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Madbuk's List of Unfinished Games


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Progress Update: #199 - Day of the Tentacle Remastered


I was highly skeptical of whether I was going to end up enjoying this, based entirely on the art style. I've never really been a fan of cartoons.

But you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, I actually ended up enjoying this. The girl on the left of the plat image (Laverne) was the worst character though, her VA always sounded so bored and uninterested in everything going on and the character herself... really was rather bland and forgettable. The other 2 main characters were okay though. Nothing special, and Hoagie was a heavy stereotype, but they worked. The main narrative was pretty good, I liked seeing how changing things in the past changed the world in the future, and all 3 timelines felt very distinct to each other despite being set in exactly the same location. The main villain's motive was very generic but it was serviceable, although he never felt like a threat really. Maybe that's the joke. Overall, though I preferred Deponia and The Book of Unwritten Tales 2, this was still a good point and click game and wasn't the worst I've played (off the top of my head that'd probably be Broken Age, such a bland game.)


PS+ Titles

NEW GAME: Day of the Tentacle Remastered [+58] {+100} (COMPLETE!)


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Progress Update: #200 - Furi


This game was a lot of fun... on Furi. But then you get to Furier and some of the bosses, namely The Line and The Burst, are too bullshit to be fun. The rest of the bosses on Furier were okay, but I still preferred their Furi counterparts because those were a lot fairer. I actually quite enjoyed the speedrun mode, was probably the best part of the experience. It was set to Furi difficulty, and there was no walking in between bosses. Overall, The Edge was my favourite boss (I sucked at him quite badly on my first run before I learned how parrying works) and The Burst was my least favourite. Fuck The Burst. The soundtrack in this is great, and the sound design is even better - there's a very noticeable audio cue that tells you when you should parry something, which is a godsend as relying on the animation/white spark is a tad unreliable. The audio cue though? Never failed me. I also liked parrying in this game because you didn't have to anticipate what direction the attack is coming from like in Metal Gear Rising, you just had to press a button instead. If I actually had to anticipate where the attacks would be coming from this might have been quite a bit more challenging.

The story didn't really interest me that much, I stopped paying attention after a few boss fights. A lot of people take issue with the walking in between bosses, and while I did say I liked that that was cut out of speedrun mode, I do appreciate the walking sections in the main game to cool off and steel myself for the next boss. If it was constant back-to-back fighting Furier would've been a bit more stressful lol.


Stats for nerds:




Furi Final Stats


Furier Final Stats




PS+ Titles

NEW GAME: Furi [+34] {+100%} (COMPLETE!)


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Progress Update: #201 - Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Remastered


Anybody who has been a member here for a while will probably know how disappointed by Uncharted I was when I played it on PS3. I went in expecting Dude Raider, and instead I got a game that was primarily a third person shooter. Puzzles? Platforming? What are those things?

But the remasters were very cheap in a recent sale, so I thought I'd give them another shot now that I won't be disappointed by the fact that I'm not playing Dude Raider. The game was much better than I remembered, I love chapter 16 where you're in the vault with Elena and there are lots of branching pathways and roman numeral plates. That is what I want more of when I play an Uncharted game. Also, the story - while very, very generic - was better than I remembered too, the interaction between Nate and Elena is great.

Still have to do Brutal before I can move onto Uncharted 2, but 2 will be the true test of this collection. I absolutely hated 2, whereas 1 and 3 were good but highly overrated. At least I'll have 3 to look forward to afterwards I guess. Honestly, if 2 hadn't been included in the collection, I might have just skipped straight to 3.


PS+ Titles

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance [+1] {+1%}


Digital {Excluding PS+}

LEGO The Hobbit [+1] {+2%}

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Remastered [+53] {+92%}


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  • 2 weeks later...





Progress Update: #202 - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Remastered


This game is a huge, huge step down from the previous game, unfortunately. The first game was far from perfect, but this game just takes the flaws of the first game and magnifies them to absurd levels. The biggest issue, by far, and this is an issue that plagues the Uncharted series as a whole - but especially Uncharted 2 - is the combat/puzzles/platforming/quiet time ratio is way off. It's just gunfight after gunfight after gunfight after gunfight after gunfight. This is especially bad during the chapters in the town (where you first meet Jeff) and the chapters in the Tibetian town... The issue being that this ends up taking up the majority of the game, lol. I can only recall... 3 puzzles in this entire game? They were pathetically easy as well.

