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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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4 minutes ago, AmarisSkye said:

This might be a dumb question but is there any way to get your IP unbanned?

It eventually gets unbanned, but it can take upwards of a month. I don't know if it's a hidden timer or if a mod has to manually unban someone. I think I've been banned for close to a month at this point, so I hope the ban is lifted soon.

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28 minutes ago, jemmie said:

It's been a long time since I've been in a 1v1 battle that intense. I think I lose this one, but either way, it was a fun way to go out.


It was a slog. Good competition! 


Regardless of outcome, my only lament for the day is failing to get that Full Set trophy. I had it set up (or so I thought), but I went thru the entire roster twice today just to clear it, but no luck. :(



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15 minutes ago, blu3st4rdust305 said:

It was a slog. Good competition! 


Regardless of outcome, my only lament for the day is failing to get that Full Set trophy. I had it set up (or so I thought), but I went thru the entire roster twice today just to clear it, but no luck. :(

Yeah, I was surprised you didn't get that. I wasn't able to download custom teams in Madden 20 for whatever reason, so I had to reinstall the game, finishing it up with only minutes to spare. If it weren't for 2064, I think our scores would've been pretty close. I started to lose count once we passed 300.

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25 minutes ago, Boooda said:

I dont even wanna compete in the CWC with the scores some of you guys put up in a mere 24hrs 1f605.png


Congrats @blu3st4rdust305 you put up some nasty scores this season! 


Yeah this is why I wasn't bummed about not making it to the final round. I wouldn't have even scored half of what they did lol

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2 hours ago, Boooda said:

I dont even wanna compete in the CWC with the scores some of you guys put up in a mere 24hrs 1f605.png


Congrats @blu3st4rdust305 you put up some nasty scores this season! 


Thanks, haha. I think @jemmie and I expected days 3 and 4 to be heavy, maybe not as heavy as day 4 turned out, though.


I was not planning on going so hard when I joined up. I guess notching a few wins in a row awakened a competitive beast inside of me. I guess it could be called Trophy Slayer. :) Thanks @AffectatiousDonk


I solemnly swear to be less ridiculous in this upcoming season. Real life has some major things to deal with coming soon and I will also be concentrating on some games that are less favorable to grossly high scores here. 


Thanks @ShogunCroCop and others for counting, administrating, and wrangling this event together!

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Just now, blu3st4rdust305 said:


Thanks, haha. I think @jemmie and I expected days 3 and 4 to be heavy, maybe not as heavy as day 4 turned out, though.


I was not planning on going so hard when I joined up. I guess notching a few wins in a row awakened a competitive beast inside of me. I guess it could be called Trophy Slayer. :) Thanks @AffectatiousDonk


I solemnly swear to be less ridiculous in this upcoming season. Real life has some major things to deal with coming soon and I will also be concentrating on some games that are less favorable to grossly high scores here. 


Thanks @ShogunCroCop and others for counting, administrating, and wrangling this event together!

You're welcome. I am hoping Season 28 will be just as great!

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18 minutes ago, blu3st4rdust305 said:

Thanks, haha. I think @jemmie and I expected days 3 and 4 to be heavy, maybe not as heavy as day 4 turned out, though.


I was not planning on going so hard when I joined up. I guess notching a few wins in a row awakened a competitive beast inside of me. I guess it could be called Trophy Slayer. :) Thanks @AffectatiousDonk


I solemnly swear to be less ridiculous in this upcoming season. Real life has some major things to deal with coming soon and I will also be concentrating on some games that are less favorable to grossly high scores here. 


Thanks @ShogunCroCop and others for counting, administrating, and wrangling this event together!

I actually underestimated how heavy day three was going to be. The only reason I didn't get blindsided was because some hero synced Prinny's account, alerting me to pop my prepped trophies.


After defeating GTA fixture six, I thought that this was going to be a relatively easy CWC since I knew most of the league leaders at the time didn't have a lot of free time during the CWC or just didn't care enough to go for the win. I didn't account for you actually defeating Kent though. I pretty much went into full strategist mode from that point, but it was too late by then. Congrats; a victory well earned!

