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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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Trophy progress is slow, but I can't complain. I'm playing one of my most beloved franchises and closing out the entire platinum saga with the Phantom Pain. I will be getting the PS4 version but I'm mainly gonna play MGO 3 on there while I go for the plat.

Just a picture of you, in your natural habitat  :giggle:




I would so love to see a Prinny in one of my local bars. Especially if it was Prinny T himself!

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Trophy progress is slow, but I can't complain. I'm playing one of my most beloved franchises and closing out the entire platinum saga with the Phantom Pain. I will be getting the PS4 version but I'm mainly gonna play MGO 3 on there while I go for the plat.


I would so love to see a Prinny in one of my local bars. Especially if it was Prinny T himself!


Well that might become reality someday. I heard from a reliable source that Prinny has been going on bar crawls in order to drink away his math problems... 


I've gotten over my math problems but I still have a lot of Mugen Souls to do so that will definitely lead to more bar crawls doods

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Aww look at you two, finding things you have in common. Is this the birth of a long lasting friendship?  :highfive:

Well we already have a bromance going ever since we formed the Dragon-Prinny Alliance against the evil Jellies and Shin-Demons :awesome: (I wonder if you know what I'm talking about).


Yesssss, I can play Destiny without having to worry about the league happy-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862507

And I can go all out with Star Ocean 4 :dance:.


Im on the same boat. Destiny is killing most of my time in the last week and barely getting any points .-. 

And also finally fifa 16 tomorrow. YES! 

You mean Fifa 15-2 / 14-3 / 13-4 / 12-5 / etc. You get the idea :P.

I am so lost on this thread now.

Maybe this will help you find your way around :P


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