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Favorite Multiplayer Memories?

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As of today, the online servers for AC Brotherhood, Revelations, and 3 are shut down for good, with all online trophies becoming unobtainable. For Revelations, I would like to thank everyone for supporting my DLC guides in Revelations (although they were only useful for a few months)


But here I would like to ask you all: what was your favorite multiplayer aspect, memory, or moment? Did you like the maps? Did the game modes provide variety? Who did you like playing as in multiplayer? Was online boosting fun or tedious?


Personally, I liked how creative and open the maps were in Revelations. It was really cool applying some techniques I picked up from single player against other players. My top character is definitely the Gladiator (as much as he sticks out like a sore thumb, I liked how menacing he looked as a Templar character).


As far as game modes, I liked Assassins Creed 3 better because of Wolfpack. It was such a fun and useful game mode for grinding XP. But now the only game left with it is Black Flag.


You will be missed multiplayer. Thanks for the fun memories!✌️

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29 minutes ago, Fr_0zt said:

Getting the trophies done.  Shit was painful at times, so I'm very glad it's  finally dead. 



I'd love for them to try coop again tho. 

I can somewhat agree. Brotherhood had to have been the worst one out of the 3, which I decided to avoid because of “Abstergo Employee of the Month” and reaching level 50. I did Revelations and 3 instead since they were more laid back and simplistic, but still a bit annoying when playing against randoms that can easily take you out or rob you of your contracts.

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I always thought the Assassin's Creed multiplayer introduced in Brotherhood was very well implemented. It fit the series' theme like a glove as it was basically a very tactical hide-and-seek game. However, as it's the case with many online multiplayer games, I never was very good at it and got massacred constantly by higher skilled players. That sucked the fun of MP very quickly for me, although I managed to have good matches ever now and then.


I'll admit that most of my time with Brotherhood's MP was spent boosting the trophies. That was in August 2019. The most memorable part was not the gameplay itself (the stun method for fast xp was boring as hell hahaha) but the whole boosting thing. It was my first time joining a massive session, with several players, all talking to eachother through Discord messages. Yes, I used plain text messages to coordenate Abstergo Employee of the Month (earn all bonuses) with other 5 people, that was absolutely crazy. The aforementioned thophy and Role Model (earn all coop bonuses) were the hardest ones to pop. Grinding xp to hit level 50 was just boring. 


Revelations MP trophies were a lot more straightforward, I got them all by myself in a couple days back in January 2017. At the time I didn't care very much for the DLC ones but when I heard about the shutdown happening in September 1st, I decided to finally go for them. Half earned on my own, the other half through boosting. Quick n' easy. Then the shutdown got delayed so I kept playing just for fun. "Fun". I played a lot of matches, going from level 23 to 41, but there were only a handful in which I didn't make a complete fool out of myself. I sucked at spotting other players, therefore I relied a lot on that ability that highlighted targets/pursuers. It was very annoying when a pro player simply ran to kill/stun me even when my character was blended or disguised and I couldn't do the same to them. And there were of course the connection issues, with players lagging and flying across the map for maximum entertainment and frustration.


All in all, the multiplayer was good and I was garbage ?.

Rest in rip, rip in peace.


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Assassin's Creed III was part of online clean up in April since doing base game multiplayer stuff in 2019 to knock out Head in the Cloud after rushing through the story and I did get that one trophy. 


Then a month later, I ordered a copy of Revelations so I can do it, and I made a Hong Kong account and grabbed the DLC for free. I focused on the online first, and I got a grasp of the multiplayer pretty quick, it was a fun mode where you need to find and kill enemy players before they kill you or stun you to put the hunt to a halt, and the online was pretty easy to do boosting. I touched the singleplayer later on, and it was a brilliant ending to Ezio as a character, well I yet to touch Brotherhood on PS4....


But by the time I achieved the platinum for AC  Revelations, Ubisoft announced that the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions were shutting down. What a surprise there. 


AC Revelations multiplayer is up on PC from my knowledge, just consoles are pretty much done for 

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  • 2 weeks later...

If this is specifically for Revelations then I guess playing that infected game mode for the xp boosting was the most fun lol. Being the non infected character and having 4 boosters around you for you to stun as you rapidly punch them in the face and rack up the xp was pretty funny.


As for AC3 the Wolfpack mode was actually quite fun once I got into it. Getting all the waves done became easy and was more worth it to get the huge xp bonus for hitting max level....... Brotherhood was probably the most annoying by far. The xp boost and the AEOTM trophy were pretty damn annoying......nothing glitched for me but they did for a lot of my friends who I had to help for hours and hours till they finally got it.


