff in terms of forcing you to run from things you can't see, but know are getting closer behind you. The story is very much in the Edgar Alan Poe / HP Lovecraftian style.


Like films, they lose all scariness if you don't buy into them properly, but as scary games go, I'd say Amnesia is still one of the most effective ones. One sequence in particular (The water-hallway) is something I think a lot of subsequent games have tried to capture, but for my money, none have managed as effectively as Amnesia did.

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Personally, what caused me the most tension in this game were the collectibles I read. the lore and stories told can be quite disturbing, and you become more and more involved in that universe of oppression and evil. I remember a description of torture that left me quite… traumatized. anyway, for the ultimate experience you must read and extract everything the game offers, and yes this is a game that fulfills its horror purpose well.

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Based simply off what you're describing as your scare threshold this game will definitely scare you. There are monsters, walls come to life and hurt you, some monsters are right there in your face and will chase you down, some are invisible and live in water areas (being chased by something you can't see, all you hear is the sound of water splashing faster and faster behind you, it can be pretty tense).....Also if you want to 100% it that will involve playing on hardcore. You will need to be fast while managing your madness level. You will have to look away from monsters as they walk near your location, staring at them causes insanity, high insanity is BAD, but just because you didn't look it doesn't mean you're safe....this essentially means you'll have to hide from patrolling monsters while not looking at them too much and hoping they don't notice you.

The game makes you feel desperate, the insanity function works really well here because anything abnormal you look at hurts your psyche, being in the dark hurts your psyche (practically everything is dark), and something as simple as finding a candle and staring directly at it for a little bit can calm your character down....but once you leave the safety of the light, insanity begins growing again. The higher the insanity gets the crazier things become in the dark.

With all that said the monsters aren't exactly scary by themselves in fact if you go pull up a picture of one you'll feel kinda silly like that's it? It's more about how the game uses them. Hardcore mode IMO, is where the real tension is.

Edited by Asmund
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