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Multiple PSN Accounts


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Hey all.


First off, I searched this topic and didn't find it so I hope this hasn't been done before. If it has, please post the link to it.


Now to the actual topic. Every now and again I see people mentioning in other posts that they have more than one account. So do I and I'd love to hear your opinions about it.


Why did you make more than one account?

Are you still active on all of them?


If you haven't made more than one account, have you ever thought about creating another? If so why? What made you decide against creating another so far?

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I've got my main, which I play on all the time.

I've got my second, which I don't think I've touched since like January. I have that as an excuse to replay games I've plat'd / 100%'d that I otherwise can't bring myself to replay because trophies fuck with your mind.

I've got my third, which I started earlier today and may or may not last very long, which is just a 100% account. So far I've just plat'd Goat Simulator and will probably redo Tony Hawk HD and Resogun for PS3, and other easy / fun 100%'s that I've already got.


2 and 3, for me at least, are just there for a fun way of replaying games I love enough to plat more than a few times. Resogun I've plat'd completely at least 5 times at this point, Goat Sim is the same, I'll be going for my 3rd or 4th plat of San Andreas in just as many months soon too. 


The thing is though, my alt accounts are strictly for replaying shit, I wouldn't make progress in a game on them that I'd not already made on my main account.

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I had an old account since 2011; but recently abandoned it. I wanted to replay/replat all of the PlatinumGames titles. So addicting and incredibly fun.



I have my main account (which is this one), and I have a second account for when I get DoAX3. I need that game, and I need a HK account for it.

I have my copy; and I am very excited to play it.  B)

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I've got my second, which I don't think I've touched since like January. I have that as an excuse to replay games I've plat'd / 100%'d that I otherwise can't bring myself to replay because trophies fuck with your mind.


I know what you mean. Replaying a game when you already have all the trophies is like not getting a toy with your Happy Meal as a kid.

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I created my first account sometime in 2008 or so while I was still living in Japan. I do all my PS3 gaming on there.


I'm back in Europe now so when the PS4 came out I decided to create a new EU account (this one), since the majority of my purchases are made in this region.


Now I have the option to buy stuff from the EU and JP store and play it on whichever account I choose.

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I have this one that was only going to be 100% but I got bored of that pretty quickly and just use it as my main account.

I have 2 other old accounts but I started this one as a fresh start so I don't bother with those anymore.


I'm currently thinking about starting over again for that fresh feeling, but I doubt I will. I just hide some trophies and pretend it's fresh lol

When it gets to the point where I've completed most of my games (that'll never happen) I wouldn't mind starting another account to play them again because yeah, it's like a Happy Meal with no toy.

Edited by Maftet
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This is my second account and my primary one. I was not content with the name of my first one which I felt was a bit too personal (although it probably will not be seen as such from a stranger's eyes), and as Super-Fly Spider-Guy I also wanted to replay some of my old games with the ability of earning trophies again.


I'm really happy that I created this user, especially considering how doubtful I was before I created it. Now I only use my original user to buy and download PS+ offers and sales and occasionally play a game that I have yet to start with this user. In some months, another year at the most, my first user will probably not be of use any longer.

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Nope, I only have the one account. Having more than one would feel like a massive chore. And besides, I feel like this account is an accurate reflection of me, and how I spend my time. I could re-earn a plat on another account...but why? No one will ever see it, since I'd never use the account for anything. I would always be using this one.


I've got my second, which I don't think I've touched since like January. I have that as an excuse to replay games I've plat'd / 100%'d that I otherwise can't bring myself to replay because trophies fuck with your mind.

Although despite what I just said....this is definitely an issue for me sometimes as well.

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