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Trophy Hunters Team League!


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Will our current scores for how many trophies we've obtained so far be posted tomorrow, or will they be posted on the next Monday after tomorrow's Monday?

They will be counted on this Friday. Since a whole week hasn't passed since the league start date and now, it'd kinda be wrong to count and post now.

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They will be counted on this Friday. Since a whole week hasn't passed since the league start date and now, it'd kinda be wrong to count and post now.

I thought so. And oh, nice that you changed it to Friday now, since, well, er, we obviously started the league last Friday.

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it'll probably get asked again either way


I'm going to ask it again just to spite you.


Will our current scores for how many trophies we've obtained so far be posted tomorrow, or will they be posted on the next Monday after tomorrow's Monday?

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Oh Plutia, I earned 53 trophies, not 51. I made a checklist, and been keeping check on my trophy hunting. Godzillaboy100 also checked through my PSN Profile, and he also confirmed that I obtained 53 trophies.

Ok, thanks for letting me know! Will fix that in a minute, and respond to your PM.

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Well ain't that downright depressing? All those hospital visits sure as hell did me no favors, let me tell ya. Well, I just have to get my rear in gear, I suppose.


Also, I got 50 trophies, not 45. :P

Counting the scores of multiple genius' must've gotten to my brain. Let me fix it, but then the CPUs are at #7. :(

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