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Is it possible to get the platinum in just 23hrs?


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Asking because a friend has the platinum with only 23hrs playtime i except that he cheated using save files and etc but i don’t know. I know that it has a 15-20hr story so I just don’t think it’s possible to then do everything else in 3-8 hours 😂. If anyone could bring some insight on how he did it, that would be amazing and very appreciated. 

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No, it's a 50 hour platinum unless you autopop in which it'll only take seconds. The platinum requires you to complete the whole map so there's no way to save scum and save time there. Maybe if you skipped all cutscenes, you could cut it down under 50. A 23 hour platinum on this game sounds like he cheated and hacked some of the more time-consuming trophies rather than earning them legit. That's the only way I can see getting such a low playtime for platinum. A 23 hour platinum on this game is simply impossible any other way. 


I don't recommend rushing it anyway. It's an amazing game that you should take your time with and not rush through it just for trophies. 

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27 minutes ago, colia100 said:

Whilst I absolutely detest cheating, are you really ratting out your friend? He must be very happy to have you in his life... :rolleyes:

not ratting anyone out he hasn’t got a psn profiles account so he won’t be banned from anything. I just really want closure on it all because I don’t want to think he’s cheating when he isn’t. 

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Is that 23 hours from time of first trophy or from first booting up the game? How do you know it's 23 hours?


I've seen someone platinum an 80 hour game in under 4 hours because they purposely left one of each of the trophy requirements undone until the last possible opportunity, and I didn't know about this method and regretfully reported them for cheating. Thankfully it was lifted, but speedrunning can take a ton of time, and people use alternate accounts to practice ad perfect the game, the routes, the spawns, the requirements, etc.

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25 minutes ago, mega-tallica said:

No, it's a 50 hour platinum unless you autopop in which it'll only take seconds. The platinum requires you to complete the whole map so there's no way to save scum and save time there. Maybe if you skipped all cutscenes, you could cut it down under 50. A 23 hour platinum on this game sounds like he cheated and hacked some of the more time-consuming trophies rather than earning them legit. That's the only way I can see getting such a low playtime for platinum. A 23 hour platinum on this game is simply impossible any other way. 


I don't recommend rushing it anyway. It's an amazing game that you should take your time with and not rush through it just for trophies. 

Thank you for responding I thought the exact same things. I just really didn’t want to accuse or think he was cheating if it was possible but it clearly isn’t. It took me around 47hrs to platinum and I enjoyed every second of it even the most tedious parts of the grind like a side mission where you have to get a lady rise, masterpiece. 

2 minutes ago, BIOHAZARD-R-US said:

Is that 23 hours from time of first trophy or from first booting up the game? How do you know it's 23 hours?


I've seen someone platinum an 80 hour game in under 4 hours because they purposely left one of each of the trophy requirements undone until the last possible opportunity, and I didn't know about this method and regretfully reported them for cheating. Thankfully it was lifted, but speedrunning can take a ton of time, and people use alternate accounts to practice ad perfect the game, the routes, the spawns, the requirements, etc.

No just 23hours total playtime and I know this because when I look at his trophies on the ps5 my trophies are compared side by side with both our play times. He even bragged about getting the platinum 2x quicker than me which then lead me to believe he was cheating. Also I’m pretty sure you can’t set up the trophies like that in ghost because of how the story restricts areas from you. 

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Definitely do not think the plat is possible in 23 hours. For a start, you are unable to skip cutscenes (outside of ng+). Cutscenes alone across the base game and the 50+ side quests must account for close to 20 hours alone. Then liberating all areas, completing all collections, doing all mythic tales etc, just not possible in that amount of time.


What I would say is though, where is the 23 hour counter coming from? If on the playstation itself, that can be very unreliable on not track time properly so he could have done it without cheating and it just not track his time correctly.

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Are you sure the play time is accurate? I play games on my other accounts and many times it’ll say a time but it’s actually off by a dozen hours then what I actually put in and sometimes it’ll say I have only a few minutes of play time even tho I played for a few hours 

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1 minute ago, DaveB-2204 said:

Definitely do not think the plat is possible in 23 hours. For a start, you are unable to skip cutscenes (outside of ng+). Cutscenes alone across the base game and the 50+ side quests must account for close to 20 hours alone. Then liberating all areas, completing all collections, doing all mythic tales etc, just not possible in that amount of time.


