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I haven't really been on any forums in quite some time, kind of got burnt out on them from years of forum based role playing (Written/Text RPGing). Anyway I have never been part of a gaming forum/community before, so it is quite the pleasure to have finally joined one. I have loved video games ever since I first got my hands on a controller as a kid. I am telling my age here but the first video game I played on a home console was PITFALL for the Atari 2600. From that day on Pinball machines were knocked down to second place on my list of arcade fun. Moving on, I wouldn't say I am a hardcore gamer, I just really enjoy playing video games. I am still fascinated how far things have come from my childhood in terms of gaming. All of the guides, techniques, button combos, and more. It is certainly a far cry from the single button and single joystick of decades gone by.

As for a bit of personal info, I am a husband and father of three. When not spending time with my family I enjoy video gaming. I am a total 80s fanatic and feel it was the best decade to be a kid. From the cartoons, to the toys, TV shows and music. I am glad to have been a kid during that time. Moving on to the present,aside from gaming I am a toy and comic collector. I am a drama free and laid back kind of guy.

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