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Difficulty from Dark Souls


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Hey, Im new to these kinds of games so I dont know much about them.


I am very interessted in this, but I dont know how hard it will be. Were the previous ones difficult?

I had my hands on Bloodborne for a little bit, but I couldnt even get past the first boss


Could you guys give me some insight in if I should get this as a new person to this genre?


Thanks in advance :)

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Despite it's action based gameplay and challenging difficulty, the Souls series benefits from approaching it like an RPG.  A slow, methodical approach and the occasional grinding for souls and gear will serve you well, which came naturally to me as an RPG aficionado. This helped me conquer the challenges in Dark Souls and it's sequel despite being average at best at games in general.  Add in an incredible atmosphere and deceptively intelligent level design and that is Dark Souls in a nutshell.


Does this sound appealing to you?  Really, the series is so unique that I truly believe that the only way to determine whether you will enjoy it or not is to give it a shot.  While Bloodborne is likely the closest thing you have played to a Souls game, it really is a different beast forcing you to play faster and more aggressively.  If the setting and gameplay look cool and you have a modicum of patience, go for it!

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Yeah it's gonna be hard. Not as hard as the series reputation would have you believe but they're designed to be challenging which can be discouraging to new players. If you didn't have a good time with Bloodborne you're not going to have a good time here. That being said you should get it anyway.

Edited by Happy
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Bloodborne was genrally considered a lot easier than previous Souls games - having said that, the gameplay is slightly slower in the DS games, so depending on what exactly you found difficult it might seem easier at fiirst?

The games are uniformly the best games around, so i encorage perseverence!

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Despite 1 person telling me not to, Im most likely gonna get it when it comes out.

I changed my mind relatively quick after watching quite alot of gameplay. 

And it is also good for a change since I have been playing alot of the same kind of games recently :)


But thanks for the advice :)

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Allow me to convince you to buy yet another game!


The Souls series (including Bloodborne) is not hard. It's also not unforgiving. It's simply a challenge with a solution, much like a game of chess or a puzzle. A small jump back in time, preferably circa 2008-2009, shows us that games became quite lazy and "casual". The objective of a game was no longer to challenge or hinder the player, but instead the player was simply a passenger on a train, enjoying the scenery until he or she reached their destination. A lot of people, including me, became kind of used to this. It made us less cautious.


Then Demon's Souls showed up in 2009, and completely turned that around. No more infinite checkpoints, no more holding your hand telling you where to go, no regenerative health, etc. It was something new and unexpected, causing players to call the game difficult and unforgiving. It was just something different. Once players realized that you couldn't play it like Zelda or God of War, more and more people started to complete the game. As you've noticed, the completion rate of any of these games is actually quite high. The numbers even show that over 40% finished the story on Dark Souls 2 alone. People solved the puzzle and started playing the game like a game of chess, and then you suddenly realize it's not so bad. Everything is fair (except maybe Dark Souls 2... which has some bullshit moments), everything can be done if you just take your time and plan your moves.


In short, the reputation the Souls/Borne series has for being difficult is nothing but hype, and partly a lot of people on the internet (especially the gitgud community of gameFAQs) thinking they're somehow more hardcore for playing these games. The series should be known for its beautiful scenery, the deep lore, the great writing, and the fantastic atmosphere of gothic horror. If you couldn't beat the first boss on Bloodborne, it's because that game was your first. Bloodborne was your Demon's Souls. The game that shook your faith and made you realize that the familiar approach to games wasn't going to work out.


Nobody wins their first game of chess.

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The key is memorization. When you play these games you have no idea what's waiting for you, but the more you play them, the easier they become. To old school gamers, Souls games are easy, and to newer gamers, they become easier the more they play. Bloodborne is considered to be easier than the Souls games, but with the Souls games, you can always just block most attacks with a shield as opposed to trying to dodge.

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It is a drug for your soul, once it bites it will never let you go.


There is a lot of trial/error that will put your patience to a test, but the feeling when you overcome that difficulty... oh man.


Then there is the mesmerizing world, the deep lore and intrincate story, the melancholy, the epicness...


Everything coated with an astonishing soundtrack and gorgeous visuals.


And last but not least, it will help you get laid (but only if you have the plat).


Believe, friend.

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Every souls veterans will say those games aren't hard but challenging, that's because they learn from their mistakes and understood that despite the game being very punishing at the end (of every boss) there is a awesome feeling of joy also with some nice rewards from those slayed bosses but if you're new in these games like every other veteran was you will feel the game is hard as hell but ai bet when you will conquer that 1st boss in bloodborne you will feel that every defeat against this boss worth it. For a tip against this boss I can only say when I fight against giant bosses I try not to use lock on because it will limit your movement and big bosses have a lot of reach, instead I don't use lock on and I can move faster behind them and use the camera as my lock on device. Hope this advice helps you :) , if not ask another hunters to help you out xD.

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Don't know too much about it helping you get laid, as I've been pretty much with my wife for the last 7 years.. To which I was with her when I discovered demon souls.. Platted that.. But only much later. Haha. I agree with Caesar tho. I would say there's exceptions to the rules.. Invaders, pvp, and then new game+ and/or bonfire ascetics.. But the more you play, the more addicting it becomes, the better you ultimately get.. I'm actually one of those guys that enjoys getting killed. It makes me play that much better and play that much harder to get back what I lost and exact vengeance on those that killed me in the first place. I'm hoping that there's another covenant devoted to pvp like DS2. That'd be sweet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, Im new to these kinds of games so I dont know much about them.


I am very interessted in this, but I dont know how hard it will be. Were the previous ones difficult?

I had my hands on Bloodborne for a little bit, but I couldnt even get past the first boss


Could you guys give me some insight in if I should get this as a new person to this genre?


Thanks in advance :)

here is something for ya, play demon souls then play dark souls 1 and then bloodborne then you will know what dark souls 3 is without having to played it, from soft love repeating themselves over and over again.

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it's here  :D







looks like i'm in for my old and so loved experience

all games from the series share the same pattern on the so loved difficult spike, so try playing the first games to get to know better the series since they're all masterpieces, just don't let dark souls 3 pass trough 

Hey, Im new to these kinds of games so I dont know much about them.


I am very interessted in this, but I dont know how hard it will be. Were the previous ones difficult?

I had my hands on Bloodborne for a little bit, but I couldnt even get past the first boss


Could you guys give me some insight in if I should get this as a new person to this genre?


Thanks in advance :)

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