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TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge - Dimension Shellshock DLC

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2 hours ago, TrophyChief said:

Now that no additional trophies/achievements will be added has been confirmed, how many of you who already have 100% will revisit the game and DLC? Me, not likely. Too many games to play with a finite amount of time. Will watch the additional gameplay and content online.

I think the trophies, in some way, will motivate others to play the game. I've been waiting for the new set of DLC trophies but unfortunately there are none. I might get the DLC but not anytime soon. 

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No, the Mutageni trophy popped for me with 7 x characters on the PS4 version. I have denied the update for the PS5 version, just in case they don't fix it. Lame.

I didn't buy the DLC. In the Dojo it says 7/9 endings. I am not buying the DLC. And PortLuna - correct.


Edit, update...


I completed the 7 story endings again. I did this twice, but it still says 7/9. I noticed that with the PS4 if you don't update it, you can't matchmake. But on the PS5 you can play without the update. When I go into the Dojo on the PS5 version, it says 7 story endings. I will play it offline to see if I can pop the story trophy.


About a week ago I was telling my friends how much I was enjoying this game. And I was. While I'm into trophies, I still like to have fun, but I hate broken shit. Pisses me off bigtime. I also hate wasting my time redoing stuff I shouldn't have to. 


Edited by TheDarkKratos
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7 hours ago, PortaLuna said:


My understanding, based on other games, is that they aren't allowed to require DLCs to complete the Platinum? 

Except that it is required now from what I can tell after testing it out. On my Switch copy the counter says 0/9 and I don't even own the dlc on that one.  I tried getting the 7 regular character endings with one of my dummy psn accounts for the PS4 version to see what would happen and it didn't pop.  Counter says 7/9. 


I know that's not 100% definite prof since I already have the dlc, but I don't really have a way to test if not having the dlc would still require all 9 without buying the game on another account and installing it that way.  I'm not going to go that far with it.


7 hours ago, lordzeze said:

I'm curious if it is the same for the No Need for Mutagen! trophy and it requires the 2 new characters as well.

Mutagen says 0/7 on my Switch.  I almost expect the character story endings one was a mistake, given that the leveling one wasn't affected, and will likely be patched but we'll see.

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I think people need to stop guessing or giving theories the GUI side of things might have no physical impact on the actual trophy pops someone needs to actually test it otherwise we are throwing out theories with no actual evidence to back up the claims and we can already see in this thread people getting pissed off and angry without knowing if any of this is actually correct.

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3 hours ago, Big-Brady said:

I think people need to stop guessing or giving theories the GUI side of things might have no physical impact on the actual trophy pops someone needs to actually test it otherwise we are throwing out theories with no actual evidence to back up the claims and we can already see in this thread people getting pissed off and angry without knowing if any of this is actually correct.

Endings trophy has been tested.  Doing just the 7 base characters endings no longer pops the trophy.  I tested it myself. The Mutagen trophy for level 10 with the base 7 still says x/7 and not x/9 like the endings trophy was changed to.  So that one I would 100% bet on being just fine. 


The GUI was 100% accurate when I did the PS5 version back in December.  Unless someone is already in the process of going for the platinum again then I don't see anyone who's done it already going out of the way to level all 7 base characters again.  That's a lot of work and time to test something that's more than likely going work as intended.


I suspect the endings trophy will be fixed and that it was a mistake as it is.  I'm sure they toyed around with trophies for the dlc and it's probably something that they missed when they decided to forgo trophies, forgetting to revert the counter back to x/7.

Edited by Snake2410
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2 hours ago, Snake2410 said:

Endings trophy has been tested.  Doing just the 7 base characters endings no longer pops the trophy.  I tested it myself. The Mutagen trophy for level 10 with the base 7 still says x/7 and not x/9 like the endings trophy was changed to.  So that one I would 100% bet on being just fine. 


