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Financial Year Backlog Challenge Thing

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Heists? When I got lvl100 heist were just rumours xD. RP are awarded based on how much it take to complete a mission nowadays. In fact if you complete a mission really fast because you are a god you get penalized while if it takes 30min you get like 5000k RP (same thing apply to money). Back in the days we had Rooftop Rumble which is probably the reason it took me so many less hours to reach 100 ;)


Yeah i noticed that too... damn thing :( ... i waited close to the end of a mission up to 30 min before delivering the Titan many times but never reached more than 4k RP :(

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Also, generic "I'll read the rest later and do some updates and shit" post, even though I'll probably only end up reading a few comments and doing one or two updates. I do care about reading all the conversations and shit here, but I just never seem to get around to it as much as I'd like.




Side note, every cool reason to buy a Wii U eventually comes to 3DS, NES Remix, Hyrule Warriors, Mario Kart (7 came before 8 though, obviously) and now, Mario Maker.

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generic "I'll read the rest later and do some updates and shit" post




I'm more into old school Mario, I liked the Galaxies but I don't like this new 3D-but-Retro thing they're doing. Last game I liked was Super Mario 3D Land.



Game Update:


Finished MouseCraft today after starting it for Hemiak's pro-reducing-backlog anti-completion event. It started out as a fun game but after 50 out of 80 levels I became tempted to just use a guide to get through it so I stopped. I booted it up again once or twice but the feeling remained: this is a boring game. It has too few original ideas of its own, and those few ideas it didn't steal aren't really good.


In the end, I just did the last twenty levels on a guide so I could get them done quickly and move on to stuff I actually want to play. I had put it on my "Bye Bye Backlog: IGC" event list so I could force myself to just get through it and not have to worry about it any more. As in, that's over 312MB of storage room I don't have to worry about any more.


I'm feeling a bit tired so this is my final update of the day even if I'm going to game some more. It'll just be Far Cry Primal or Donkey Kong Country anyway, my opinion won't change on those.

BILLYHORRIBLE - August 1, 2016


Ratchet&Clank (played through story)

(obtained and started 2016/8/1, finished story 2016/8/4, last played 2016/8/5)

DOOM (continued and finished story)

(obtained 2016/7/1, started 2016/7/1, last played before event 2016/7/9, continued and finished on 2016/8/7)

Mirror's Edge Catalyst (played through story)

(obtained and started on 2016/8/5, on pause for No Man's Sky 2016/8/9, continued on 2016/8/18, finished story on 2016/8/20, last played 2016/8/21)

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India (played through story)

(obtained on 2016/4/23, played first sequence on 2016/5/2, restarted on 2016/8/27, finished story on 2016/8/28)

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia (played through story)

(obtained on 2016/4/23, started on 2016/8/28, finished story on 2016/8/29)

Broken Age (played through story)

(PS+ October 2015, started 2016/3/23, last played before event 2016/4/4 (finished Vella's part of Act 1), continued 2016/8/5, on pause for No Man's Sky 2016/8/9, returned and finished on 2016/8/29)


No Man's Sky

(obtained on 2016/8/9, platinum on 2016/8/18, last played 2016/8/18)

Assassin's Creed: Unity - Dead Kings DLC

(got the game on release in 2014, finished the story back then, platinum on 2016/4/3, restarted on Dead Kings DLC 2016/8/24, completed 2016/8/26)

MouseCraft (finished remainder of game)

(PS+ July 2015, started as part of Hemiak's pro-reducing-backlog anti-completion event July 2016, finished 2016/9/2)


Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (post-story freeroam stuff)

(played on X360 on release in 2013, played on PS4 in August 2014, story long since finished, not part of official backlog)

Far Cry Primal (started)

(obtained on 2016/8/11, started on 2016/8/19)

LEGO Marvel's Avengers (started)

(playing with the missus, couple of levels at a time)

(obtained on 2016/7/1 when we still had Force Awakens to go through, first level played 2016/7/29)

Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter (tried to do remaining levels on hard)

