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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Official Trailer


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:jaymon: :jaymon: :jaymon:  I shouldn't have seen this. Now i'll have to endure the pain of waiting until 2016 -_-

I know right? I really like where they are going with it. Between this and the Star Wars trailer its been a pretty hype 24 hours :D


I've never seen any of the Dark Knight movies (what's wrong with me?!?!) but I for sure want to see this movie. It looks awesome!!

Those are great movies, have you seen Man of Steel? Thats what this is technically a sequel of. I'd check that movie out, really good. 


Thank you boody <3

I try my best :D

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With how much DC and Warner Bros. are pumping into this film, they really need it to do well.


Man of Steel was not good at all, and for such a disappointing film to launch their cinematic universe, is not good at all. With Marvel launching theirs with the first Iron Man, people had an idea of the quality of the films that they would see in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Marvel's hand was forced into using one of their lesser known properties to launch this franchise, knowing well going into the film's release that people didn't really know who Iron Man was, and that if the film bombed, they were in some deep shit. Of course the film didn't, so they knew they could start introducing other lesser known characters and they'd do well. Now Iron Man is one of the most common household superhero names.


DC deciding to launch theirs with Superman, arguably their largest property, people were expecting big things, and DC must have been also. Although Man of Steel did pretty damn well financially, it didn't inspire much confidence in the franchise, whereas Iron Man did the exact opposite for Marvel. 


Now DC is introducing another of their top guys, Batman, but are throwing in Wonder Woman and Cyborg too. If this film bombs, which isn't impossible, I dread to see what happens after.


I detest DC, but I don't want their DC Cinematic Universe films to be terrible; I like DC fans getting good films, and better films from them mean my boys at Marvel have a reason to up their game, even though they don't really need to.


TLDR: Might be crap, hope it isn't.

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Thanks for posting the trailer!! I wasn't expecting one this early, considering the movie comes out next year. It made me alot more interested despite not being a huge fan of Man of Steel. I love Ben Affleck's batman voice at the end of the teaser. :)

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I absolutely love The Dark Knight trilogy with Christian Bale as Batman. But I can't stand Ben Affleck, think he's a poor choice for the part! On the other hand I did love Man of Steel with Henry Cavill so I'm glad he's still playing Superman. That trailer didn't interest me for this film at all, think I'm just going to see it as a disappointment after this long wait.

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I think I will have to be a shut in for all of 2016 to avoid this movie. There is no way the Kal-El of Krypton would ever bow to Batman, let alone Ben Affleck! -_-

I DO NOT want to turn this thread in to a 'who would win...' argument, but I am dreading what these writers will do to Superman in this movie (hence this post), so lets just keep it at why did they choose Ben Affleck?

I will now withdraw to the safety of a man cave to watch all of the versions of superman that I have in which my beloved kryptonian is safe from this shameful duel.


(One theme that I did really like in the trailer is a world in which Superman crazy people like me have accepted and worship him to the point of seeing him as a deity, which would cause dispute and battle, eventually leading us into a more dystopian reality. Nice and dark :))

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