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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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My vote goes to The Last of Us Remastered


From this perspective I think that if this is in the list then the PS3 version should also be included to even things out due to people maybe only having one console, what you think?


So let me just get this clear, there will 9 games that for the duration of the season will count for double points, simple as that? (As long as they meet the guidelines). I love this idea!!

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From this perspective I think that if this is in the list then the PS3 version should also be included to even things out due to people maybe only having one console, what you think?


So let me just get this clear, there will 9 games that for the duration of the season will count for double points, simple as that? (As long as they meet the guidelines). I love this idea!!

I thought it was 1 game per fixture.

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From this perspective I think that if this is in the list then the PS3 version should also be included to even things out due to people maybe only having one console, what you think?


So let me just get this clear, there will 9 games that for the duration of the season will count for double points, simple as that? (As long as they meet the guidelines). I love this idea!!


If the list are the same then I will allow both, if there are any differences between the list then one version needs to be specified


There will be 9 games in a season but only one game will be a golden game for a fixture though, all 9 won't be golden games for the entire season dood


EDIT: Looks like you ninja'd me dood xD

Edited by Wdjat Prinny Doods
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If the list are the same then I will allow both, if there are any differences between the list then one version needs to be specified


There will be 9 games in a season but only one game will be a golden game for a fixture though, all 9 won't be golden games for the entire season dood


EDIT: Looks like you ninja'd me do


This all sounds pretty good, I presume the 9 games for each fixture will be announced at the beginning of the season so people can decide if they want to play any of them in said fixture?

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This all sounds pretty good, I presume the 9 games for each fixture will be announced at the beginning of the season so people can decide if they want to play any of them in said fixture?

I'll announce them a few days before the season starts dood

I think it would be best to say the 9 games that are going to be the golden games at the beginning of the season and put those 9 games in a random generator to determine what game will be for what fixture. (if this makes sense xD)

That is what I plan to do. I was originally going to randomly pick the game right before the fixture but the more I thought about it this way is more suited to the premise of the golden game system dood

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Yeah, I'm extremely grateful the PS3 version has 1 disk (unlike the Xbox version), otherwise it would count as an episodic game :P.


If you're planning on doing only 1 full playthrough, make a different save before starting the Landsmeet. The decisions there and during the night right before the final quest starts affect the 4 endings.


I have been following the guide too, and it says save before The Landsmeet. per the guide walkthrough, I just have Haven and Redcliffe left before The Landsmeet. So I already have that in my mind so that I can get all 4 endings.


I read somewhere that the trophy requirement is basically only sleeping with that person. Which usually requires you to do the full romance stuff, but that you can actually use Isabella to add an extra person to the mix, thereby "romancing" Allistair on a male playthrough. I did not test this however, it's just something I read and I can't remember where.


Who is Isabella? Is it a character I have not met yet? EDIT: I already romanced Isabella. I wonder if I can go back with Alistair and do it again. I, too, was under the impression it was a female only playthrough. I'll try looking this up though.

Edited by ShogunCroCop
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I'll announce them a few days before the season starts dood

That is what I plan to do. I was originally going to randomly pick the game right before the fixture but the more I thought about it this way is more suited to the premise of the golden game system dood

Does that mean a game can be chosen multiple times or are chosen games removed?


I have been following the guide too, and it says save before The Landsmeet. per the guide walkthrough, I just have Haven and Redcliffe left before The Landsmeet. So I already have that in my mind so that I can get all 4 endings.



Who is Isabella? Is it a character I have not met yet? I, too, was under the impression it was a female only playthrough. I'll try looking this up though.



Isabella is a pirate in The Pearl brothel in Denerim. She teaches the Duelist specialization if you can outwit her during a game of cards or sleep with her.

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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Does that mean a game can be chosen multiple times or are chosen games removed?




Isabella is a pirate in The Pearl brothel in Denerim. She teaches the Duelist specialization if you can outwit her during a game of cards or sleep with her.

Yeah I didn't remember her name. I already slept with her. Not sure if it can be done again.

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Does that mean a game can be chosen multiple times or are chosen games removed?




Isabella is a pirate in The Pearl brothel in Denerim. She teaches the Duelist specialization if you can outwit her during a game of cards or sleep with her.


No the way it will work is I'm going to put the games in a RNG and whatever order they appear is the order they will be in for the season. 

Also league tables have been updated doods

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No the way it will work is I'm going to put the games in a RNG and whatever order they appear is the order they will be in for the season. 

Also league tables have been updated doods


Is the tiebreaker points or plats? because I noticed in Gold League, Shana is listed ahead of NIALLERMANBUZ, but he has 234 points, and she has 189, and they both have 6 points in the standings. Shana does have 2 plats though.

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Is the tiebreaker points or plats? because I noticed in Gold League, Shana is listed ahead of NIALLERMANBUZ, but he has 234 points, and she has 189, and they both have 6 points in the standings. Shana does have 2 plats though.


In a tiebreaker it is AVG + 7 points per plat, whoever has the higher number once this is calculated gets the higher spot. Shana's number from this equation is higher than NIALLLERMANBUZ so that is why she is placed higher dood

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Yeah I didn't remember her name. I already slept with her. Not sure if it can be done again.

No, you can only do that once per playthrough.


No the way it will work is I'm going to put the games in a RNG and whatever order they appear is the order they will be in for the season. 

Ok, I thought you meant to use a RNG before every fixture :lol:.

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In a tiebreaker it is AVG + 7 points per plat, whoever has the higher number once this is calculated gets the higher spot. Shana's number from this equation is higher than NIALLLERMANBUZ so that is why she is placed higher dood

Alright, cool.


I was just wondering because I still have a chance at staying safe in Gold League, so I was looking at what I'd need to do to stay safe. Looks like a DW and a high score might be my only option.

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Well I have just quickly dropped in the Thieves in Time plat to add to my season count but overall a pretty disappointing season for me. Not helped by the week away and missing 2 easily winnable fixtures but I lost a couple of early ones I should have won. No matter, some great matches lined up for next season with some big returners, bronze is the place to be in season 9!!

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Again both of these have PS4 equivalents, would be unfair to not include those as well.


No need to worry dood, if I see that the list for a game someone suggested is the same for all the consoles it is on then I'll allow all of them and be sure to state it on the list. If the lists have differences then I will go with the console they specified so it is all good.

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No need to worry dood, if I see that the list for a game someone suggested is the same for all the consoles it is on then I'll allow all of them and be sure to state it on the list. If the lists have differences then I will go with the console they specified so it is all good.


I'm not worried pal, in fact I haven't got either of these yet. I just don't want some poor guy to get screwed over due to this rule, would tarnish the rep!!

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