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My name is Thomas and I am called "Tumppi", so I came up with username Tumpipi when I named my first character in a game (I guess it was cloud from FF7 :lol: ).
I am 22 years old boy and I live in a pretty small town in Finland, where I am currently studying in university.
I started my trophy hunting in 2008(?) when Uncharted got a trophy support. First i was really confused when my frist trophy popped since I had no clue what that was, but I did some research and found out what that firmware update included. I have currently huge backlog when it comes to games, but I am currently working on it as fast as I can xD. I've always been into trophies, but I've had times when I've played other games like World of Warcraft, Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone and so on.
My favorite games would be IE. Jak and Daxter: The Precursor legacy, Majin and the forsaken kingdom, Rocket league, Persona series and Tekken series. though my videogame taste is really wide.
Anyways, It's finally nice to Introduce myself to all of you PSNP forum users. :wave: 
Happy gaming,
Ps. Sorry if I had some typos here and there. Its 01:01 AM currently here in Finland and I am really tired. -_- 
She also wanted to say hello. (one of my cats)
Edited by Tumpipi
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