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Financial Year Backlog Challenge Thing

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Like I said in my second post, that statement only applies to virtual currency inside games. You usually use those to make your character look better or something along those lines, so that money that was spent before the challenge can't be used to acquire new content or generally anything to get more enjoyment or playtime out of a game. This makes it different from your PSN account balance.


Damn  :(  but it was worth a try :D

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Like I said in my second post, that statement only applies to virtual currency inside games. You usually use those to make your character look better or something along those lines, so that money that was spent before the challenge can't be used to acquire new content or generally anything to get more enjoyment or playtime out of a game. This makes it different from your PSN account balance.

That also doesn't mean that it is OK to spend money on virtual currency after the start of the challenge since that is still spending money for a game but hanging on to already owned virtual currency in a game would be completely pointless in the scope of this challenge. At least that's my opinion on the matter.



Yeah I can see those frequent failures combined with the long loading screens causing frustration. That's also a pretty poor way of providing a timed challenge in game design terms. I'd personally make missions like that a race where you face off against another NPC runner to gain a reward. But who knows, maybe a hurricane is coming in exactly that time and that's why the item breaks when the timer runs out. :P


Also, I don't remember anything annoying about the first game in particular. I mean I don't know about Catalyst but it's pretty hard to mess up the controls of a sequel to a game with perfectly fine controls. I think I played through the first game in 2 sessions but it also wasn't rage inducing because there was barely any time between dying and respawning. But I don't know how much is influenced by the fact that I played the PC version of the game. I got it in a Humble Bundle for a staggering price of 1$ along with a few other EA games, so that might have influenced my opinion on the game.


Have fun with Far Cry primal, it's another game that I'd want to play if I had a PS4. :)


Problem is that they have several timed runs in place already, adding this element of "fragile" is completely unnecessary if it's just another time limit.


The controls in the first game were less annoying because there were less interactables. Catalyst is as bad with environment as the first Assassin's Creed was. No you bloody woman, I wanted you to wallrun, not jump into the abyss! The first game was more annoying because of the walls of guards with bad combat to defend yourself with, they said run past them but that was not a valid option most of the time.


It's funny; I always got consoles years after the fact, sometimes when successors were already announced. PS4 was the first time I got a console within a year of the release date, yet now, two years later I can hardly imagine going without it and I am still surprised at people sticking to the old generation. Maybe because my own motivation was in part money; I was a kid or student before and now I'm lucky to have a job with a steady income.

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It's funny; I always got consoles years after the fact, sometimes when successors were already announced. PS4 was the first time I got a console within a year of the release date, yet now, two years later I can hardly imagine going without it and I am still surprised at people sticking to the old generation. Maybe because my own motivation was in part money; I was a kid or student before and now I'm lucky to have a job with a steady income.


That was one of the biggest motives for me too... i'm a student with part-time job and i had luck in doing some extra hours at work and could afford ~200€ for a PS4 and two games now, but if you'd asked me two weeks ago i'd said i won't have enough money this year for a ps4 :) ... but i have the problem in looking for some "Accessoires" like new Headset, new controller, fan + loading station or even a wheel for racing.... it's a no, no, no and nooooo waaaaay :facepalm: :D


Oh and this was the one and only  reason why i am here... to spare some money :D

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Oh and this was the one and only  reason why i am here... to spare some money :D


I'm not here to save money. If I save money on gaming I will no doubt spend it on LEGO or holidays or whatever. I'm doing this so I can decrease my backlog and game without care :)


Quick question as i have seen you guys talking about trades etc. Does this challenge only include expenditure which damages your finances? If i sell a game and buy another using the profit does that count? I just sold Infamous for £7.


We talked about this sort of stuff a few pages ago: trading a game for another game directly is fine, trading a game for money and using that money for another game is not. You can put that money you gained down in your game expenses list though, so your total of money spent will be less because of this but games you buy again with that money will count.

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We talked about this sort of stuff a few pages ago: trading a game for another game directly is fine, trading a game for money and using that money for another game is not. You can put that money you gained down in your game expenses list though, so your total of money spent will be less because of this but games you buy again with that money will count.


Ok that is fair enough but surely if i say i gained £7 for this game and I buy another one for £7 then I will still have spent £0. I am not going to purchase anything outside my 3 allowed anyway, I was more curious than anything.
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Ok that is fair enough but surely if i say i gained £7 for this game and I buy another one for £7 then I will still have spent £0. I am not going to purchase anything outside my 3 allowed anyway, I was more curious than anything.