Overall it was OK. I'm glad AC dropped the MP aspect altogether since Unity. It really just doesn't belong in a mainline AC game.....it just really feels tacked on considering AC is a predominantly single player campaign and story driven game.

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Since you mentioned Brotherhood, the Slap Fest was the worst, and yet, it was a gift as well. I boosted the MP trophies back in 2015 and now, 7 years later, I still keep in touch with a few of the boosting partners. I had just discovered this site and we spent a mad week trying to level up to 50.

I would never do it again. And yet it turned out so well! 

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  • 1 month later...

For the most people here, trophy hunters, me included, the online was the worst part of the AC Trophies. In my opinion, the worst part wasnt the boosting trophies (reach level 50 or 20), they were the trophies  you need other people to obtain because you should do something specific in a session. In my mind i have the trophy "Vulture" of AC Revelations dlc.

But this is the most beautiful part of the online too i think. All of us met people , in the game, or here in psprofiles, partners in the objective of get all online trophies.

this is what I think


PS: Im looking for AC IV (ps4) players for get one last trophy of that game (Sacred land trophy). interested, check my gaming session this friday

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I've played a lot of Brotherhood and Revelations mp during the days the games were fairly new. I have a lot of good memories about those games, but my favorite is indeed one i had on Revelations mp.

During a wanted match in Venice there was a guy always getting me as a target and always laughing at me in voice chat after killing me for just 100 points per kill. After i got killed about 5 or 6 times, the game listened to my prayers and gave me this guy as a target. And... it didn't go well for him. I did nearly 3k points on him in a single kill and for the rest of the game he was always scared while he was seeing me or a copy of my character. He didn't even want to kill me anymore.

It was so satisfying.

Edited by LordWenzel
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Though I've since boosted all of these on other accounts and made friends and good memories along the way, the absolute best memory for me was doing Brotherhood legit and getting Extreme Variety in an actual match.  


Back in 2014 or 15 when I did this, it was still possible to get decent Wanted matches with randoms.  I wasn't ever good or anything, but I could scrape together a few thousand points per match.  Getting level 50 was then expected to take about 300 matches (I think you needed 600k if I remember right), assuming none of your sessions got disconnected in the middle (which they often did).  Anyway, I did 5 or 6 matches a day for months, and had tried to get EV any chance I could, without success.


For those that don't know, Abstergo Employee of the Month requires you to get every single match bonus, and one of those is Extreme Variety, which is for getting 15 different kill/evade bonuses in a single 10 minute session.  Even boosting this is a pain, but trying to accomplish it in a regular match is complete torture, there's no counter or way to tell which ones you've done and there's certainly no guarantee that you'll have the opportunity to get the ones you need.


Anyway, I set up a method where I'd keep track of 9 of them each match, ones that I thought I could get mostly on command, then keep an eye out for opportunities like ledge kills or weird ones like intercepted, and if I got the Greater Variety bonus (10) with some time to spare I'd try to finish the match by getting 5 new ones.  I was not really close to this ever, I might get Greater Variety every 20 matches or so but it would always be with less than a minute to go.  I was almost at the end of the grind, I think I was level 49 with about 20 matches to go, when I finally got a chance at this.


Thanks to some weird circumstances (I think I had a match with half runners and half stalkers that made both escapes and stealth kills possible), I got Greater Variety with about 2:45 left on the clock.  I was frantically searching my memory trying to remember which bonuses I had gotten, and I was able to add hidden/incognito and stun to that, then die and switch to my gun profile.  I needed the midair bonus (for shooting someone while they're jumping), and one other, and when I switched profiles my gun ability hit me with a 90 second cooldown.  I managed to get a double escape during the cooldown then painfully wait for the gun to come up while I looked for my target, hoping that 1) they would be on a roof, and 2) they would jump from that roof in a way that I could shoot them within the last 30 seconds of the match.  They did.  You have to hold the trigger long enough to focus the shot and my hands were shaking so much that I almost missed the shot.  My aim was true though, and my count was correct, so with about 20 seconds to spare I got Extreme Variety, which in turn popped AEOTM.  I was so excited I had to stop for the night, and about 7 years later I'm still grinning as I write this.  Not just my favorite AC Multiplayer memory, one of my top 10 trophy moments of all time.


I definitely will not miss AC Multiplayer, and I hope I never have to see it again.  But at least there were some good times out of the whole mess.

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