And as if that wasn't bad enough, the gunplay in this is worse than in 1 as well. So not only is there an absurd amount of fighting going on, but they are also even less enjoyable than they were before. Very frequently, I would have my reticule on an enemy's head, press the fire button, and the bullet would go to the side of the enemy instead. It's not accurate in the slightest and is a huge pain to put up with.

Another thing I didn't like about this game compared to the first game is that the chapters felt so disjointed from each other. I really enjoyed how in Uncharted 1, it felt like every chapter was directly connected and it was like you could have removed the chapter system entirely and just had it feel like you're exploring this one massive island hub. In this game, there are so many timeskips and jumps between areas. While this does help offer variety in setting, the island from 1 had quite a bit of variety anyway.

So... what did I like about this game? The story was very generic and boring, but as with 1 the characters were a lot better than I remember and it was always nice to see Drake and Elena interact with each other, and Chloe wasn't quite as annoying as I remember her being. But... that's really all I can think of.

Thankfully, I remember enjoying 3 so I can't wait to get started on that once I finish Brutal mode of this game. I won't be able to use the tweak exploit for this one, so that'll be fun! ...Kill me.


All that said... this wasn't quite as bad as I remember it being when I played it on PS3, even though it is still by far my least favourite Uncharted game.


PS+ Titles

NEW GAME: Ultratron [+12] {+100%} (COMPLETE!)



Watch Dogs 2 [+1] {+3%}


Digital {Excluding PS+}

NEW GAME: A King's Tale: Final Fantasy XV [+13] {+100%} (COMPLETE!)

LEGO The Hobbit [+3] {+5}

Psychonauts [+7] {+10%}

Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition [+1] {+1%}

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves [+52] {+92%}

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Remastered [+1] {+8%} (COMPLETE!)


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6 hours ago, Spaz said:

How was beating Uncharted 2 on Brutal on the digital version?

Awful. There are so many checkpoints that kill you in less than a second after you've respawned. The game simply wasn't designed for a brutal mode and it really shows, I havd to wonder if it was even tested. Truly felt more like luck than skill. Thankfuly there's an ammo exploit so I didn't have to worry about the lack of ammo on brutal.


I was using a walkthrough, and I'm glad I decided to use one as it was great, showed you how to completely bypass certain fights, showed you the best cover locations, and it made dealing with the blue guys in Shambalha a breeze.


As I mentioned in my platinum post, the guns just simply aren't accurate in Uncharted 2, which is a huge issue on brutal.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Progress Update: #203 - WipEout Omega Collection


I'm so glad Sony decided to give this franchise another shot after they (foolishly) gave Studio Liverpool the axe. It really is my favourite racing franchise and it was a joy to replay HD and 2048, even if I would've preferred an entirely new game. The complete control you have of your ship even when you're flying around at Phantom speed is incredible, and playing the 2048 maps on a TV screen instead of the PS Vita was wonderful, although it did make it easier to use the shortcuts... a bit too much easier, lol. Not that the Vita version was bad to play, and I'd recommend 2048 in a heartbeat to Vita owners, but it's even better here.

Playing the Fury expansion on Elite difficulty is a new challenge to this collection that wasn't featured in the original game, and tbh apart from Detonator events it wasn't as bad as I was expecting, given how many people were posting about how hard it was in the trophy thoughts thread. It's a shame that this probably will end up not even being UR, the rarity is steadily decreasing, but oh well.

I cannot recommend this game enough. I'm not even that big of a racing fan, but these games are wonderful. Also, big shoutout to @Official-ME- for all their help with the online trophies.



NEW GAME: Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance [+12] {+17%}


Digital {Excluding PS+}

LEGO The Hobbit [+1] {+1%}

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Remastered [+1] {+8%} (COMPLETE!)

