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  • 4 weeks later...

Platinum #460 Necromunda: Underhive Wars (0.40%)


Difficulty: 3/10

Fun: 4/10

Time spent: 100h


I found about this game through Mordheim and that was the moment it was on sale so I jumped into what looked like an UR mine, and it is but it takes some time.

This TBS game is quite a poor project, the AI exists as a placeholder since it plays way worse than what any human could do their first time ever in a strategy game, it is so absurd that I can't even describe what the hell the AI does, which makes the platinum easy but very boring.

After the story you spend most of the time in the operations mode where you make your own squad and complete the same 2-3 missions over and over.



Platinum #461 Glitches & Bugs: Warband (1%)


Difficulty: 6/10

Fun: 8.5/10

Time spent: 100h


I wasn't sure what to expect, I was prepared for yet another boring UR grind, but this turned out to be quite a fun game (despite all the glitches), in fact I will play the sequel as well eventually.


You control a character in a world splitted between 6 factions, you start with nothing and have to spend time to improve yourself in various ways, you can decide what to do in your adventure, such as being a mercenary, join a faction or even make your own kingdom and conquer everything, and make your own army.

Definitely a fun experience, where all the work you put into your character pays off and you see yourself improving everytime, a bit of an annoyance is all the struggle when you play as a female, which is realistic for the times the game is set on but it shouldn't be so annoying to join a faction since it's just a game.



Platinum #462 Flame Over (PS4-0.80%)


Difficulty: 5/10

Fun: 7/10

Time spent: 10h


Quite a fun indie game set in 4 stages, each composed of 4 random levels where you play as a firefighter, clear the rooms of fire and whatever else and save civilians.

It starts off brutally but after you get some upgrades and get used to the controls it becomes more doable, but its biggest downside is its luck nature, since anything on fire will randomly shoot fireballs to you and sometimes you will get hit before you can react or, even worse, a civilian will instant die. Definitely an annoyance since you need a run in one sitting without any casualty, and sometimes a civilian might die the same frame you enter a room: given that each stage takes about 20 minutes when you want to save everyone, having this to happen right at the end can be very infuriating. Personally I was struggling with the first 2 stages, but once i realised I could actually rotate my character when spreading water I managed to pull off the perfect run immediately.

Hopefully an exploit allows you to start with all shop upgrades, so at least a good part of the luck you need is nullified.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Platinum #463 Jamestown+ (1.22%/0.86%)


Difficulty: 6/10 (pause-exploit)

Fun: 7/10

Time spent: 10h


A game that has been taking plenty of digital dust for quite a while in my library. This is a simple shmup that can be played solo or couch co-op, along with weapons and gameplay customizations through a relatively short story.

The 100% could be very tough, but the pause-exploit works nicely just as in Raiden 4 so I managed to finish the hardest trophies in one attempt, the major struggle were a few challenges with a hella lot of bullets everywhere, but nothing that can't be overcomed. And there is quite a stupid trophy that forces you to have 4 pads.

I randomly gave this game my trophy #25,000 milestone just because I hadn't anything else in mind for that.



Platinum #464 Until You Fall ps4 (0.44%)


Dificulty: 7/10

Fun: 7/10

Time spent: 35h


I could have probably picked something better for my first VR game ever, something a bit less difficult and less destructive. Indeed, this is a "break your room" simulator, since you play as a dual wielder warrior through several stages using a variety of weapons unlocked by progress and updated with some currency you gain as you play.

The first 10h or so are horrible, the easiest difficulty is called "Relaxed", and that is only true when you become way more skilled, for a beginner it will be an almost impossible experience with countless deaths.

Eventually, you will unlock the final weapon you need for a powerful build which annihilates any enemy in few seconds, along with master of controls you can finally start winning in this game and move to the harder parts.

Beating the game on Nightmare without increasing the health size would be an absurdly difficult trophy, hopefully there is a trick that makes it way more doable, and once you get it the rest is almost a breeze.

Unfortunately some cumulative trophies are glitched and must be done in one session, so about 6h of VR in a row, that was quite a shit experience that I'm positive will repeat eventually, as apparently this sort of "progress not saved" thing regarding trophies seem to happen for some other ultra rare VR games as well.



100% Racket Fury (0.99%)


Difficulty: 5/10

Fun: 4/10

Tme spent: 5h



Potentially a very hard 100%, given by the fact that the difficulty is super unfair: you play against a robot that teleports around and smash anything you send it into your bottom right/left corner, potentially spamming at and sometimes so quick that you can't even react in time... fear not, hopefully you can pause the game and read way better where the hell the ball is going. it takes definitely a good padronance with the pause technique, but at least you can fight back, the robot will eventually mess up so your goal is to survive as long as you can.