Yeah that's what I meant with putting the money on your expenses list. If you buy a game with that money, the game will go on either your 3 allowed list or your additional cave-ins list. On your expenses list, you will have that game for 7 pounds (I have no idea where that symbol is on my keyboard), and Infamous for -7 so your total expenses will be zero on the whole.


I "bought" No Man's Sky completely by trading in games, which is why my expenses are still on zero. I have NMS and two other games pre-ordered from before I entered the event so they don't count towards the 3 bought during the event or as additional cave-ins, but I will write down the actual money I spend on them nontheless.

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Problem is that they have several timed runs in place already, adding this element of "fragile" is completely unnecessary if it's just another time limit.


The controls in the first game were less annoying because there were less interactables. Catalyst is as bad with environment as the first Assassin's Creed was. No you bloody woman, I wanted you to wallrun, not jump into the abyss! The first game was more annoying because of the walls of guards with bad combat to defend yourself with, they said run past them but that was not a valid option most of the time.


It's funny; I always got consoles years after the fact, sometimes when successors were already announced. PS4 was the first time I got a console within a year of the release date, yet now, two years later I can hardly imagine going without it and I am still surprised at people sticking to the old generation. Maybe because my own motivation was in part money; I was a kid or student before and now I'm lucky to have a job with a steady income.


Hmm, maybe there was something different planned for the "fragile" objects but had to scrap that idea and just reuse the timed runs because of EA's nagging and pushing. That's actually something that happens quite often.


Yeah AC2 feels like a completely new game when compared to the first game, especially the addition of many more spots to climb up walls was really nice.

The combat in the first Mirrors Edge was pretty annoying, I give you that. :P And I can imagine it being pretty annoying if you can interact with more things at once, especially since it's not carefully crafted courses anymore but an open world environment. 



That was one of the biggest motives for me too... i'm a student with part-time job and i had luck in doing some extra hours at work and could afford ~200€ for a PS4 and two games now, but if you'd asked me two weeks ago i'd said i won't have enough money this year for a ps4 :) ... but i have the problem in looking for some "Accessoires" like new Headset, new controller, fan + loading station or even a wheel for racing.... it's a no, no, no and nooooo waaaaay :facepalm::D


Oh and this was the one and only  reason why i am here... to spare some money :D


Hehe, the main reason why I'm not saving up for a PS4 is that I barely scratched the PS3 and Vita library. I think I could go on for 10 more years and there would still be a few more titles worth playing left for me. :D

But if I had enough money a PS4 would probably be the first "big" purchase I'd make. I'm glad that I don't really have any use for a smartphone otherwise that would also be something I'd have to pay for, but since I'm not into social network stuff and stuff like instagram or whatever the only other thing I'd use it for would be the 3 or 4 games on the store that are actually fun without shoving you more microtransactions in your rear than you could handle.

I won't really be getting that kind of money any time soon, so it's better for me to use that money to afford some more games instead of a console entailing a long dry-spell of games. The problem is that I'm doing some sort of long distance schooling if you want to call it that, so I have to devote 8 hours each day into that while also having to do loads of work around the house and playing babysitter for my 2 brothers which are 10 years younger than me... Getting a part-time job alongside that stuff would probably break me since I'm already feeling pretty bad because of my severely limited free time.



I'm not here to save money. If I save money on gaming I will no doubt spend it on LEGO or holidays or whatever. I'm doing this so I can decrease my backlog and game without care :)


I'm here because I'm pretty much broke and I don't usually get to talk to people who are going through something along the lines of my situation. :P

It's pretty lonely if everyone you know is always talking about the new games they got, so it's very refreshing to have a little sub-community that is a little different in that regard. :D

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And now of course Catalyst is keeping me from finishing the mission Fly Trap with a MASSIVE wall of guards, and still sucky combat. Fuck you, Catalyst.



I'm here because I'm pretty much broke and I don't usually get to talk to people who are going through something along the lines of my situation. :P

It's pretty lonely if everyone you know is always talking about the new games they got, so it's very refreshing to have a little sub-community that is a little different in that regard. :D

Sorry to be poking your eyes out with new games which I traded for or pre-ordered before the event...

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And now of course Catalyst is keeping me from finishing the mission Fly Trap with a MASSIVE wall of guards, and still sucky combat. Fuck you, Catalyst.