(already played through the complete game but for the complete story trophy, you need alll missions on the same difficulty and I have done 6 on medium instead of hard. Game glitched at the end of the level I did on hard like it did so many times before so now I'm really done with trying, trophies are not worth such a bother)

Tomb Raider: Underworld (continued on story)

(obtained on 2016/5/22 as part of the trilogy, started on 2016/5/28, last played before event 2016/6/1, played a bit 2016/8/30)

Shütshimi (tried to get through the game again)

(PS+ April 2016, played from 2016/6/6 to 2016/6/13, played a bit again 2016/8/30)

Super Mario Kart (played through all 50cc cups and the first two 100cc cups)

(completed this game so many times during my youth I lost count. 2016/8/30 (50cc cups), 2016/08/31 (100cc Mushroom and Flower cups))

Donkey Kong Country (played through Gorrilla Glacier, started on Kremkroc Industries Inc.)

(played through this game a bunch of times before. Started on game again in the months before the event, played the first three worlds. 2016/9/1)


DLC (AUD 20 out of 20 REMAINING):



traded: game from before event -> Ratchet & Clank -> Mirror's Edge Catalyst -> Star Wars Battlefront & Assassin's Creed Unity

traded: game from before event -> Witcher 3

traded: game from before event -> Far Cry Primal


No Man's Sky LE (paid €0 for it, completely bought by trading in other games)

South Park: The Fractured But Whole CE

Horizon Zero Dawn CE

BACKLOG AT 2016/08/01

PS4 12 games and 19 free games

PS3 10 games and 29 free games

VITA 0 games and 10 free games

SNES 22 games


PS4 9 games and 19 free games   -3

PS3 10 games and 30 free games +1

VITA 0 games and 11 free games  +1

SNES 22 games                             -0





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<Mario Maker hype>

I like that they're finally porting it since it could be fun to create some levels on the go but I really don't like the fact that they got rid of the option to upload your levels to the servers. So only people who meet you via streetpass will be able to play your levels, which kinda defeats the purpose of the level creation since only a small number of people living close to you will be able to play them.

They also got rid of the function to search specific levels by their level code thingy, so you'll only be able to play random levels under the popular levels section instead of being able to play any specific level you want to play.


If they didn't do that I might have considered getting it but I really don't like these changes.


I'm more into old school Mario, I liked the Galaxies but I don't like this new 3D-but-Retro thing they're doing. Last game I liked was Super Mario 3D Land.

Mario maker supports level creation in almost all of the old game styles, even the first Super Mario Bros. on the NES. And as far as I know from the games that are available only one game style is 2.5D.

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Finished up Sims 3: Pets, though I'm leaving an easy trophy to use it in the next Plat rain.

Haven't posted before now, since, well... it's Sims. You make characters, you play through their lives, you set them on fire or wall them off in a pool because you're bored...


Can't suggest this one at all; I found it more monotonous than enjoyable. In fairness, it could definitely be more enjoyable for anyone that favors playing instead of building. If you want to play, play it on PC/Mac for the mods, if nothing else.

Roughly half the trophies didn't unlock and required a reload, save corruption, it froze a few times, some major disappearances, the AI seems questionable, and it has that stupid console fire hazard meter that takes away my favorite part of the game - building a ridiculous and well-furnished mansion. That said, if anyone's planning on going for it, the trophies always failed to pop if I had paused long enough for the disc to stop spinning. Quitting and relaunching the game at that point made them much more likely to cooperate.


Not sure what to go for next... I should try and finish up Sly, but jumping from "can I be done already" to "ugh, can I be done already" seems like a poor choice.

Gonna go murder me some people~


Games Played:

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth [PC]

Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves [PS3]

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood [PS3]


Games Beaten:

*The Sims 3: Pets [PS3] - 0% > 98%



1. Pokemon Sun or Moon [3DS]




DLC ($20):



Free stuff/PS+:

Great Secrets: Da Vinci [PC]

Normality [PC]

Shadow Warrior Classic [PC]

Edited by SyIaris
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I like that they're finally porting it since it could be fun to create some levels on the go but I really don't like the fact that they got rid of the option to upload your levels to the servers. So only people who meet you via streetpass will be able to play your levels, which kinda defeats the purpose of the level creation since only a small number of people living close to you will be able to play them.