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered [+39] {+62%}

NEW GAME: WipEout Omega Collection [+35] {+100%} (COMPLETE!)



NEW GAME: Bully [38]

NEW GAME: Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep: A Fragmentary Passage [15]

NEW GAME: Tales of Berseria [51]


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Progress Update: #204 - Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered


This, unlike Drake's Fortune and Among Thieves, was worse than I remembered unfortunately. The guns don't feel as good to use (although they're far more accurate than in Uncharted 2, thankfully), enemies don't react to bullets at all like they did in 1 and sometimes did in 2, and the pacing gets destroyed by the boat chapters. Such dreary, pointless filler. I've also never been much of a fan of desert settings so I found those chapters rather dull too. The start of the game, where you're in France with Sully, was fantastic. Decent puzzles (nothing great though, which is unfortunately the norm with Uncharted...), barely any tiresome shootouts, and a nice setting. Syria was also kind of dull as a setting and it's where the gunfights began to be more common place, but that was still a decent section.

I also really liked the chapter where you're with Sully and Elena solving puzzles (in Yemen?), although again the puzzles were too simple.


Uncharted desperately needs more complex puzzles and less repetitive shooting.


Digital {Excluding PS+}

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered [+19] {+30%}


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On 6/29/2017 at 4:57 AM, madbuk said:

This, unlike Drake's Fortune and Among Thieves, was worse than I remembered unfortunately. The guns don't feel as good to use (although they're far more accurate than in Uncharted 2, thankfully), enemies don't react to bullets at all like they did in 1 and sometimes did in 2, and the pacing gets destroyed by the boat chapters. Such dreary, pointless filler. I've also never been much of a fan of desert settings so I found those chapters rather dull too. The start of the game, where you're in France with Sully, was fantastic. Decent puzzles (nothing great though, which is unfortunately the norm with Uncharted...), barely any tiresome shootouts, and a nice setting. Syria was also kind of dull as a setting and it's where the gunfights began to be more common place, but that was still a decent section.

I also really liked the chapter where you're with Sully and Elena solving puzzles (in Yemen?), although again the puzzles were too simple.


Uncharted desperately needs more complex puzzles and less repetitive shooting.

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Digital {Excluding PS+}

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered [+19] {+30%}



Drakes Deception was a step down from Among Thieves in my opinion. Aiming felt off just like it did on the original PS3 version.


Whenever I was on my second or third playthrough on the ship I just dreaded it. You play a good hour wishing Sully was actually on the pirate cruise ship only to realize it was a dummy all along. This also had two of the most difficult sections of the game, the first being the fight involving enemies on two ships with a bunch of debris and water inbetween. Second being the ballroom fight inside the cruise ship.  It was fucking terrible on Brutal difficulty. So cheap.


I will admit the scenery you see when you're on the horse with Selim was pretty damn good. Drake walking across the desert was some of the absolute best graphics the PS3 had seen. But compared to what you see now on PS4 Pro with games like God of War and even titles like Assassins Creed Origins, it doesn't look all too great even with the PS4 remaster. Still pretty good looking though.

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I replayed the remasters a short while ago and they were all even less than I remember. Though I have to say I always thought the fourth game was the first one that was really good, and even it was not perfect thanks to the romance plot tumour. Damn Naughty Dog, taking themselves too seriously...

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Progress Update: #205 - Crash Bandicoot


What a fantastic game. I was a little worried about VV adding in time trials to the remaster, as Crash 1 wasn't really designed with them in mind as 3 was originally, but the levels lend themselves perfectly to it. I love the emphasis Crash 1 has on pure platforming gauntlets, something that the sequels moved away from (especially the third game...) and the challenge of the game is very refreshing. This is easily my favourite Crash and Dark Souls game, I probably should've left it for last so that 2 and 3 wouldn't feel so disappointing in comparison. Oh well. Maybe I'll appreciate 2 and 3 more with the remaster than I did with the original games. I hope we don't have to wait too long for the DLC, starting to worry it'll be a Burn Zombie Burn scenario.


Thank you, Activision, for green-lighting this remaster and picking the perfect studio to create it. Spyro next please!