Sorry to be poking your eyes out with new games which I traded for or pre-ordered before the event...

Nah, don't be. 

I'm used to that stuff by now since I grew up in a pretty rich neighborhood and most people used to have more things than me. I kind of learned to ignore that feeling of jealousy in the back of my head.  ^_^

I'm actually kind of happy in that regard as I got to see someone experience quite a few games that I'd like to play in the future and I probably would have ignored NMS completely and just forgotten about it once I end up getting something that's actually able to run it if it weren't for you changing my opinion on the matter.  :)

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Nah, don't be. 

I'm used to that stuff by now since I grew up in a pretty rich neighborhood and most people used to have more things than me. I kind of learned to ignore that feeling of jealousy in the back of my head.  ^_^

I'm actually kind of happy in that regard as I got to see someone experience quite a few games that I'd like to play in the future and I probably would have ignored NMS completely and just forgotten about it once I end up getting something that's actually able to run it if it weren't for you changing my opinion on the matter.  :)

Don't know if it was very noticeable here but I came down pretty hard from No Man's Sky.

I ignored most of the trailers and stuff so at first I enjoyed it for the game it was but if you look at what they said and showed beforehand, wow... it was a big heap of lies.

Not going much into it here, just look at the thoughts thread. The game looks like an alpha build to its own E3 2014 trailer. Let that sink in for a bit.

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Don't know if it was very noticeable here but I came down pretty hard from No Man's Sky.

I ignored most of the trailers and stuff so at first I enjoyed it for the game it was but if you look at what they said and showed beforehand, wow... it was a big heap of lies.

Not going much into it here, just look at the thoughts thread. The game looks like an alpha build to its own E3 2014 trailer. Let that sink in for a bit.

Well, that's the usual thing that happens to overhyped titles, especially indie games. Everyone wants to play them, get's their hopes up to play that incredible new game of their dreams and then they get to realize that it's just an indie game. What makes it worse is that all of that built up pressure of people who want to play the game as early as possible, as well as the simultaneous console + PC releases probably forced the developers to rush out the game, which is a lot worse for something that is developed by a handful of people instead of a large studio that can adjust their marketing through experience to keep the hype at a reasonable level.

I bet that the game would have turned out a lot more polished if they had just released it as a Steam early access title and then, once it's finally ready, port it over to the consoles. That's just a lot more feasible for indie devs.


Things like those are also the reason why I tend to ignore the plans that developers had for their games as there will always be things that were implemented differently or even completely missing. That's mainly due to rushed development, inexperienced developers that underestimated the challenges that some of their plans would encompass. Then there's also the budget.

That's why I only judge games based on their finished content, not including DLC but you should know my standing towards those by now. That way you'll actually be able to evaluate the product without getting your hopes up for nothing.

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Hehe, the main reason why I'm not saving up for a PS4 is that I barely scratched the PS3 and Vita library. I think I could go on for 10 more years and there would still be a few more titles worth playing left for me. :D

But if I had enough money a PS4 would probably be the first "big" purchase I'd make. I'm glad that I don't really have any use for a smartphone otherwise that would also be something I'd have to pay for, but since I'm not into social network stuff and stuff like instagram or whatever the only other thing I'd use it for would be the 3 or 4 games on the store that are actually fun without shoving you more microtransactions in your rear than you could handle.

I won't really be getting that kind of money any time soon, so it's better for me to use that money to afford some more games instead of a console entailing a long dry-spell of games. The problem is that I'm doing some sort of long distance schooling if you want to call it that, so I have to devote 8 hours each day into that while also having to do loads of work around the house and playing babysitter for my 2 brothers which are 10 years younger than me... Getting a part-time job alongside that stuff would probably break me since I'm already feeling pretty bad because of my severely limited free time.




I'm here because I'm pretty much broke and I don't usually get to talk to people who are going through something along the lines of my situation. :P

It's pretty lonely if everyone you know is always talking about the new games they got, so it's very refreshing to have a little sub-community that is a little different in that regard. :D


It's kinda weird that i have a ps4 this early after release... i bought ps1, ps2 and ps3 relativly late after their releases... but since i think i have few money i find better deals for used items today thx to the internet :)


Oh and yes, i too have a collection of ps3 games so i could endure 5 years for sure without buying new games... and hopefully not ´buying to much dlc :D

Despite that i can play a lot since i work few hours a momth...