What I would say is though, where is the 23 hour counter coming from? If on the playstation itself, that can be very unreliable on not track time properly so he could have done it without cheating and it just not track his time correctly.

Yes the 23hrs is coming from PlayStation because when I look at his trophies it compares them to mine and compares playtimes. I even asked him about it and he confirmed he “did” it in 23hrs. 

It just seems like he played the story and then did save files or something to quickly get the more grindy trophies. 

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From somebody who was working on a brief platinum speedrun back at release, I think 10 - 20 hours, hard to say exactly though as I never did finish it. I find the game very boring in terms of routing a platinum speedrun


This is without autopop and just platinum though, not 100% and would require perfect knowledge of the game.


The game can be speedran under 3 hours without cutscenes, just let's say cutscenes add 5 hours, that still gives 15 hour for all the collectibles.


For somebody to get through the game so fast, would also have crazy knowledge of all collectible locations and such so wouldn't take them long.


For a comparison, The Witcher 3 100% trophies can be speedran in 20 hours (Platinum in 15 hours). Sure you can't skip cutscenes here first time, but definitely can be done less than 23 hours! I refuse to believe that the Ghost Platinum Speedrun takes longer than TW3 100% speedrun ;)

Edited by Optinooby
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1 minute ago, JCP3953 said:

Are you sure the play time is accurate? I play games on my other accounts and many times it’ll say a time but it’s actually off by a dozen hours then what I actually put in and sometimes it’ll say I have only a few minutes of play time even tho I played for a few hours 

Yes I’m pretty sure it’s accurate because I even asked him about the 23hrs and he confirmed the he did do it in 23hrs. He even boasted that he got it 2x faster than me and said “40hr platinum for the average player like you maybe” in response to me calling bs that he got it in 23hrs. 

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I think Ghost of Tsushima's the type of game where you'd want to take your time exploring as it's such a beautiful game overall and that's what I did, I took my time both times I went for the platinum. I haven't cheated in the sense of using saves from different versions before as I feel like that's making the trophies not really worth it at the end of the day. :T

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5 minutes ago, Kidneynachos said:

Yes I’m pretty sure it’s accurate because I even asked him about the 23hrs and he confirmed the he did do it in 23hrs. He even boasted that he got it 2x faster than me and said “40hr platinum for the average player like you maybe” in response to me calling bs that he got it in 23hrs. 


It's doable mate.


As I was saying, it's more unbelievable to get The Witcher 3 100% trophies in 20 hours, but that's definitely possible.


This Ghost in 23 hours is really not that bad from a kinda speedrun perspective.


Btw, im not saying whoever has or hasn't cheated in this instance, all im saying is that under 23 hours is possible legit without autopop.


3 minutes ago, Lucibur said:

I think Ghost of Tsushima's the type of game where you'd want to take your time exploring as it's such a beautiful game overall and that's what I did, I took my time both times I went for the platinum. I haven't cheated in the sense of using saves from different versions before as I feel like that's making the trophies not really worth it at the end of the day. :T


I think most of us would agree this, for somebody to Platinum this in under 23 hours though, has more than likely spent much more time in the game than any of us here ;)

Edited by Optinooby
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2 minutes ago, Optinooby said:


It's doable mate.


As I was saying, it's more unbelievable to get The Witcher 3 100% trophies in 20 hours, but that's definitely possible.


This Ghost in 23 hours is really not that bad from a kinda speedrun perspective



I think most of us would agree this, for somebody to Platinum this in under 23 hours though, has more than likely spent much more time in the game than any of us here ;)

I suppose you're right about that. 😂😅

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9 minutes ago, Kidneynachos said:

Yes I’m pretty sure it’s accurate because I even asked him about the 23hrs and he confirmed the he did do it in 23hrs. He even boasted that he got it 2x faster than me and said “40hr platinum for the average player like you maybe” in response to me calling bs that he got it in 23hrs. 

For some reason my playtime in GoT is divided in my game-list. Both versions are PS4 but one is listed with like 100 hours and the other with 10 hours. It kinda adds up because I played Legends mode for a bit. Maybe this is the case with your "friend" too? Did you check if the game is only listed once? 

