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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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Following the advice I've had from you guys, I started 007 Quantum of Solace today, the online doesn't seem to take long, according to my math it's shorter than Brotherhood! :P 


The worst part is actually get to the boost, a few randoms join mid game and turn an organised boosting session into a Free for All xD Some accept our invite and follow the boost but the majority doesn't know what a chat room is -.-

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HcG-_Clawz (0) - (33) X18JELLO18X (1)

theshywaterguy (18) - (6) pridefc83

Precision-Playy (13) - (2) ToxiKirby

ganryu_pl (0) - (34) Mah2c (1)

(3) HcG-_Terror (477) - (203) pureproteinman (1)



(1) Gregorymany (59) - (55) Hemiak (1)

xZoneHunter (2) - (31) Boooda (1)

sinnriel (51) - (55) Somalia99

NIALLERMANBUZ (35) - (134) x9zachattack5x (1)

ShogunCroCop (7) - (2) Kochiya-Shana



(1) omar280792 (18) - (2) TheLastSurvivorD

(1) zajac9999 (111) - (102) VASORAT13

(1) jem12345 (82) - (53) ReimiSaionji9742 (1)

TheAkittaja123 (25) - (4) Grindcore12391

allenbird (14) - (43) Jarethgeason



Blanc_WhiteHeart (92) - (133) whoadreader (2)

(1) Raitandrul (34) - (8) man_with_wdjat

trophybros (1) - (0) Jiwan01

freddie1989 (0) - (8) me3lingual

Ichiban-Hybrid (14) - (N/A) Antielectron-


I'll update league tables later on tonight doods

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Holy shit, so I think its safe to say Terror won the platinum league...


EDIT: I guess you could say he's...







...Sorry, had to do it...

Edited by BlueFireNepgear
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Well, pureproteinman got what he wished for: A loss.


Now I'm scared of CWC since Terror will be there. xD

Proteinman is hard to beat and all but he hasn't won a CWC yet.

Now I have to worry about Zajac and Terror? Geeeeeeezzzzzz.....


Just don't shit the bed if you make it to the final, thats my job. 

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Well, pureproteinman got what he wished for: A loss.


Now I'm scared of CWC since Terror will be there. xD

Proteinman is hard to beat and all but he hasn't won a CWC yet.

Now I have to worry about Zajac and Terror? Geeeeeeezzzzzz.....

Hey! I can still replace zajac in the CWC too! Besides, no matter how well someone performs during the season, they are not guaranteed a good score during the CWC. There's no telling what will happen there.

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