And i too ignore everything concerning social media today too... i abandoned facebook after one year of dailey use xD


Edit: i just became aware of the R* sales in us psn and that among others GTA Vice City is on discount... but i resisted the urge to buy it... at least for now... would need 10 of my 11 USD  :facepalm:  xD 

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Oh and yes, i too have a collection of ps3 games so i could endure 5 years for sure without buying new games... and hopefully not ´buying to much dlc :D

Despite that i can play a lot since i work few hours a momth...


And i too ignore everything concerning social media today too... i abandoned facebook after one year of dailey use xD


Edit: i just became aware of the R* sales in us psn and that among others GTA Vice City is on discount... but i resisted the urge to buy it... at least for now... would need 10 of my 11 USD  :facepalm:  xD


I actually don't have many games at all, I was referring to the games that I would still have to buy until I'd start to run out of games I'd like to play for the Vita and PS3. But even with the small amount of games I own, I still have some free to play games like Osu! that I play fairly regularly. I also watch my fair share of anime, so I don't really end up without anything to do.


If my family were less obnoxious I might get a part-time job as well but the way it is now I would just wither away under the stress that would cause together with everything my family makes me do.


Also, great that you managed to restrain yourself from coughing up those 10$. :D

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I actually don't have many games at all, I was referring to the games that I would still have to buy until I'd start to run out of games I'd like to play for the Vita and PS3. But even with the small amount of games I own, I still have some free to play games like Osu! that I play fairly regularly. I also watch my fair share of anime, so I don't really end up without anything to do.


If my family were less obnoxious I might get a part-time job as well but the way it is now I would just wither away under the stress that would cause together with everything my family makes me do.


Also, great that you managed to restrain yourself from coughing up those 10$. :D


I am ps+ member since october 2012 and i haven't touched many games from this... plus i have like a dozen games lying right next to my console waiting to be played :D


And now i want to split my time between ps3 and ps4 somehow :facepalm:  ... the vita is mostly out of the question because i use her when i am traveling in bus or train :)

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I had planned to do an update every 2 days and a big update weekly, but it's kind of hard for me (well, I'm being lazy..), but I will try to post some bigger update tomorrow or something.. for now, lets just say that I have been grinding on MK9.. 22 characters mastered now, 6 more to go.. and don't ask me how long it will take, since it would take about 2 hours per character to get the masteries that I need if I was focusing on it, but I'm having a hard time not falling asleep while watching TV at the same time that I'm grinding X-Ray and Fatalities, so there's no way that I will focus on the grind itself.. On the bright side, I feel that I may have enough motivation to get this done before the end of the month (hopefully somewhere this weekend or next week..).

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I have not bought the GTA III era ports yet but I'm glad that at least it's a PS2 port instead of the horrible phone port that the X360 got. I might get the trilogy t some point. Never played Vice City ...

The GTA III phone port is dope, I got it way back when on my "old school" iPod touch in 2011 and it was incredible. It played just like the original version, but with slightly better graphics, download the same game onto a more powerful device, namely, anything, and crank up the settings it looks dope. Same is the case for Vice City. 


However, San Andreas, the mobile port is far from bad, but where the first 2 ports only added auto save and prettier graphics, SA added a whole new lighting engine and tweaked a couple of controls and new reflections and shit and it's not bad, but it's not as smooth and good as the original PS2 version, but GTA 3 and VC straight up, the best versions available are the Android versions on a decently powerful device. I mean, pretty well anything with a gig of RAM and at least a dual core processor will make those games fucking shine. Also shout out to the Max Payne phone port which was dope and never got any appreciation at all.



I failed, I used plat (RWT) to buy a Greater Focus Lens in Warframe.  I got the plat for free but it's still technically a RWT.

I don't know exactly what you did from this comment, but straight up, if you spent anything, you spent something. If you had a tenner on your account and spent it, but the money was already on your account before this started, it's still money spent. I have money in my bank account, and if I go out and buy a game, it still counts, the PSN store is just a digital bank for games.



Quick question as i have seen you guys talking about trades etc. Does this challenge only include expenditure which damages your finances? If i sell a game and buy another using the profit does that count? I just sold Infamous for £7.