They also got rid of the function to search specific levels by their level code thingy, so you'll only be able to play random levels under the popular levels section instead of being able to play any specific level you want to play.


If they didn't do that I might have considered getting it but I really don't like these changes.


Mario maker supports level creation in almost all of the old game styles, even the first Super Mario Bros. on the NES. And as far as I know from the games that are available only one game style is 2.5D.


I kind of meant  the mario series as a whole, the 2.5D I don't like is the "New Mario Bros" series of games. It just doesn't look right to me, either have Mario in 2D or in a full 3D world but I can't get used to these "cheap" kind of looking graphics.


As for Mario Maker in particular, sorry but I've been modding levels and playing modded levels of Mario since the nineties through unofficial means and I just can't get hyped for Nintendo saying "you can only do that after giving money to us now".


I just feel like they should do a good new Mario game. The Mario Bros on the NES were all good, Mario World was great, Mario 64 was awesome, Sunshine was a bit of a letdown and the Galaxies were great again.


I have good hopes for what I've heard about NX though, I may just get that one again.

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And Duke 3D is getting a PS4 release finally.

Well, Mario Maker 3DS, Duke 3D, and Spider-Man PS4. Guess my 3 are 100% locked in, I need all of them, I could maybe go without Mario, but the other 2 are day ones in a heart beat.


Is Spider-Man even coming out before this event ends? It sounded like late next year at the earliest.

Either way, that's definitely the top game pushing me to get a PS4. Should be fun; the PS3 ones I've played were.


On a related note, with Black Friday drawing closer... does a PS4 system count as one pickup? (likely gifted, but that's... large.)

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I'll read the rest later and do some updates and shit


Game Update




Finished Donkey Kong today after doing much of Industries and Chimp Caverns yesterday. Still a great game, I completed this a few times as a kid but I never really played the other two games (I played much of 2 but only a couple of levels of 3). Going to see in Q4 if they're great as well after all.


I finished DKC on 68%. Thinking about if I'm finally going to try to find all those bonus rooms...




Tried world 7 of Super Mario Bros. again. Remembered I suck at world 7.




Wow. Wow, fucking wow.


I got this game for free with PS+ in January 2015 and never gave it much thought. Decided to add it to my list for the "100% a bunch of backlog PS+ games" event, since it shouldn't be that hard.


What an amazing little game.


It starts out as a puzzle game. Pretty soon, you're getting snippets of story. Sure, at first it seems like your standard "scientists mess with stuff they should not mess with" plot, but this game takes it further... oh, so much further...


I really can't say much about the plot without spoiling it. Just go ahead and try it, with the notion that if you don't like it, then at least it will be an easy 100% (and if you have it through PS+, at least it was free). The puzzles are fun and only a few are really hard. You'll probably need a guide to get the trophies but you can do that safely just before the end, or, as I did, just look at a trophy guide so you can spot the next room containing a trophy-objective, and discover the rest of the game for yourself.


What are you doing, still reading this? I'm not telling you more about the game. It's a sci-fi puzzle game with with a compelling story, I said that already and that's all you're getting out of me. Go play it. Go play it now.


Are you deaf? NOW!


BILLYHORRIBLE - August 1, 2016


Ratchet&Clank (played through story)

(obtained and started 2016/8/1, finished story 2016/8/4, last played 2016/8/5)

DOOM (continued and finished story)

(obtained 2016/7/1, started 2016/7/1, last played before event 2016/7/9, continued and finished on 2016/8/7)

Mirror's Edge Catalyst (played through story)

(obtained and started on 2016/8/5, on pause for No Man's Sky 2016/8/9, continued on 2016/8/18, finished story on 2016/8/20, last played 2016/8/21)

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India (played through story)

(obtained on 2016/4/23, played first sequence on 2016/5/2, restarted on 2016/8/27, finished story on 2016/8/28)

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia (played through story)

(obtained on 2016/4/23, started on 2016/8/28, finished story on 2016/8/29)