The trophy for getting all stars tends to be glitched and pops earlier, needless to say i wasn't this lucky and had to get every star instead, which means that in a best of 3 sets match my opponent could not score more than 9 points and given how unfair the Ai is, doing that without pause is very hard and very RNG.


Platinum #465 Raw Data (0.90%)


Difficulty: 6/10

Fun: 8/10

Time spent: 15h


This is a VR shooter which offers only 10 story missions which you can play at 4 different difficulties. There are also 4 characters you can play as, but they are quire unbalanced: the handgun wielder is just the best character, lacks a bit of firepower but has very helpful skills and is very easy to use, the other characters get harder to use and at the same time are also worse, this is especially true for the archer who is just trash.

Going through the story missions on the hardest difficulty requires a bit of strategy, a weird thing is that getting killed is a nice strategy to refill your skills, since the real objective is to protect a data core while you can die as much as you want. The last missions can be hectic so you need to react quickly and have some luck on your side as well.


Platinum #466 Dishonored 2 (10%)


Difficulty: 3/10

Fun: 6/10

Time spent: 30h


Surpisingly the sequel remains more or less as simple as the first game, giving a nice stealth experience combined with a karma system regarding if you kill people or use non-lethal ways. You can also play as 2 characters, getting a bit different story experience.

For unknown reasons I couldn't really get into the game so I didn't play it much and therefore it took me some time to get the 100%. I'd say is a nice game despite my experience.

A simple platinum trophy with a fair amount of tasks to accomplish along with 2 full runs, I can easily expect the next Dishonored to be given from ps+ eventually so I will do that one as well.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Platinum #468 Furi (1.76%)



Difficulty: 6/10

Fun: 7/10

Time spent: 12h


A top-view hack 'n slash that consist of bosses only, so the first run will inevitably be horrible, since the main goal is to learn the bosses well enough, although mastery is definitely not needed for the platinum.

I have heard of this game several times, but in the end it was not difficult, another overrated game like Wolfenstein 2, but it is a decently fun game outside of the boring walk between fights, with a balanced trophy list so worth to play.

I don't remember how many bosses are there, maybe 9, but most can take 10-15 minutes to beat since they have multiple health bars.

The S rank requirements are super generous so they aren't a real challenges, nor is the hardest difficulty which pretty much only reworks some of the bosses' attacks.



Platinum #469 Transformers: Devastation (0.89%)



Difficulty: 5/10

Fun: 7/10

Time spent: 22h


I don't have interested in the Transformers franchise, but I DO have interest in Ultra rare trophies, so here I am.

I easily recognizes the Platinum developer's UI, so i expected a good game and I wasn't disappointed, although it lacks of levels (you mostly play in a district's city) and the fights lack of subtance.

Despite multiple runs required, the platinum is not long, the SS ranks are easily cheesed due to how badly the score system is designed, where speed and no damage are almost always completely irrilevant and you rather spam headshots with a weak weapon.

All in all, a good game but with plenty of downsides not related to bugs as it happens nowadays.



Platinum #470 Until Dawn (17%)


Difficulty: 2/10

Fun: 4/10

Time spent: 10h


A bit of spoilers:


This was a boring one, despite I like horror. The first 3 chapters are a massive annoyance where it's all about who fucks who, I couldn't be assed to remember that A fucks B, B fucks C, C wants to fuck A and B etc. then things get more interesting from chapter 4 onwards, but I guess that being bored from the rpevious chapters has nerfed my interest.

This wasn't even scary, it only relies mostly on sudden sounds and appearances, but the worst comes from the monster creatures... the first time I saw it i said "this mf came straight from Black Ops 1", and it only got worse at the end: you are supposed to not move the dualshock when they look for you, but some end up doing a selfie with you instead, I was going to die for laughing at that point...


Horrible game in my opinion, an experience to forget.




Turbo UR gains!! shout out to: Titan Souls, Lumo, We Are Doomed, TorqueL, Dreams.


All of them being just slightly hard, but fast to clear anyway, apart from the stupid 10h afk on TorqueL and Dreams (65h of afk with turbo)




Platinum #472 Magicka 2



Difficulty: 6.5/10 (played wrong the whole time)

Fun: 7.5/10

Tme spent: 19h


The super famous ultra rare mine. I got 2 friends into this and we made it, which is a must since doing all that stuff solo requires you being a ver pro at this game.

We didn't really play properly though, the game can be quite complicated with all the magic combinations so we used mostly simple ones, we didn't even know of the double revive trick so we made the game harder, but it was fun at least.