Any money you could have saved, you should have saved. If I traded in my copy of Conker on N64 and bought another game with that money, I'm still spending money. 

i just became aware of the R* sales in us psn and that among others GTA Vice City is on discount... but i resisted the urge to buy it... at least for now... would need 10 of my 11 USD  :facepalm:  xD

I bought the PS4 remaster trilogy the second they went on sale. I refused to pay 23 each, waited a month or two, and bang, 27 for the lot. Still more than games over a decade old from 2 generations ago in digital form with no upgrades and missing features are worth, but I fucking love me some PS2 GTA. Plat'd VC in a week and change, had an absolute blast with it, if ever there was a game I'd say you should waste money on, it's Vice City.



Gears of War - 360

Gears of War 2 - 360

Gears of War 3 - 360

Gears of War: Judgement - 360

Halo Wars: Deluxe Edition - Xbone

Modern Warfare: Remastered - PS4

South Park: Stick of Truth - PS4

Bioshock - 360 (hopefully)

Bioshock 2 - 360 (hopefully)

Bioshock Infinite - 360 (hopefully)

Just Cause 3 - PS4 (birthday from GF, got early doe)

Disney Infinity 3 - PS4 (bday GF)

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I don't know exactly what you did from this comment, but straight up, if you spent anything, you spent something. If you had a tenner on your account and spent it, but the money was already on your account before this started, it's still money spent. I have money in my bank account, and if I go out and buy a game, it still counts, the PSN store is just a digital bank for games.



Any money you could have saved, you should have saved. If I traded in my copy of Conker on N64 and bought another game with that money, I'm still spending money. 

I bought the PS4 remaster trilogy the second they went on sale. I refused to pay 23 each, waited a month or two, and bang, 27 for the lot. Still more than games over a decade old from 2 generations ago in digital form with no upgrades and missing features are worth, but I fucking love me some PS2 GTA. Plat'd VC in a week and change, had an absolute blast with it, if ever there was a game I'd say you should waste money on, it's Vice City.


i think you said a precise analogy of psn wallet being just a different type of bank you take your money to buy something :)


I think i'm kinda lucky that my german psn wallet is empty now, but if you talk just a second more about how awesome GTA VC is, i have to spent all my money in my us psn too :facepalm:xD


And another weight is on my shoulders... i was asked by to friends non-related to themselves to start GTA V on PS4 right away.. but that would mean 30€ at least to spent and thinking of this challenge i'm gonna rocket high in the air with digital games or dlc bought already :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

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I think i'm kinda lucky that my german psn wallet is empty now, but if you talk just a second more about how awesome GTA VC is, i have to spent all my money in my us psn too :facepalm:xD


And another weight is on my shoulders... i was asked by to friends non-related to themselves to start GTA V on PS4 right away.. but that would mean 30€ at least to spent and thinking of this challenge i'm gonna rocket high in the air with digital games or dlc bought already :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

I poke my head out of the gutter for one freakin' second and fate shovels remasters in my face.


Buy the game from Gamestop or a similar store in Germany, and return it after 2 weeks. Then buy it again, and return it. Free rentals for all!

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Buy the game from Gamestop or a similar store in Germany, and return it after 2 weeks. Then buy it again, and return it. Free rentals for all!


Mh, that's not that easy here... i read through gamestops' AGB and think there's only one good solution: go to the next shop, buy a used game, return it within 14 days to the same shop. Money is given back. Buy it again. Hence and repeat... Read it again and i think i would have to buy it via internet to be able to sent it back, but that would mean 5€ delivery cost every time i buy a 18+ game... and speaking of GTA 5 that's exactly what it is :(


Mh... nah no go :D ... i'll wait for a good deal used copy of GTA 5 (VC is digital only, right?) and buy it one time and keep it forever :D

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I sold No Man's Sky today. I had fun with it while I didn't know the background but now that I know how much they lied about the contents beforehand, it has made it impossible for me to still enjoy it. Maybe I'll get it back, much farther down the line, when the price has plummeted and if future patches and DLC increase the quality of the game enough.


Linking this to our previous discussion, tommorrow I'm going to the game store to give them this money to put on one of my pre-orders, so my gaming expenses tab will stay at €0 for now.


Game update:



Played some more of Catalyst. Was hit with a massive number of guards to take down yesterday, needed to try at least half a dozen times, might actually be a full dozen times. I thought they realised that their combat from the first game sucked which is why in this game you had the option to run away so more often but I was wrong, they didn't learn anything.


