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Friend Feed

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From what I understand, Sony forced PSNP to stop pulling friend info a while ago, so I don't think something like this is possible here. It's likely only possible on TT because it's a much smaller site and Sony hasn't really noticed it yet. It would be a cool feature if it's possible to implement though.

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From what I understand, Sony forced PSNP to stop pulling friend info a while ago, so I don't think something like this is possible here. It's likely only possible on TT because it's a much smaller site and Sony hasn't really noticed it yet. It would be a cool feature if it's possible to implement though.

Truetrophies uses website friends , not psn friends, PSNP doesn't need to pull any friend data from Sony's servers.

Edited by Saltyie
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Truetrophies uses website friends , not psn friends, PSNP doesn't need to pull any friend data from Sony's servers.

Well, in that case, there would probably have to be a new friend system implemented, or at least some kind of system that can pull from the forums. Because from what I understand, the forums are completely separate from the profiles. It's a neat idea, but if you're really curious what you're friends are doing, you can just check their profiles.


I'm not saying it's a bad idea or that it shouldn't be implemented or anything like that. It just sounds like it would be a lot of work to put onto the site, and personally, I'd rather see the time and effort put towards other features, like a rep system for gaming sessions so that people can use them without so many issues.

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  • 2 years later...

Thought about this again and wanted to push the thread up to the top to see if something like this is maybe coming anytime soon?

I too would love a friend feed similar to TT. It's the only reason I visit their site because it's an easy way to see who of my friends is playing what and what progress they are making. With the comments system it's pretty much Facebook for trophy- and achievementhunters. :D


It's a neat idea, but if you're really curious what you're friends are doing, you can just check their profiles.

True, but even if you have only a few friends it's very convenient to see everything they are doing. Or maybe I'm just so used to it from TA and TT that I don't wanna miss the feature anymore. :)

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