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The Great Australian Trophy Hunt - Season 1

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OMG Wayne, I get it, I've been slack. Lol. School finishes in a few weeks so then I'll have almost 6 months to play as much as I want. I've got heaps of games to start and then plenty more coming in the last couple months of the year :P


You are good Lightning, I'm not sure how you managed to find the hidden message "The stats in August are extremely poor, the main cause of this is Lightning's continued lack of interest in earning trophies. She sucks, whys is she even in this competition!?" but I'm glad you dud because that's exactly what I meant :P. I'm hoping you don't play a lot once school finishes because it'll just be another person that puts my efforts to shame each month, you being slack is on the same level as my best efforts lol.


On a side note, by school I hope that you mean university because you're making me feel old just by mentioning the word. I have my 10 year reunion next year! :(

Thanks for the update Wayne and it feels great to clean sweep all the leaderboards, but as anyone who knows me knows only one number really matters.

Cjshaitan 381 bronze

That's right im back and I'm King Of The Bronze

Long Live the King


Long live the king!

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You are good Lightning, I'm not sure how you managed to find the hidden message "The stats in August are extremely poor, the main cause of this is Lightning's continued lack of interest in earning trophies. She sucks, whys is she even in this competition!?" but I'm glad you dud because that's exactly what I meant :P. I'm hoping you don't play a lot once school finishes because it'll just be another person that puts my efforts to shame each month, you being slack is on the same level as my best efforts lol.


On a side note, by school I hope that you mean university because you're making me feel old just by mentioning the word. I have my 10 year reunion next year! :(


Long live the king!


See! I knew it! lol!


And yes, I do mean university. And I'm in my 20's as a mature aged student lol.

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And yes, I do mean university. And I'm in my 20's as a mature aged student lol.


Well that's good, I feel no as old and a little better now :lol:. At what point do they classify someone as a mature age student?


Mmm I almost remember my 10 yr school reunion


Ah that's where I recognise you from, you were one of the characters in Coffin Dodgers right!? :P Did you enjoy the reunion, do you think it's a worthwhile event? The topic popped up recently between my friends and I, we're probably not going to go to it. I just don't see the point really, you keep in touch with those from school that you want to and these days with social media you can easily see what everyone else is up to anyway. 


I got a.... point?




Yeah you did, nice work! I'm not sure if CJ is happy about new people wandering into his bronze territory though.

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I should have joined this at the start of the year! I am not hardcore but I know I have earned quite a few. No idea how many though


Keep an eye out for season 2, I will be putting up the topic soon to begin taking expressions of interest. However, I will probably make a minimum post count for any new members as I wanted the competition to generate a bit more discussion and build a bit of a community. I'm not really interested in having people join that will never be heard from again.


People posting in here about their 10 year school reunions makes me feel young lol. Just hitting 8 years out of high school.


Lol enjoy youth whilst it lasts mate!

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Keep an eye out for season 2, I will be putting up the topic soon to begin taking expressions of interest. However, I will probably make a minimum post count for any new members as I wanted the competition to generate a bit more discussion and build a bit of a community. I'm not really interested in having people join that will never be heard from again.

I'm keen for season 2. I also think the minimum post count is a good idea.

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Lol enjoy youth whilst it lasts mate!

I will mate, there's no worries about that lol

Makes you FEEL old?? Damn, makes me feel nearly geriatric, lol

Lol no, I said young. Too much grog for you hey :P

Just wait till you get the adult diapers ..... then you will know what old is

Ha ha ha CJ wheeled in to admit how ancient he is.
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This month has been a major non-event for me, have had virtually zero gaming time, as is reflected by my grand total of two trophies on the 8th, lol, next month is likely to be pretty much the same. Going to Bali for 12 days, so might be able to knock out some on the vita whilst doing my bit to keep the Bintang brewery in business :)

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