The GUI was 100% accurate when I did the PS5 version back in December.  Unless someone is already in the process of going for the platinum again then I don't see anyone who's done it already going out of the way to level all 7 base characters again.  That's a lot of work and time to test something that's more than likely going work as intended.


I suspect the endings trophy will be fixed and that it was a mistake as it is.  I'm sure they toyed around with trophies for the dlc and it's probably something that they missed when they decided to forgo trophies, forgetting to revert the counter back to x/7.



Thank you for the quick answer for the Mutagen trophy. Legend. Seems to a recurring trend in these forums, waves of people complain about a bug, glitch, trophy related problem, everyone investigates, but hardly anyone every reports back since they already got the trophy for themselves. Makes me sound old but miss the PS3 days of the PlayStationtrophies.com forum. Always updating guides and solutions. Forums in here are a mess for answers most of the time. 

Edited by illninoese
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22 hours ago, Snake2410 said:

I'm sorry, I just realized I quoted the wrong person so I've been responding to what I thought was the question about the new characters being added to the trophy for beating it with every character.  I feel dumb now lol.


Did you buy the dlc?  I'm curious if it only increases to 9 if you have the dlc.  I meant to quote you on this in one of my previous posts but somehow quoted the wrong post.

In PS4, I didn't buy the DLC, and for me it shows that the trophy has to do 9 endings.


But I haven't done all the endings yet to confirm if the trophy drops by doing the 7 endings, but not buying the DLC.


Anyway, whoever has the physical media makes this trophy easily by not updating the game.

22 hours ago, Snake2410 said:



22 hours ago, Snake2410 said:



23 hours ago, Popeguy said:


Is this 100% confirmed? And does the DLC affect the 'No Need For Mutagen' trophy as well?

Well, I didn't do all the endings but 9 endings appear for me, even if I didn't buy the DLC.

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5 hours ago, illninoese said:



Thank you for the quick answer for the Mutagen trophy. Legend. Seems to a recurring trend in these forums, waves of people complain about a bug, glitch, trophy related problem, everyone investigates, but hardly anyone every reports back since they already got the trophy for themselves. Makes me sound old but miss the PS3 days of the PlayStationtrophies.com forum. Always updating guides and solutions. Forums in here are a mess for answers most of the time. 

TheDarkKratos up above said they got the Mutagen trophy with the base 7 characters.  Over on the Steam forums one of the devs responded about the endings trophy/achievement requiring all 9 characters and they are looking into it to fix it.  It shouldn't need the dlc for the trophy.




As much as I like getting trophies, I really miss the pre-trophy days of PS1 through early PS3.  Sometimes I wish they didn't exist, because of stuff like this where people get angry when something they expect to have trophies doesn't.  I get that this is a trophy site, so I'm not complaining one way or the other though.

Edited by Snake2410
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22 minutes ago, Big-Brady said:

I have a friend who has confirmed that the Ending Trophy with every character has been impacted by the DLC and he doesn't own the DLC so atm it seems the platinum is locked behind the DLC until they fix it in a patch

Yep, I also actually confirmed it the night of release on my dummy account.  But one of the devs replied to a post on Steam about it and said it's a bug and they are working on fixing it.  The trophy/achievement shouldn't be requiring the dlc characters.

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2 hours ago, fenris-lima said:

I was saving the platinum for a challenge if I needed it but since they messed the requirements I decided to finish the game. My last trophy was the mutagen one and it popped normally when I finished Raphael. Did it with the game updated on PS5 not owning the DLC.

Yeah, Mutagen should've been fine.  The counter still says x/7.  It's just Complete Cast they bugged, but that should be fixed eventually.  Hopefully soon.

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Further prof the devs are working on a fix for Complete Cast needing all 9 characters.




This is one of the devs from Tribute and they've posted in several topics related to the bugged trophy/achievement.  They stated that it'll be about 2 - 3 weeks before a patch will release because they're batching a bunch of bug fixes along with the trophy/achievement fix.  That was about 6 days ago so a week or two tops if all goes well with the fixes.

Edited by Snake2410
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