The element that gives the rarity is unknown, all them trophies being there to get grabbed easily enough 🥹



Platinum #475 Farpoint



Difficulty: 7.5/10

Fun: 8/10

Time spent: 34h


A shooter VR that is garbage with a dualshock, so I really decided to buy an Aim controller for this game and save way more frustration.

I found zero interest in the story, which plays way too long at the beginning, but it was fun to shoot the aliens in the levels, which aren't many so you can finish the game in 3-4h.

The challenges are considered a brutal experience, and with a dualshock they probably are. With the aim controller they aren't that hard though, you need some luck, remember some of the enemy spawns, and deal with some design that is far from good, especially in the darkness sections, with dark-skin enemies... yeah...

Do not get discouraged by people claiming these challenges require world record strategies, that is false, some challenges can take a few hours but since they aren't many, you will eventually finish them all.

The free dlcs add a cooperative mode and new challenges, which are harder to clear but easier to get 3 medals on, and a pvp mode which takes some hours of boost.


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Excellent job with all the difficult/UR games! Have you considered the PS4 game Gauntlet? It has tons of ultra rares and the grind isn't really as bad as other UR games (only about 60 hours). I found the gameplay very fun and getting to floor 40 in Endless Mode is very challenging if done solo. 2-3 players is recommended though. 

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13 hours ago, JilllSandwich said:

Excellent job with all the difficult/UR games! Have you considered the PS4 game Gauntlet? It has tons of ultra rares and the grind isn't really as bad as other UR games (only about 60 hours). I found the gameplay very fun and getting to floor 40 in Endless Mode is very challenging if done solo. 2-3 players is recommended though. 

I considered to start that a few weeks ago, but the rarity isn't appealing enough to me to make me jump into it before some other games first. 60h is still quite a grind as well, so for an over 2% platinum it isn't really worth, outside of how many UR it has.

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5 minutes ago, KenjiCBZ said:

How was Lumo?

Could have been a good game, but i truly hated the camera. That is the only thing that makes some platform segments annoying.

Easy enough platinum with the old school glitch.

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  • 2 months later...

#476 Kingdom Come: Deliverance


Difficulty: 6/10

Fun: 7/10

Time spent: 115h


Normally I play RPG games with a walkthrough since my exploration/decision skills are zero but I got tired of waiting for one so I just went ahead on my own, hopefully the .org trophy guide gives a decent roadmap.

This is quite a unique RPG for sure, you are no longer a character that easily kills a whole kingdom as usual, but rather a peasant who, despite being a blacksmith's son, has worse physical skills than the same daily McDonald's customer.

The main character, who also has a phobia for bushes, will go through various mission just as your tipical RPG experience, all with a slow pace since this game is more a simulator.

The biggest downside is the combat system being truly horrible: all what the enemies do is a parry attack, so you basically have to do the same, wait for the attack while performing a stare competition, and parry. All the other things taught in the game are useless, just parry everytime, which is surely boring.

The 100% can be a bit annoying, particularly the Hardcore run where there are several handicaps applied, especially the no map which makes navigation an enormous headache.

I expect that the sequel will have a better combat rather than a one move spam from both sides.




#477 Windbound


Difficulty: 4/10

Fun: 7/10

Time spent: 40h


This is a survival game where you go through a randomized set of islands for 5 chapters, while taking care of the char's necessities and fighting both the wildlife and some monsters.

The bulding system offers plenty of items along with the possibility to go creative with your boat, the only way to move between islands.

It's a simple plat if you use the wall glitch to skip chapters, pretty much a must to greatly reduce the chance of bugged trophies, you will also properly experience the game and all it offers while going for the platinum too. But the game will easily feel a grind and it can be tedious to keep pushing until the end, hence why a low rarity.



#478 PUBG: Battlegrounds


Difficulty: 4/10

Fun: 2/10

Time spent: 140h (lots of afk on matchmaking)


I started this since the dev are planning to move the game to UE which will most likely shut down the current game's versions eventually.

I trusted too much all those people saying the game is dead: far from true, even with the cross-play disabled you will find lots of people playing. The skill ceiling in this game is way higher than most games, and all rookies will get smashed bad.

Lots of misc to do, I used my alt to slowly work on that but then, just as the dev figured out what i was doing, they decided to make a patch to finally, after years, add SBMM so I could not find my alt anymore.

In order to not spend over 1k hours on this garbage, i had to change my sleeping schedule, so I'd go to sleep right after work then wake up some hours before the usual to play during the night (can't change region), since that's when there are very few players so you find lots of bots.

Garbage game, I recommend to avoid it, it is also a bet as you might get a perma glitched trophy apparently.




Also finished Duck Game (thanks to the recent patch downgrade tool) and Lords of the Fallen.



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