NEW GAME: Crash Bandicoot [+23] {+88%}


Digital {Excluding PS+}

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered [+1] {+8%} (COMPLETE!)


Games With Unfinished Online Trophies

NEW GAME: Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed [3]



NEW GAME: Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back [25] {Retail}

NEW GAME: Crash Bandicoot: Warped [25] {Retail}

NEW GAME: Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed [51] {Digital}


Impossible Trophies

NEW: Crash Bandicoot [2]


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Progress Update: #206 - Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back


While not as good as Crash 1, this game is still a lot of fun, and better than I remember even. It's a little annoying that you have to unlock the sprint ability before you can do the time trials, I liked doing them right after first finishing a level in Crash 1. That's a minor complaint though, and barely impacted the overall enjoyment of this. It's a blast playing these games again with PS4 visuals, it really is. I really don't remember enjoying 3 much, so I may play something else before starting it. Game of Thrones or Until Dawn, perhaps.

Also, I'm glad this game doesn't have unreleased DLC so it's actually at 100% completion. Hurry up and release the Crash 1 DLC pls Activision.


Thank you, Activision, for green-lighting this remaster and picking the perfect studio to create it. Spyro next please!



Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back [+25] {+100%} (COMPLETE!)


Digital {Excluding PS+}

NEW GAME: Driveclub VR [+21] {+68%}



NEW GAME: Game of Thrones [49] {PS+}

NEW GAME: Until Dawn [19] {PS+}


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28 minutes ago, DarkSamuraii- said:

Nice list/profile. You going ever back to GT5? Looks like that's the hardest thing on your list :P 

Thanks. I would love to finish up GT5, especially considering I've gotten the 2 now-impossible trophies, but it's way too hard for me :( I'm awful at racing sims lol

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16 minutes ago, madbuk said:

Thanks. I would love to finish up GT5, especially considering I've gotten the 2 now-impossible trophies, but it's way too hard for me :( I'm awful at racing sims lol


Yeah it's no joke. Luckily unlike Assetto, it's doable with just the DS4 instead of needing an advanced setup. I'm the same though. Racing sims definitely aren't for me. :b

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Progress Update: #207 - Game of Thrones


I don't understand why everyone says this is the worst Telltale game. I enjoyed it more than Tales From the Borderlands.

I mean, okay, the choices are utterly pointless, but that's the case in every Telltale game. I enjoyed the story and the constant shift in character perspectives. Mira's was probably my favourite, reminded me of Book of Unwritten Tales, although all the sections were good apart from Tuttle's. I found his sections quite dull.

It's a very bleak game though. Every choice you make leads to further destruction and there's not really any way to avoid it, The Walking Dead had a lot of main character deaths but I think this was more relentless. Can't really say any more without spoilers but yeah, I enjoyed this and am glad it was on PS+. People say it spoils the TV show but idk, I've never seen it or read the books and I don't see how any of this spoiled the TV show.


PS+ Titles

Game of Thrones [+49] {+100%} (COMPLETE!)



Horizon Zero Dawn [+2] {+5%} (COMPLETE!)

Tales of Berseria [+2] {+3%}


Digital {Excluding PS+}

Driveclub VR [+4] {+20%}

LEGO The Hobbit [+1] {+2%}


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Progress Update: #208 - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition


This is easily one of the best GTA style games I've played. Far better than GTA itself. The story was good, the characters were interesting, and there was a good amount of variety in the missions. Also, you're able to actually drive around without the cops hounding you all the time like they do in GTA, so you can drive to your next mission instead of having to tediously run all the way there like you would in GTA.

However, despite this, and despite the fact I enjoyed myself while playing it, I found it hard to push myself to actually load up the game, which is why it took over a year to platinum this. Also, the Tran delivery missions were very dull and there were far too many. The random events is also a stupid concept, but luckily I got 27/28 while doing everything else, and the one I was missing was the first one in the video guide.

Definitely going to stack this at some point, already picked up the EU version when it was on sale for about £3, but probably not for a while.



Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance [+5] {+7%}


Digital {Excluding PS+}

Driveclub VR [+1] {+1%}

Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition [+20] {+37%}


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Progress Update: #209 - Tales of Graces f


I am so glad that this shit is over. I really enjoyed the main story, I liked all the characters and the plot, and the gameplay was good fun too, but... yikes that post-game. The extra chapter (Lineage & Legacies) felt like pure filler and the dungeons in it were pretty bad, the Zhonecage dungeon which unlocks upon finishing L&L was bad, and the inn requests were so convolued due to the unnecessarily complicated dualizing and tempering system that those weren't fun at all. Gave me flashbacks to Ni no Kuni alchemy, but more involved. Grinding out the 100 titles as each character felt like a walk in the park after alchemy, so at least not all the grinds in this were obnoxious.

Now I can finally move onto a new Tales game without having Graces f constantly nagging the back of my mind :awesome: It's a great game, and I'd recommend it, but only if you can suffer through some tedious grinds (or if you just don't care about trophies)



Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition [+9] {+25%} (COMPLETE!)

Tales of Graces f [+19] {+37%} (COMPLETE!)



NEW GAME: Tales of Hearts R [40]


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Conrats on reaching #209 platinums, that is no small feat. Tales of Grace is a sequel to Tales of Symphonia right? Cause I've heard those games are massive time sinks, like a lot of Disgaea or similar RPG's XP. Congrats on getting it beat, now you're hurtling towards platinum #210, got a game in mind? Crash Warped maybe?

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2 minutes ago, James_Tonto said:

Conrats on reaching #209 platinums, that is no small feat. Tales of Grace is a sequel to Tales of Symphonia right? Cause I've heard those games are massive time sinks, like a lot of Disgaea or similar RPG's XP. Congrats on getting it beat, now you're hurtling towards platinum #210, got a game in mind? Crash Warped maybe?

Graces is from the same franchise as Symphonia but it's set in an entirely new world with a completely different cast of characters, sort of like the Final Fantasy franchise. And yeah, took me 112 hours but most of that was enjoyable, and at least I got my moneys worth ^_^

No idea what 210 will end up being, I'm playing Tales of Berseria atm but I switch between games a lot so it probably won't be that. Not really a fan of Crash 3 (love 1 and enjoy 2 though) so I've been putting it off, I should really get back to it :P

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Progress Update: #210 - Crash Bandicoot: Warped


I took a break after Crash 2 because I remembered not liking Warped much at all. Far too many gimmicks. I am pleased to say that this remaster has changed my mind. It is still the worst of the trilogy imo, but it was far more fun than I remember it being. I do wish there were more traditional platforming levels and less motorcycle ones, though. Actually kind of sad that the trilogy is over now, it was such a blast from the past and I loved every minute of it. Really excited to see what the Crash news that has been teased is going to be tomorrow. I really hope it's the Crash 1 DLC so I can get those 2 trophies and remove them from my unobtainable list (which, as of now, consists solely of Crash 1 -_-)



Crash Bandicoot: Warped [+25] {+100%} (COMPLETE!)

Tales of Berseria [+1] {+1%}


Digital {Excluding PS+}

LEGO The Hobbit [+4] {+6%}


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Progress Update: #211 - Driveclub VR


Because I loved Driveclub so much (honestly, it's probably my second favourite racing game behind WipEout HD Fury), I decided the first VR game I should play is Driveclub to see what it's like.

I... I don't really get what VR added to the experience besides a wonky camera and a large post-game grind? But oh well, it was still a lot of fun regardless. Level 60 was quite a grind but honestly it was shorter than I was expecting. Also, the gold star requirements in the campaign felt like a joke compared to some of the original DC DLC.

It's such a shame that Evolution was shut down :( They didn't deserve that, and neither did Studio Liverpool who developed WipEout HD Fury. Sony doesn't like good racing games I guess, so they'll continue churning out those Gran Turismo games instead :ninja: I should get Driveclub Bikes at some point, that 8 player trophy will be a pain though.



Crash Bandicoot [+2] {+12%} (COMPLETE!)

Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance [+12] {+18%}


Digital {Excluding PS+}

Driveclub VR [+3] {+11%} (COMPLETE!)