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5 minutes ago, OBSTINATIO said:

For some reason my playtime in GoT is divided in my game-list. Both versions are PS4 but one is listed with like 100 hours and the other with 10 hours. It kinda adds up because I played Legends mode for a bit. 


What, you got Platinum in 10 hours........somebody else to report XD


All jokes aside, I see this is a common issue with the console playtimes, it's not accurate always and can't really be relied upon. I'm sure there are ways to manipulate at least as well if anyone ever cared to look into it.


What we mainly look at TC is the trophy pop times, that's usually how you can tell if it is legitimate or not. Of course autopop messes all that up though if it exists with said version.


Edited by Optinooby
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4 minutes ago, Optinooby said:

From somebody who was working on a brief platinum speedrun back at release, I think 10 - 20 hours, hard to say exactly though as I never did finish it. I find the game very boring in terms of routing a platinum speedrun


This is without autopop and just platinum though, not 100% and would require perfect knowledge of the game.


The game can be speedran under 3 hours without cutscenes, just let's say cutscenes add 5 hours, that still gives 15 hour for all the collectibles.


For somebody to get through the game so fast, would also have crazy knowledge of all collectible locations and such so wouldn't take them long.


Wow I never excepted you to reply. I’m a big fan you helped me get a lot of the resident evil games 100% on my steam account 😅

I never knew you could skip massive parts of the story like that. Maybe that’s how he did it but sadly that’s looking very unlikely now. As since I called BS on him getting it in 23hrs all he has done is make very smug comments like how he beat the game 2x quicker than me and ect instead of just giving a simple explanation. But it helps to know it’s at least semi possible now thank you for the response. 


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Don't use Sony's playtime. Look at his playtime (first trophy to last trophy) on one of the several trophy sites to get a real sense of the time investment.


We're all going on the assumption that you've calculated the playtime correctly, so nobody here can definitively say whether the time is legit because we can't see the timestamps for ourselves. 


That's an awfully tight time for platinum (23hrs). All we can do is speculate without seeing the guy's profile.

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Just now, Kidneynachos said:

Wow I never excepted you to reply. I’m a big fan you helped me get a lot of the resident evil games 100% on my steam account 😅

I never knew you could skip massive parts of the story like that. Maybe that’s how he did it but sadly that’s looking very unlikely now. As since I called BS on him getting it in 23hrs all he has done is make very smug comments like how he beat the game 2x quicker than me and ect instead of just giving a simple explanation. But it helps to know it’s at least semi possible now thank you for the response. 



I'm always around here as like everybody else, just gimme a holla ;)


You can't skip the story, just 23 hours to speedrun platinum isn't that hard to achieve here.


There is nothing special about platinuming a hard game, having more trophies or getting platinum faster, I just make my guides fast and easy so that i don't waste 'your' time. Just leave him be in his false illusion of momentarily greatness ;)

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Agreed with above, the playtime is almost always wrong for me. It says I got the Crash Team Racing platinum in under one hour, I can promise you that isn't true. That being said, who cares either way if your friend platinumed the game quicker than you. If you enjoyed your time playing, there's nothing to be worried or jealous about. 

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48 minutes ago, teejota22 said:

Agreed with above, the playtime is almost always wrong for me. It says I got the Crash Team Racing platinum in under one hour, I can promise you that isn't true. That being said, who cares either way if your friend platinumed the game quicker than you. If you enjoyed your time playing, there's nothing to be worried or jealous about. 

I don’t care that he platinum a game or not. The whole point on this forum was to know for certain that’s all because I didn’t want to think my friend cheated when he didn’t that’s it. 

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22 minutes ago, Kidneynachos said:

The whole point on this forum was to know for certain


We're still speculating based on the very loose information you've provided. Without looking at the specific timestamps, nobody can guarantee his time or whether it's legitimate.

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17 hours ago, Helyx said:


We're still speculating based on the very loose information you've provided. Without looking at the specific timestamps, nobody can guarantee his time or whether it's legitimate.

Let me know what trophy time stamps would be a dead giveaway and I’ll let you know. 

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