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Do you think Double Fine can make a game worth $60?


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With Psychonauts 2 $250,000 away from being made, do you think Double Fine can make a game worth $60?


Truthfully, I never really cared for any of the games that Tim Schafer and Double Fine have made. When they received $3.3 million to make Broken Age when they only asked for $400,000 I was shocked that so many people wanted them to make a new game. However, when Double Fine revealed they need more money to finish the game, any interest I had in Broken Age was gone.


Since then Double Fine and Tim Schafer have earned a lot of hate from people for their actions, comments, and business practices. However, ignoring all of that one thing has been consistent with Double Fine's games for the passed 7 or so years is that all of their game have been under $30 at launch.


Now based on the crowdfunding campaign, Psychonauts 2 will most likely be $60 at launch. As it is right now you can pre-order a PS4 or XBONE version of Psychonauts 2 for $57 ($39 for the lowest backer level + $18 for a console version). Now I will probably never play Psychonauts 2 because I don't really care that much about platformers, but to the people how like platformers and the people who have been waiting years for Psychonauts 2, do you think Double Fine can make a game worth $60 based on their current track record? 


Truthfully I don't, but that just the opinion of a guy who doesn't care for Double Fine's games.

Edited by soultaker655
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How people still give that unlikable, gross slob, money blows my mind. :D
And no... they've never made games  worth $60 at release, let alone $30.

Do i buy the witcher 3, fallout 4, black ops 3, star wars battlefront 3, destiny and the taken king.. you know, hundreds of hours in each of those games.. or psycho naughts...hmm I can't decide. When you make a game $60, like it or not you're competing against the other games worth $60.

If it doesn't hold it's own against those then no, it's not worth $60.


You're pricing the poor people who can only afford say 3 $60 games a year out of the market straight away.


At $60 it's destined to fail.

Edited by rgeGeo
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If Tim will fuck this up is rather hard to tell right now, though it's pretty likely. To answer your question, it's unlikely the game will have enough content to justify a $60 pricetag at launch, but that's not an issue exclusive to Double Fine. We keep seeing games fail to deliver enough content for their pricetag on a regular basis, The Order 1886 being the most well known example. It's rather unfair to judge a game's value only on how long you'll be playing it, true, but you can't really rule out that factor. Psychonauts 1 was really good so i'll wait for reviews and get the sequel when it's on sale, simple as that. Starting to think this whole preorder/day 1 purchase culture is the real problem here.

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And after the certain video series in which Shafer appeared, I wouldn't give him a penny anyway. Glad I bought Brutal Legend years ago before I knew what a douche he was, otherwise I'd probably not buy it now out of spite. That's right, I'm that much of an asshole.


It's also why I refused to download Fez when it was on Plus, that Fish guy can suck it too.


I don't buy their shit, not only so I don't give them my money, but so I can't give them any buzz. Screw them, I'm not helping them stay relevant. 


Idiotic prejudice aside though, other than Brutal Legend 2, I doubt this guy would make anything even of slight interest to me, let alone something I'd pay 100 bucks for (you say 60, that's your RRP, 100 is ours) ... Brutal Legend wasn't even that good anyway, it was just my perfect kind of story, soundtrack, setting and everything, pasted onto a lazy as balls third person action game.

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On more than one occasion, you make it clear that you've never cared for, nor do you care for now, any game Double Fine has ever made, but yet seem to have an obvious desire to know if their next game will be of quality (even though you already said you weren't going to buy that one either).

I guess the most obvious response to your curiosity would be; "Why does it matter to you?"

While you let that nugget bounce around in the empty arena, I'd also like to point out the multiple times you used the term "honestly", which only serves to make me question the validity and integrity of the other statements that didn't also begin with said noble declaration.

The general consensus is; Psychonauts and Brutal Legend were both quality, fun games. Worth $60? That's subjective, really. One could respond by asking you if you think your mountains of Hyperdimension Neptunias and BlazBlus are also worth $60 each.


Edited by effdeegee
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On more than one occasion, you make it clear that you've never cared for, nor do you care for now, any game Double Fine has ever made, but yet seem to have an obvious desire to know if their next game will be of quality (even though you already said you weren't going to buy that one either).

I guess the most obvious response to your curiosity would be; "Why does it matter to you?"

While you let that nugget bounce around in the empty arena, I'd also like to point out the multiple times you used the term "honestly", which only serves to make me question the validity and integrity of the other statements that didn't also begin with said noble declaration.

The general consensus is; Psychonauts and Brutal Legend were both quality, fun games. Worth $60? That's subjective, really. One could respond by asking you if you think your mountains of Hyperdimension Neptunias and BlazBlus are also worth $60 each.


Because I want to know other people's opinion on the question that I asked. Is that strange? Asking question is how people broaden their horizons, so that what I'm trying to do with this question. Instead of actually answering my question you are attacking me with a ad hominem argument. Why you felt the need to do such confuses me, but whatever.


The answer to your questions are: I used the word "Truthfully" because that how I truly feel on the subject of  Double Fine's games and that's also how I talk when I ask a question.

No, Neptunia and Blazblue games are not worth $60.  Neptunia games are worth around $15  and Blazblue games are worth around $25. That's the maximum I am willing to pay for games in those series.

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