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Sunset Overdrive........!


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This game looks really good and fun, but it's only coming out on Xbox One, I was thinking buying an Xbox one to play xbox exclusives, like Sunset Overdrive. What do you guys think, I deffinatly prefer the PS4 to the Xbox but I really want to play SunSet overdrive, Halo 5 and other games.


Anyway, should or shouldn't I?

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Who's stopping you? If I had spare money to buy an Xbox one I would...that's stopping me at the least, but there aren't many exclusives to make me want to buy one right away. So if you want it so bad buy it!

Edited by oZcuDo
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I'm annoyed at Insomniac for making this exclusive to Xbox One, it feels like a middle finger to all PlayStation players who supported them throughout the years.

I don't care if they no longer make exclusive games for PlayStation, let all platform players enjoy them, but making it exclusive to Xbox just seems wrong and backstabbish to me. But then again, i guess it's all about the money which M$ is obviously paying them.

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I'm annoyed at Insomniac for making this exclusive to Xbox One, it feels like a middle finger to all PlayStation players who supported them throughout the years.

I don't care if they no longer make exclusive games for PlayStation, let all platform players enjoy them, but making it exclusive to Xbox just seems wrong and backstabbish to me. But then again, i guess it's all about the money which M$ is obviously paying them.


Apparently Insomniac went to Sony first and wanted to put it on the PlayStation 4 but Sony wanted to get rights to the game instead of letting Insomniac keep the rights. They didn't think that was fair so they went to Microsoft who let them keep the rights as long as they made it exclusive to Xbox.


To the OP, I bought an Xbone specifically to play exclusives and I don't regret it. Starting June 9th Microsoft will be offering Xbox One systems without Kinect for $399 so if you want one I suggest that is the one you get. 




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Apparently Insomniac went to Sony first and wanted to put it on the PlayStation 4 but Sony wanted to get rights to the game instead of letting Insomniac keep the rights. They didn't think that was fair so they went to Microsoft who let them keep the rights as long as they made it exclusive to Xbox.



Oh, i wasn't aware of that. I guess Sony kind of messed up then. I'm going to miss Insomniac's humorous games.

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Oh, i wasn't aware of that. I guess Sony kind of messed up then. I'm going to miss Insomniac's humorous games.


I'm not sure how much of it is true because it is only one persons side of the story but it is definitely a shame that PlayStation users are going to miss out on this. Hopefully Insomniac will make their next game multiplatform. 




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If you aren't in a HUGE rush to get one I would probably wait until october. Like Parker said there will be the price drop by then and MS and Sony always do bundles to compete during the Christmas break. So if I were you I would just hang on until then :)

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Apparently Insomniac went to Sony first and wanted to put it on the PlayStation 4 but Sony wanted to get rights to the game instead of letting Insomniac keep the rights. They didn't think that was fair so they went to Microsoft who let them keep the rights as long as they made it exclusive to Xbox.

I knew about this but still can't believe it these guys build franchises to let them even go to Xbox is a huge mistake.


Also to the OP i'm in the same place as you this game makes me want to buy an Xbox One but if your just going to play exclusives you might want to wait for a price drop and a few more to be released

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This game looks really good and fun, but it's only coming out on Xbox One, I was thinking buying an Xbox one to play xbox exclusives, like Sunset Overdrive. What do you guys think, I deffinatly prefer the PS4 to the Xbox but I really want to play SunSet overdrive, Halo 5 and other games.


Anyway, should or shouldn't I?

Dude, I get Insomniac going multi-platform, but going all the way to the darkside and doing an exclusive game for Microsoft is just.......disappointing. As a long time Insomniac fan and a HUGE R&C and a big Resistance fan, I feel semi-betrayed.

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Oh, i wasn't aware of that. I guess Sony kind of messed up then. I'm going to miss Insomniac's humorous games.

They had a Facebook post a while back, it was a photo of all their PS3 games. And something along the lines of "next-gen, we may have some things up our sleeves"


We will def. see another Ratchet game, but i believe Sony owns the right to the franchise. So it will be a PS exclusive.

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In my opinion, and this is JUST my opinion not a fact, is that Sunset Overdrive is a rip of game of Infamous. Not Infamous: Second Son, I'm speaking about the franchise Infamous. I mean seriously, even the weapons, the effects look like Infamous to me.

However that is just my opinion. Who ever is intigrated by this, please watch a game-play of Infamous and the trailer for Sunset Overdrive (don't know if there's any let's play of that one).

And to answer at the OP question, I wouldn't buy a Xbox One, for a game that you have no idea about. And I wouldn't buy it for Sunset Overdrive and Halo 5. That's just my opinion, and yes I am a hardcore sony boy, but I am realistic at the same time.

If I will have £500 to spare...Then I'll get the Xbox one with the sunset overdrive, but that AFTER I have all the PS Vita/PS3/PS4 games that I want.

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There is a lot of people are working on it, by the time halo 5 is out we will have one.


I was under the impression that emulating something like the PS2 takes a fairly impressive computer to do properly, so emulating the Xbone would take a pretty damn beastly computer, right? 




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I was under the impression that emulating something like the PS2 takes a fairly impressive computer to do properly, so emulating the Xbone would take a pretty damn beastly computer, right? 




Yeah the graphics are fixed and optimized for the xb. So your computer will need to be able to run the game and make up for lack of good porting.

That being said its not worth it if you do not have a nice computer.

Edited by StingRay7495
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