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100 Years


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So, in 19 days, and 20 mins (from 11:20pm on 26th Mar), it will be exactly 100 years since the Titanic struck the iceburg.

It struck the iceburg at 11:40pm on Apr 14th 1912. Then hit the ocean floor at 2:20am on Apr 15th 1912.

100 Years, since the deadliest peacetime maritime disaster in history. An event that cost over 1500 lives. Will you be doing anything to honour the memory of Titanic and all those who died? I will. In my own little gaming related way.

I intend to play Ship Simulator 2008 on my PC. Take the helm of the RMS Titanic, and make the voyage from Southhampton to New York. I'll try not to hit any iceburgs. I also intend to watch Titanic 3D when it releases in cinemas on Apr 6th, and have started watching the Titanic mini series on ITV 1.

The history of Titanic is one that's fascinated me for a long time.

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I grew up roughly ten minutes away from the Harold and Wolff shipyard where the Titanic was built, so it's a story I was exposed to at a very young age and continues to be a story that arrests my attention. For those interested, here's a picture of the shipyard:


I might travel back up to my native Belfast to see the various exhibitions around the city if I have the time and/or the money.

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Wow....I actually had no idea it has been 100 years, nor do I think I will do anything special commemorating its anniversary. Regardless. I have always had a fascination with the whole event. I have watched countless documentaries regarding it, but have never actually seen the James Cameron movie. I think I shall sometime soon! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, here we are. As of typing this post, exactly 100 years ago right now, the Titanic was sinking bow first into the Atlantic ocean.

True to my word in the first post, I just recreated that famous maiden voyage on Ship Simulator 2008. Recreated it a little TOO realistically.

So, the built in Titanic mission on the game requires you to sail out of the English Channel, across the Atlantic, dodging 4-5 iceburgs, then bring it into the dock at New York Harbour. You must pass close to each iceburg for it to count though. They each have a green ring around them that you must pass within. The iceburgs shift about a bit too. Here's what happened...

I left the Channel with no problems. Took about half an hour. Only minor course corrections required here and there. I entered the Atlantic with a foreboding feeling and so, saved the game. Then proceeded forward. As I set my course toward iceburg #1 so I would pass close, it suddenly shifted to the right, away from me. I had to make a sharp turning in order to get within that ring, but doing so threw me off from the next one. I passed close enough then put the port engine full ahead and the starboard engine full astern while turning the wheel hard to starboard. (for those who don't know, starboard is right, port is left). I managed to pass close to iceburg #2 and turn back to port to continue through the ice field.post-9084-0-36148300-1334450293_thumb.jpg (to see the picture bigger, open it in a new tab with a right-click. But you already knew that didn't you?)

As I was approaching burg #3, it shifted to the right, directly into my path. Thinking fast, I ran the starboard engine full astern while turning the wheel hard to port. (the opposite direction to the real account). It was close, too close.post-9084-0-85345600-1334450312_thumb.jpg The ship struck the iceburg all along the left side gouging huge holes in the hull.post-9084-0-81414100-1334450338_thumb.jpg It stayed floating for about 3-4 mins before it started going down. When it did, it disappeared within 1 minute.post-9084-0-67602700-1334450381_thumb.jpg Not an exact recreation of history, but the same basic story. I didn't even do it on purpose. I was actually trying to avoid them.

One thing history couldn't do was reload a save file and try again. But I did. This time I attempted to plan ahead, but the iceburgs weren't moving in predictable ways. They didn't just repeat their shifts, so I had to be careful as I picked my way through. This time, I made it through and, after a loading screen was placed in New York. I took the Titanic past the Statue of Liberty,post-9084-0-17251200-1334450476_thumb.jpg and into the docking area. I slowed the ship enough to stop in just the right place, and tossed out my mooring lines. Mission Complete.post-9084-0-84387300-1334450540_thumb.jpg

Now, it's 1:50am. At this point Titanic would've been started to sink forward faster.

Also, true to my word, I watched James Cameron's Titanic in 3D (was quite a decent conversion, even if it didn't add a whole lot to the film). I watched it on the first showing of the first day, which was the 6th. Also, while making that virtual voyage I was listening to the Titanic soundtrack from James Horner. I have it on CD. Beautiful music. And, I've been reading Wikipedia to get all sorts of Titanic related facts, Oh, and I also drew a picture of Titanic. So yeah, I've literally been going Titanic mad over the last week.

Now it's 2:05am. The stern of Titanic would be rising up in the air at this point, about to break the ship in half due the intolerable amount of pressure on the hull. Then between 2:10am and 2:20am the bow would detach and plow down to the seabed, while the stern would float for a minute or two, then sink and corkscrew down to land about half a mile away.

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  • 1 month later...

I think I might take my Titanic fascination to the next level and get the 100th Anniversary Airfix model. It'd be challenging, not least because I've never done an Airfix before, but I've seen inside the box at all the little parts. It's over 360 pieces. But, to get a detailed miniature of Titanic, i'd be willing to give it a go. I've always had a fascination with miniatures.

Also, I'm surprised that no-one ever said anything about my recreation voyage (see above). Did this thread fall off the scope before anyone saw it?

Another 'Also'... I've been unable to find a way to post pictures of my LittleBigPlanet 2 Titanic on this site, so, for anyone interested, the pics are here.


If you DO have a look, please tell me what you think.

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