Broken Age (played through story)

(PS+ October 2015, started 2016/3/23, last played before event 2016/4/4 (finished Vella's part of Act 1), continued 2016/8/5, on pause for No Man's Sky 2016/8/9, returned and finished on 2016/8/29)

Donkey Kong Country (played through Gorrilla Glacier, Kremkroc Industries Inc., Chimp Caverns and Gang-Plank Galleon)

(played through this game a bunch of times before. Started on game again in the months before the event, played the first three worlds. 2016/9/1 - 2016/9/3 played through the rest)



No Man's Sky

(obtained on 2016/8/9, platinum on 2016/8/18, last played 2016/8/18)

Assassin's Creed: Unity - Dead Kings DLC

(got the game on release in 2014, finished the story back then, platinum on 2016/4/3, restarted on Dead Kings DLC 2016/8/24, completed 2016/8/26)

MouseCraft (finished remainder of game)

(PS+ July 2015, started as part of Hemiak's pro-reducing-backlog anti-completion event July 2016, finished 2016/9/2)

The Swapper

(PS+ January 2015, played from start to finish 2016/9/3)


Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (post-story freeroam stuff)

(played on X360 on release in 2013, played on PS4 in August 2014, story long since finished, not part of official backlog)

Far Cry Primal (started)

(obtained on 2016/8/11, started on 2016/8/19)

LEGO Marvel's Avengers (started)

(playing with the missus, couple of levels at a time)

(obtained on 2016/7/1 when we still had Force Awakens to go through, first level played 2016/7/29)

Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter (tried to do remaining levels on hard)

(already played through the complete game but for the complete story trophy, you need alll missions on the same difficulty and I have done 6 on medium instead of hard. Game glitched at the end of the level I did on hard like it did so many times before so now I'm really done with trying, trophies are not worth such a bother)

Tomb Raider: Underworld (continued on story)

(obtained on 2016/5/22 as part of the trilogy, started on 2016/5/28, last played before event 2016/6/1, played a bit 2016/8/30)

Shütshimi (tried to get through the game again)

(PS+ April 2016, played from 2016/6/6 to 2016/6/13, played a bit again 2016/8/30)

Super Mario Kart (played through all 50cc cups and the first two 100cc cups)

(completed this game so many times during my youth I lost count. 2016/8/30 (50cc cups), 2016/08/31 (100cc Mushroom and Flower cups))

Super Mario Bros. (tried to get further in world 7)

(completed this game a bunch of times before. Played world 1-6 before the event, decided to go the hard route and did not use a warp pipe. Played 2016/9/3)


DLC (AUD 20 out of 20 REMAINING):



traded: game from before event -> Ratchet & Clank -> Mirror's Edge Catalyst -> Star Wars Battlefront & Assassin's Creed Unity

traded: game from before event -> Witcher 3

traded: game from before event -> Far Cry Primal


No Man's Sky LE (paid €0 for it, completely bought by trading in other games)

South Park: The Fractured But Whole CE

Horizon Zero Dawn CE

BACKLOG AT 2016/08/01

PS4 12 games and 19 free games

PS3 10 games and 29 free games

VITA 0 games and 10 free games

SNES 22 games


PS4 9 games and 18 free games   -4

PS3 10 games and 30 free games +1

VITA 0 games and 11 free games  +1

SNES 21 games                             -1





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Know what makes me feel old? Hearing Sum 41 on the radio and realizing I was 5 when that song came out. And having a kid. And remembering that it's been almost ten fucking years since Tobey's gloriously stupid face graced the screens one last time as Spider-Man. God damn I wish Spider-Man 4 would have happened, Tom Holland, the last guy couldn't do it, now it's your turn to try to prove it was worth killing that movie off. I believe in you friend, please.

Fuck, I've got a full decade on you... I feel old now.


I think it should stand as Cave-In because you hadn't any intention of giving this away when you bought it.   :P  It's more like "i don't need it anymore, i give it someone who might play this"

Billy also basically said this. I'll leave it in there then. Either way it's just a dollar right.