Also, remember when I talked about not seeing Faith in reflections? Well apparently there are some reflections which you CAN see her in. Which means EA went through the trouble of creating a reflective image of Faith and then did not link that to every reflective surface, because 95% of the reflective surfaces does not show her, just the small black panels in elevators. Oh, and we see these actual reflective surfaces when Faith is "talking" with others only her mouth does not move at all. What the hell is this?


Also, Apparently one of Faith's oldest friends is now "dead". Because we Never Saw The Body and the evil media controlling overlords say on the news that he's dead so obviously all runners believe it immediately. Can de twist BE any more transparent?


Aaaaaand now they´re adding runs where you have to stay away from guards. But they´re still timed. Because of course they are.


And as icing on the cake, when I'm in a vent I'm told to stay alive until a train arrives. But of course hiding in the vents for fifteen minutes doesn't cut it, I have to get out and fight guards before any train arrives. Fuck you, Electronic Arts.


Even a gag is getting annoying. In the first game there was this funny easter egg where if you did some specific stuff, in the streets below you'd see a giant rat. Now, one of the loading screens says something along the lines of "If you see a giant rat in the streets, you're playing the wrong game". Funny. But because there are only like five loading texts, you'll see the line again, and again, and again... Not funny.


And now they make me jump to my death a few times before telling me that when hanging down from a bar, I can just press a button to stand up on it... well THAT'S SOMETHING I WOULD HAVE LIKED TO KNOW TWO GRIDNODES AGO!

After that they make me do a timed run combined with fighting as a main mission, and when a platform moves up after I've already started jumping towards it (at the end of this run) it moves me straight back to the start of the mission, even though the game normally has chackpoints on every corner... It just doesn't want me to be done with it I guess. And after that, a second mis-jump at the end one platform farther... Got it the third time, moved on to the next set of platforms... Jumped perfectly but a glitch made me hang from a meter above where the platform was, then fall down, instead of grapping the platform. Fourth time, and that platform glitch made me stumble so much I had only one second left even though I had more than a minute when starting at the last set of two platforms.


And now, Faith is put onto a moving train and they give me control back about half a second before she's hit with some bars... After a few misses I decide to just skip what they want me to do by hanging in between two train cars. After that, running over glass, not knowing which panels will break... Luckily the runner vision that's on is zigzagging through it so I just have to blindly follow it. You know, throughout the game runner vision has gone offline without any in-game explanation whatsoever when they wanted me to figure out a route on my own. They really should have thought about doing that now. And whaddaya know, just moments later it turns off again in a stupid straight corridor.


This is the final level, and the game decides to mess with me again by having closed glass doors where they were bright red for the rest of the game. And then, right at the end, there's some actual awesome fights and runs... all in cutscenes. And what a stupid non-ending, by the way.


In the end, instead of doing a mission a day, I just tunneled through and finished the story today. While not a horrible game, and more enjoyable than the first one, it seems that EA just did not learn a single thing from their mistakes with the first game and added a few new mistakes just to be sure. The only clever thought was putting the game in an open world and even that did not come without mistakes.


P.S. You know that big tattoo Faith sports on her upper right arm on the front of the cover of the game and on all kinds of promotional material? Yeah, she doesn't have that in the game but a mobster has it as a painting in his home. Spoiler, it's made by Faith's mom. Spoiler, she gets it just before the end credits start and has a tattoo made just like it.


I will do see if I can get some more stuff in Catalyst before I completely get rid of it. Might do some gaming afterwards but not counting on any big revelations and not gaming for long so whatever I play can wait with reviewing until tomorrow.


Updated stats: (edited because I messed up and still listed Catalyst just as "started" instead of "played through story")



BILLYHORRIBLE - August 1, 2016

Ratchet&Clank (played through story)
(obtained and started 2016/8/1, finished story 2016/8/4)
DOOM (continued and finished story)
(obtained 2016/7/1, started 2016/7/1, last played before event 2016/7/9, continued and finished 2016/8/7)

Mirror's Edge Catalyst (played through story)
(obtained and started on 2016/8/5, on pause for No Man's Sky 2016/8/9, continued on 2016/8/16, finished story on 2016/8/20)



No Man's Sky
(obtained on 2016/8/9, platinum on 2016/8/18)
Broken Age (continued on story)
(PS+ October 2015, started 2016/3/23, last played before event 2016/4/4, continued 2016/8/5, on pause for No Man's Sky 2016/8/9)
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (post-story freeroam stuff)
(played on X360 on release in 2013, played on PS4 in August 2014, story long since finished, not part of official backlog)