LEGO The Hobbit [+9] {+20%}


Games With Unfinished Online Trophies

Driveclub VR [-1]


Impossible Trophies :(

Crash Bandicoot [-2]



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Progress Update: #212 - Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance


It feels good to get a Kingdom Hearts platinum again after giving up on Birth by Sleep long ago. If BBS only required grinding once, sure, I'd go for it, but doing everything 3 times? Fuck that.

I am so glad that this game had one journal that Sora and Riku both used, and they shared items and dream eaters so you didn't have to grind out every material and make every dream eater as both characters like BBS would've made you do, a huge improvement that made this game far more enjoyable.

Also the combat is as fluid and enjoyable as I remember from older KH. After trying so many times to do the BBS grind, I had started to get used to the clunkiness of that game and began to question whether KH combat was ever good in the first place. DDD is a great reminded that yes, it is that good and I can't wait for Kingdom Hearts 3 now. This game was such an improvement from BBS that it has even made me consider going to get 1.5 + 2.5 and stacking everything (apart from BBS, unless I can manage it the first time), I'm itching to play more KH and I think it'd be hard to go back to 30fps after playing this in fluid 60fps. I'm not one to usually notice such a difference, but halfway through DDD I went back to try and play BBS and everything felt so slow in comparison and I can only think of the framerate as being the culprit. Even the menus just weren't as smooth to navigate as they are in DDD, so I'm glad the PS4 release upped them all to 60 (I think?)

Also I appreciate how little grinding there was in this game even compared to games that aren't BBS; the whole platinum took about 47 hours compared to the 80-100+ that the other games took me lol, never felt too repetitive or endless.



Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance [+26] {+58%} (COMPLETE!)


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  • 2 weeks later...



Progress Update: #213 - Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep


I am so ready for Kingdom Hearts 3. So many pieces have been put into play and I'm excited to see how it all plays out. For an entry that isn't numbered, Birth by Sleep is absolutely essential to the overall plot (so is Dream Drop Distance... you could probably skip 358/2 and Coded though) so it's odd that they would decide to release it on a handheld device instead of taking full advantage of the PS3. This game probably has my favourite KH story, I won't spoil it but these poor characters just can't catch a break :(

The gameplay, on the other hand... something felt off in BBS. I'm not sure what it was, but the combat just didn't feel as fluid and interesting as any of the other games. It does get a lot better when playing as Ventus and Aqua, but playing as Terra just doesn't feel good at all, and even Ven/Aqua aren't as fun to play as as Sora or Riku.

Having to refill the reports as each character is also really dumb. I get why it's like that, because why would the characters share a report? But Sora and Riku shared a report in DDD just fine even though that doesn't really make much sense either. DDD was so much better because you only had to do the unique content as each character and everything else with only one. Regathering all the commands in BBS just isn't fun.


I might end up stacking these games if I really can't wait for KH3, because they're great. I'll wait for a price drop first though, £40 is a bit much for me (even though I'd get another 300+ hours out of it)



Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep: A Fragmentary Passage [+15] {+100%} (COMPLETE!)

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep [+22] {+57%} (COMPLETE!)


Digital {Excluding PS+}

LEGO The Hobbit [+1] {+2%}


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Progress Update: #214 - Until Dawn


This game was okay. I enjoyed it the first time (I went into it without a guide, and it stayed that way for the most part, but I couldn't help myself from looking up some key decision outcomes. I didn't want to mess up ;-;) but the second playthrough to get all the collectibles was so tedious. I get it, you can't skip dialogue or cutscenes because you're supposed to experience the story. But I have experienced the story. They should let you skip stuff on second playthroughs like visual novels do, and this should be a requirement for every game imo. A run button would've also been very appreciated, you move ridiculously slow in the game even when holding down the "walk ever so slightly faster" button. Controls were also a bit wonky, especially when the camera keeps moving as you walk.

As a PS+ game, I enjoyed this a lot, but I'm glad I didn't pay for it due to the little annoyances that help bog down an otherwise fun experience.


PS+ Titles

Until Dawn [+19] {+100%} (COMPLETE!)



Watch Dogs 2 [+1] {+2%}


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