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Hello everybody my name is Richard or better known on the internet as RetroOne. I host a small YouTube channel under the name Game Gang Elite Force (http://bit.ly/GameGang) where I host a bi-weekly review series with far too many special effects. I recently bought a PS4 making the switch over from the Xbox 360 and have been loving it. Along with the PS4 I have become crazy addicted with trophy hunting and hope to achieve my first platinum this weekend. Any who I hope to get to know everyone here and have a great time hunting and sharing trophy stories with you guys!

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Thanks! So far everything has been amazing! Also thank you for making such amazing trophy tutorials. They have been helping me a lot trying to get the Minecraft Platinum.  :)

Oh wow thats really cool you know who i am :wave:


Glad it helped :D

Edited by Superbuu3
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