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23 hours ago, ShogunCroCop said:

How has the break been for everyone? I am thinking of giving another week or so for sign ups. Tentative start day of season 28 will be Sep 7. That'll give us a full 2 weeks to rest from that interesting 27th season.


Fixtures and matchups, as usual, will be forthcoming.


Excellent news, I spent the breaking organising a Trophy  Restraining Order for @blu3st4rdust305 so I may hopefully never be embarrassed, humiliated and destroyed again by the trophy slayer that reduced myself to an out of date can of spam in the corner.

Edited by AffectatiousDonk
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6 hours ago, AffectatiousDonk said:


Excellent news, I spent the breaking organising a Trophy  Restraining Order for @blu3st4rdust305 so I may hopefully never be embarrassed, humiliated and destroyed again by the trophy slayer that reduced myself to an out of date can of spam in the corner.


That explains my stutter step in firing up games since the season ended. Hopefully, I can undo whatever damage has been done by the start of this next season.

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On 31/08/2020 at 11:57 PM, blu3st4rdust305 said:


That explains my stutter step in firing up games since the season ended. Hopefully, I can undo whatever damage has been done by the start of this next season.


Nothing wrong with that, even I have given up trying to keep up with myself. Be well. See ya next season from ............. afar :)

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Here are the official leagues for Season 28:


Platinum League








Gold League




Arctic Cress




Silver League



Wdjat Prinny Doods





Bronze League








Manganese League







We are still one shy in Manganese, so everyone in that league gets two byes for now, unless we can find one more person.


Here are the fixture schedules:


Fixture 1: Sep 7-10

Fixture 2: Sep 11-14

Fixture 3: Sep 15-18

Fixture 4: Sep 19-22

Fixture 5: Sep 23-26

Fixture 6: Sep 27-30

Fixture 7: Oct 1-4

Fixture 8: Oct 5-8

Fixture 9: Oct 9-12

Fixture 10: Oct 13-16

CWC: Oct 18-21


Matchups for the first fixture will be posted a few hours before the start of the competition on Sunday night.


@Lucas, would you kindly pleas update the OP with the fixture schedule for S28, and the participants list as well?

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Here are the matchups for Fixture 2:


Platinum League

theshywaterguy v shadowhood1111

Wavergray v ShogunCroCop

GTA_Darren v microsamm


Gold League

iSkyIa v Psy-Tychist

BraveNoobWorld v Boooda

Arctic Cress v Redbeard-Rik


Silver League

blu3st4rdust305 v stupid0089

Wdjat Prinny Doods v X18JELLO18X

FallacyUnknown v me3lingual


Bronze League

Sylvie v OmegaFenron

AffectatiousDonk v Krazy_99

AmarisSkye v Omar


Manganese League

Sptj7 v freddie1989

Zach v Ichiban-Hybrid

BYE: Flex_Da_Brent


Fixture 2 begins in 17 minutes. Good luck!

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Sorry these are so late.


Scores for Fixture 1:


Platinum League

microsamm (14.5) v (44.1) shadowhood1111

Wavergray (7.1) v (13.2) theshywaterguy

GTA_Darren (67.1) v (50.9) ShogunCroCop


Gold League

Redbeard-Rik (19.4) v (23.1) Psy-Tychist

BraveNoobWorld (0) v (94.9) iSkyIa

(1) Arctic Cress (95.5) v (29.6) Boooda


Silver League

me3lingual (12.6) v (167.2) stupid0089 (1)

Wdjat Prinny Doods (16) v (97.4) blu3st4rdust305

FallacyUnknown (79.4) v (95.1) X18JELLO18X (1)


Bronze League

Omar (0) v (17.6) OmegaFenron

AffectatiousDonk (26.9) v (0) Sylvie

AmarisSkye (0) v (23.9) Krazy_99


Manganese League

Sptj7 (0) v (86.9) Flex_Da_Brent (1)

freddie1989 (13.9) v (64.5) Ichiban-Hybrid (1)

BYE: Zach (35)


I'll update standings and statistics tomorrow.

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