Far Cry Primal (started)

(obtained on 2016/8/11, started on 2016/8/19)
DLC (AUD 20 out of 20 REMAINING):
traded: game from before event -> Ratchet & Clank -> Mirror's Edge Catalyst
traded: game from before event -> Witcher 3
traded: game from before event -> Far Cry Primal
No Man's Sky LE (paid €0 for it, completely bought by trading in other games)
South Park: The Fractured But Whole CE
Horizon Zero Dawn CE
BACKLOG AT 2016/08/01
PS4 12 games and 19 free games
PS3 10 games and 29 free games
VITA 0 games and 10 free games
SNES 23 games
PS4 12 games and 19 free games   -0
PS3 10 games and 29 free games   -0
VITA 0 games and 10 free games    -0
SNES 23 games                               -0


Edited by BillyHorrible
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if ever there was a game I'd say you should waste money on, it's Vice City.


Alright, alright, i did it :D


Took all my money and bought it and started it already... played a few taxi fares to get some money after completing the intro mission :)

But argh i was confused with the controls of GTA V so i dropped the taxi "mission" 3x after a few passengers :facepalm: ... need to adjust to this better fast :D

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Alright, alright, i did it :D


Took all my money and bought it and started it already... played a few taxi fares to get some money after completing the intro mission :)

But argh i was confused with the controls of GTA V so i dropped the taxi "mission" 3x after a few passengers :facepalm: ... need to adjust to this better fast :D

That was me for the first five minutes I played GTA IV. I'm like, "X isn't accelerate? What, the fucking button to look on the right side of the car is accelerate now, what's reverse, the left look button? It is? Shit son, wha, oh, that's not that bad actually"


Good call buying it, friend. Such a great game. Have fun grinding to a million though. :P

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Also, remember when I talked about not seeing Faith in reflections? Well apparently there are some reflections which you CAN see her in. Which means EA went through the trouble of creating a reflective image of Faith and then did not link that to every reflective surface, because 95% of the reflective surfaces does not show her, just the small black panels in elevators. Oh, and we see these actual reflective surfaces when Faith is "talking" with others only her mouth does not move at all. What the hell is this?


I remember Faith actually reflecting in the glass windows and whatnot in the original... I should go back there and check...


As for myself, I can feel the endgame approaching in Tales of Phantasia. Makes me a little sad, as I didn't expect that my chosen pace will carry me through the plot that fast. Found a magnificent sword during my recent romp through the elven woods, and it has ramped Cless's both Attack stats to the heavens, so now he slices everything into pieces. Plus, it's a Dark sword, so this makes it extra awesome.


And in Star Ocean 4, I have only 450 encounters left for the Arumat kills. Maybe I'll get lucky and manage to do all of them today...

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After a 7 hour bus ride and a birthday party with my family at my parents campsite, I'm finally home and able to relax :). Now that I have some free time, I'm gonna finally update my games list and add in all of the trophies I've earned since the last time I updated it (I'm playing some Driveclub now though so this could become obsolete quickly :lol:. I'll do another quick update sometime tomorrow, but for now I just want to get my list back up and running and up to date again.




Currently Playing: 

Games played at beginning of event (In no particular order) (% completed before July 1st, % currently completed, date game was started, (additional information)):

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: 94% base, 78% overall. 100% base, 87% overall. January 6th, 2012.

  • Dawnguard: 62%. 85%. February 27th, 2013.
  • Hearthfire: 100%. 100%. February 20th, 2013. (Finished already but listing here to show I have all the DLC)
  • Dragonborn: 0%. 15%. February 17th, 2013.

Hyperdimension Neptunia: 32%. 44%. March 14th, 2016.

Tales of Graces f: 11%. 14%. ~October 5th, 2015.

Tales of Xillia 2: 24%. 25%. ~October 24th, 2014. (Unsure of exact start, was likely closer to November as I wanted to complete Xillia 1's story first)

Metal Gear Solid 2: 77%. 78%. September 13th, 2014.

Metal Gear Solid 3: 15%. 15%. November 8th, 2015.

Dragon Age II: 39%. 43%. October 18th, 2013. (Base game only)

Heavy Rain: 42%. 51%. October 3rd, 2014.

Beyond: Two Souls: 36%. 36%. September 5th, 2014.

Dynasty Warriors 7: 34%. 37%. November 21st, 2015.

Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F 2nd: 29%. 75%. September 13th, 2015.

Mass Effect 2: 89% base, 85% overall. 89% base, 85% overall. September 14th, 2014

  • Zaeed: The Price of Revenge: 100%. 100%. September 14th, 2014. (Finished Already, listed here to show I have all the DLC)
  • Arrival: 0%. 0%. March 19th, 2016 (Bought on this date, is installed but haven't started yet)

Ratchet Deadlocked: 3%. 9%. May 29th, 2016.

Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault: 15%. 15%. May 28th, 2016.

Jak 3: 58%. 58%. February 2nd, 2013.

Sonic Adventure: 43% base, 30% overall. 52% base, 36% overall. July 22nd, 2015

  • Sonic Adventure DX: 0%. 0%. July 22nd, 2015.

Final Fantasy X HD: 9%. 9%. July 24th, 2015.

Valkyria Chronicles Remastered 0%. 0%. May 17th, 2016.

Rock Band 4: 8%. 33%. June 29th, 2016.

Senran Kagura Estival Versus: 20%. 20%. March 19th, 2016.

Uncharted 2: 26%. 26%. September 8th, 2012.

Uncharted 1 Remastered: 9%. 9%. December 26th, 2015.

Command & Conquer Red Alert 3: 88%. 88%. May 5th, 2009.

Driveclub: 66% base, 29% overall. 91% base, 58% overall. January 15th, 2016.

    • Driveclub Tour: 50%. 100%. January 15th, 2016
    • Ignition: 100%. 100%. January 15th, 2016 (Finished already, listed for completions sake)
    • Photo-Finish: 0%. 100%. January 15th, 2016
    • Redline: 33%. 100%. January 15th, 2016
    • Elements: 0%. 100%. January 15th, 2016
    • Apex: 0%. 100%. January 15th, 2016
    • Sakura: 0%. 0%. January 15th, 2016
    • Downforce: 0%. 100%. January 15th, 2016
    • Midnight: 17%. 33%. January 15th, 2016
    • Lamborghini: 17%. 33%. January 15th, 2016
    • Pacesetter: 8%. 17%. January 15th, 2016
    • Turbocharged: 0%. 0%. January 15th, 2016
    • Evolution: 0%. 0%. January 15th, 2016
    • Lamborghini Icons: 100%. 100%. January 15th, 2016 (Finished already, listed for completions sake)
    • Torque: 0%. 0%. January 15th, 2016
    • RPM: 0%. 17%. January 15th, 2016
    • Velocity: 0%. 0%. January 15th, 2016
    • Horsepower: 0%. 0%. January 15th, 2016
    • Unite in Speed: 17%. 17%. January 15th, 2016
    • All Stars: 100%. 100%. January 15th, 2016 (Finished already, listed for completions sake)
    • AMG: 33%. 66%. January 15th, 2016

Games started on July 11th (% completed, date game was purchased, (additional information)):

Assassins Creed III: 5%. June 2nd, 2016. (Base Game only)

Sonic Adventure 2: 5%. June 27th, 2015. (Base Game only)

Echochrome: 0%. May/June 2016 (PS+ Game)

Completed Games: (Date Started, Date Finished, Time Taken)

Gone Home: June 27th 2016, July 2nd 2016, 5 Days, 2 Hours

Elder Scrolls V Skyrim: January 6th, 2012, July 31st, 2016. 4 Years, 7 Months, 1 Week, 1 Day, 20 Hours (Base Game)


Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X (PS4) (Officially pre-ordered & locked-in)
Tales of Berseria (PS4)

Darkest Dungeon (PS4)

Games bought because I'm a bitch and couldn't hold out

None, Yet...

DLC Allowance

None, hopefully it stays this way

Current Overall Spendings: $0.00


I also noticed that my list in the main post needs some updating, as well as some things that need deleting. First, the following games need to be added to the currently playing list

  • Assassins Creed III
  • Echochrome
  • Sonic Adventure 2

Next, there's a few things listed in the currently playing list that shouldn't be since they're just DLC's for other games, these are:

  • Zaeed: The Price of Revenge
  • Arrival
  • Sonic Adventure DX

Finally, and I'm not sure exactly if this is the best way to do it but... can you make a note on Skyrim that says "DLC's only" while also adding it into my completed games? I'm still doing Dragonborn and Dawnguard so I don't want it removed completely but I did finish the base game. Thanks Spidey :)

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