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Amiga and Atari ST fans?

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It didn't sit right for me putting this thread about these two 16-bit micros (which also came in desktop form factors like the Amiga 2000 and Mega ST) in the console forum so here it is.

Anyway, any fans of these 16- and later 32-bit micros? And which games from these platforms or the era in which these platforms had their heyday would you like to see remastered?

I wouldn't mind seeing the Lotus series remade (with the Amiga's MOD tunes of course). We did get Zool a while back but unfortunately that one has a bugged trophy last time I checked.

Image to show what the machines looked like; these two were probably the most popular models of these two platforms.


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I've got an Amiga A500 in the house somewhere but the Floppy Drive and Power Supply need replacing :(. PS: The PS4 Zool game was fixed months ago ;).


I'd love to see the original 2 Strike games (Desert and Jungle), Cannon Fodder, Stunt Racer, Ugh and Lemmings 2: Tribes remastered for modern consoles because they were staples of my childhood :).

Edited by HuntingFever
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Posted (edited)
On 1/6/2024 at 10:35 AM, HuntingFever said:

I've got an Amiga A500 in the house somewhere but the Floppy Drive and Power Supply need fixing :(. PS: The PS4 Zool game was fixed months ago ;).


I'd love to see the original 2 Strike games (Desert and Jungle), Cannon Fodder, Stunt Racer, Ugh and Lemmings 2: Tribes remastered for modern consoles because they were stables of my childhood :).

Oh, thank God about the Zool game being fixed. I can actually start playing that then. Those are some killer titles you mentioned. When my A500 is up and working (water corrosion! so might get a new motherboard and transplant as much as I can) I will try those that I haven't played yet. Thanks!

EDIT: Btw., replacement PSUs are really cheap and repairing the floppy drive should be an easy fix but you may have to replace some surface mounted capacitors. Don't worry too much about the through-hole ones, those will generally be OK on an A500.

Edited by WeepingScorpion
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We owned the Amiga and had borrowed an Atari in 1982 and had the ZX Spectrum from 1984.  Monkey Island 1 and 2 and 3 on a PC [ so wish that DoubleFine had remastered Money Island 3 like they did with Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle and Grim Fandango, its the best one ] , Zool [ Demo ], James Pond, James Pond 2 Robocod, Turrican 2, GODS, Deluxe Paint, Shadow of the Beast, we have a few games.  

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20 hours ago, alexandra-jane09 said:

We owned the Amiga and had borrowed an Atari in 1982 and had the ZX Spectrum from 1984.  Monkey Island 1 and 2 and 3 on a PC [ so wish that DoubleFine had remastered Money Island 3 like they did with Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle and Grim Fandango, its the best one ] , Zool [ Demo ], James Pond, James Pond 2 Robocod, Turrican 2, GODS, Deluxe Paint, Shadow of the Beast, we have a few games.  

I was always more a fan of the Shadow of the Beast 3 over the first game, because it was too unbalanced for my liking. One game I always wanted to play but only ever had the demo for, was the Chaos Engine :(. Having multiple Floppy Drives was essential for most games back then, unless you wanted to spend most of your time swapping disks. Another game I have a massive soft spot for but could never finish due to not having a clue how to solve the last level, was Captain Planet and the Planeteers - I spent an ungodly amount of time playing that and various other children's show tie-in when I was a nipper, including Scooby Doo, Thomas the Tank Engine and Sooty and Sweep, though I never managed to finish any of them for one reason or another.

Edited by HuntingFever
Fixed typo.
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Oh, Shadow of the Beast 1. I have heard stories. It's a visual and aural marvel. But that's where that stops. :D And as for multiple floppy drives on an Amiga, yes, I agree, but the problem is that there's so much software that doesn't make use of it. I recently launched WinUAE and mounted disks 1 and 2 of Pinball Dreams as DF0: and DF1:. And what happened? The game asked for disk 2, so I had to mount that to DF0:. Lotus 3, same story.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Always wanted an Amiga. The Dizzy games always looked epic on that. But could never persuade my mum the cost was worth it. By the time I did, getting a PC was a much better option.


I got the Mini a few month back and I've loved that. There's also a full sized one with working keyboard coming next year

Edited by RedDevil757
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10 hours ago, RedDevil757 said:

Always wanted an Amiga. The Dizzy games always looked epic on that. But could never persuade my mum the cost was worth it. By the time I did, getting a PC was a much better option.


I got the Mini a few month back and I've loved that. There's also a full sized one with working keyboard coming next year

Prince of the Yolkfolk was always my favourite Dizzy game but once you knew what you were doing, it was easily completed in les than 1.5hrs so didn't offer much replay value or longevity compared to the other games in the series :(.

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On 1/21/2024 at 11:07 AM, HuntingFever said:

Prince of the Yolkfolk was always my favourite Dizzy game but once you knew what you were doing, it was easily completed in les than 1.5hrs so didn't offer much replay value or longevity compared to the other games in the series :(.

I'm a huge fanboy of that series. Magicland was my favourite but prince of the yolkfolk was a close second. I've been lucky enough to meet the guys behind the series twice now. Top guys too and still in the industry.

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My Uncle owned an A500 which he upgraded to an A500+ (0.5MB RAM extra XD) and I eventually got an A600 :) (A lightning strike fried it though :( )


I still consider it to be one of the greatest gaming platforms I ever owned.  I had so much fun with it :)


UFO Enemy Unknown

First/Second Samurai

Bubba & Stix

Shadow Of The Beast


Escape From Colditz

Anything by the Bitmap Brothers (Speedball 2 hell yeah)

Monkey Island 1&2



There's just so many good games, admittedly they're probably dated now, but damn were they good at the time.

Edited by Dark_Overlord
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  • 1 month later...

One good platformer on the Amiga is Soccer Kid. It's actually superior to the PS1 version (a lazy SNES/GBA port). You're using a soccer ball as a weapon, taking out enemies with overhead kicks, bicycle kicks, and headers. Sometimes you can stand on the ball and jump off it to reach higher places.


The plot has aliens shattering a soccer trophy into 5 pieces with Soccer Kid going all over the world to find them (places like London, Ancient Rome, Italian Riviera, on top of a bullet train in Japan, a Russian submarine, a Wild West desert etc). Some of the bosses you face are a rugby player and a gymnast. Matt Furniss did a wonderful job on the BGM.

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  • 2 months later...

The Atari 520 STM was my second computer when I was a teenager. The computer I had before was an Amstrad CPC6128, which I sold for the Atari. I had another Atari machine (Atari TT) and then eventually switched to PCs in the early 1990s. The Atari actually launched my first career. I had founded a computer club with a monthly e-zine that I coded a viewer/editor for (using a self-created markup language similar to HTML, but this was before HTML) and that I sent to club members on diskette.


I wrote most of the articles for that e-zine and eventually I reached out to the German "ST Magazin", a large print publication at the time. They bought my articles and so I would spend the next few years as a freelance journalist (this continued with PC-based magazines) until I switched fields. One of my bigger mistakes, in retrospect -- I should have kept writing instead of managing communities and dealing with people for a living. :)


Really dating myself here, I know!

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