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Am I the only one happy about the GameSpy server shutdown?


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My reaction is this:


The games shutting down are AGES old. If you didn't get all the trophies by now it is because you clearly decided you didn't need the trophies for those particular games. You literally had years to finish most of these games, if you haven't by now just accept it. It was YOUR decision not to play these games. 


As far as being happy about Gamespy shutting down: Tbh, their overall server quality was exceedingly low as PS3 games have had notoriously low connectivity and overall stability. So it's not like we are losing a great service. The games I care to play in the future are remaining online (R* win) so I can't really be too upset about it. I'm just indifferent, I guess.  I think the only people who are REALLY upset are people who want trophies and for that, I direct your attention above. If you are upset because you just enjoy playing a game online, then I can understand that a lot more. If you just want to get your trophies and then never play again (like 99.99% of online players who go for trophies) then quit your crying. Grow up and find another game to play. Not having some trophies is so meaningless.

THANK YOU!!! Somebody in here gets it. When I asked that question it was because it became a race against time for some trophies, and the majority of people in that rat race barely had trophies for most of those games, which meant that they didn't pay attention to those games until last month. Now if people heard about the shutdown and wanted to enjoy their last month of playing online on a certain game before it's taken away that would've been totally understandable. Even if that statement is true the boosters heavily outweighed them. That made playing online kind of annoying because almost nobody played online just to play online anymore. If people really wanted those trophies they had plenty of time to get them.


As for the server shutting down, I understand that people get butthurt about that. If your reason is cause you can't get trophies anymore then we're not seeing eye to eye. As many people bashed GCI, I actually enjoyed that game and i'm not a fan of shooters. I'm not really into playing online like everyone else is unless it's a music game. I prefer single player, but there's way too many games out here to complete to be tripping about a couple of games that will become impossible to get.

Edited by DJ_Adam2012
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it's just how the cookie crumbles. Servers don't stay up for ever.


I don't think people should be glad. Just because you decided that it wasn't worth it doesn't mean it isn't for others. in the same way people shouldn't be upset. It's just change, things move on and worse shit happens everyday.

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I don't own any games that used Gamespy's servers, so looks like I'm not directly impacted, but I am happy about this shut down for other reasons.


Game developers tout the online play as a major selling point and people take it for granted. I'm hoping this makes people re-think spending money on digital services, expecting them to be there forever, whenever they want them. In the near future, when someone has a digital-only catalog of games and the server to access those games goes down, the other guy with all the disc copies still gets to play his games. We are in an age when digital goods are becoming more and more enticing, but get less and less consumer protection.


I know the online servers is only a tangent to the all-digital movement, but people need to really consider what they're trading off in this digital age and ask themselves if it's worth it. And if you don't care about "digital rights", that's not a good enough reason to deny other people theirs if they want it. It's perfectly fine to not support digital rights, but if you don't, get out of the way.

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I think the OP answered his own point.


It wasn't the servers that were the problem making people into boosting "hounds". It was the fact that there was an impending shutdown which made the players into boosting hounds. Therefore, the server shutdown was a bad thing because that was made the players into single-minded, selfish boosters, (which is what the OP actually seemed to object to). The OP almost succumbed to the same temptation. If the shutdown wasn't looming, he perhaps would have had a different play experience. 

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I'm one of those people that made the last minute effort to get some online trophies done before the deadline. Granted on the Gamespy games I own I did have plenty of time to do them, but between work, sleep, social life, and other games I always figured there would be time to do it later. Can't say I'm glad the severs are down, but I have learned a good lesson from it. "If you want the platinum trophy for games that have online trophies do them first" that way you can try to save yourself from last minute pushes like this or from being screwed those rare few times servers go down with no warning.

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