I presume you are Dylan? I just sat racking my brain trying to remember when I wrote that !!

I am. Turns out the veil of online anonymity means nothing to me after all! I mean, I was unmasked in my profile picture for Pete's (Parker) sake.


To be quite honest, I wasn't ever all that good at alphabetical order in grade school.   :giggle:



Today my boyfriend and I were trudging through the Black Ops 3 campaign we started like... in February? Honestly, it has got to be the worst CoD campaign I've ever had the displeasure of playing... and that says a lot. Taking it one mission at a time, and hope it ends sooner rather than later. Bleh.

That's literally me. The first "date" me and the missus went on was rocking up to the midnight launch for Ghosts at a local shopping centre. At this point she didn't play much games at all. Long story short a few months later I ended up with a Wii U and we played a bit of Black Ops 2, which she loved. Then we played Ghosts, which she loved and is to this day probably the most fun thing on Wii U other than Mario Kart just because of the 2 screens. Then we went to the Blops 3 midnighter. Was dope, they had Guitar Hero and a bunch of 360s hooked up on local Nuketown deathmatches and shit, was awesome.


Before I get into Blops 3, I'll talk about what's happened since getting Blops 3.


I got her into Black Ops 1, which she loves and still plays the shit out of (most of the time with me), we picked up Advanced Warfare on Xbone for free and she loves that too. She loves some Call of Duty. Probably because it's fun and basic and anyone can jump in and win, it's a really good game for casuals, and she'd probably be considered somewhere closer to casual than hardcore. Anyway, we play the shit out of it and we're way excited for Modern Warfare's remaster.


Now. Blops 3.


So we come home, 'bout half past midnight, I throw a kilo of party pies in the oven, we're ready for this shit. Shit food, good internet, plasma TV, weekend ahead of us, new CoD, awesome on paper, right? After like an hour of waiting for the patch to download (this is why I mentioned good internet, my internet then was super fast, and this still took forever) we decided fuck it and went to sleep. Woke up in the morning and played some online, already knew what to expect as we'd played the crap out of the beta too, and then we jump into the campaign...


I love Call of Duty single player. CoD 1 through 3 are fun but nothing special story wise. MW 1 through 3 are fucking great and I will defend them (even MW3) to the death. Blops 1 is dope. Advanced Warfare was predictable but pretty damn enjoyable too. Blops 2 I can't bring myself to finish, it just doesn't grab me. Blops 3 is the same.


We played a few missions, gave it a good chance, and it was boring and stupid and not interesting at all. Months pass, we try again, another mission or so down and the same thing. 


We had the game since day zero, the second it was available, and nearly a year later, we're only on like mission 8 or something. The story is just so shit.


tl;dr the story sucks and MW remastered will probably make me forget about it anyway.

I also decided that for Mario Kart, getting through 100cc means I've played through the game and getting through 150cc, as well as finishing first in all cups, means I 100%ed it.

Did you beat it as every character? No? Then get back to work.


I like that they're finally porting it since it could be fun to create some levels on the go but I really don't like the fact that they got rid of the option to upload your levels to the servers. So only people who meet you via streetpass will be able to play your levels, which kinda defeats the purpose of the level creation since only a small number of people living close to you will be able to play them.

They also got rid of the function to search specific levels by their level code thingy, so you'll only be able to play random levels under the popular levels section instead of being able to play any specific level you want to play.

I feel you man, but on the other hand, here's me, all I want is enough Mario levels to play through that I can justify the 60 bucks Nintendo will charge for this. I didn't end up grabbing it on Wii U and never will because Nintendo games always hold their price and I refuse to pay full price or close to 5 years later, so it's either day one or never for me with Nintendo games. If I buy this on 3DS, I get an infinity of classic Mario style levels, and New SMB style levels, and don't have to pay 60 bucks for New Super Mario 3DS from years ago which only has a limited amount of levels on top of that. For people like me, this is great shit.


It would probably take even longer without focusing on leveling. My brothers played the game for about the same time or more but they're only around level 45 with casual play.

AFK races man. Tape your remote down for a couple days and earn dem points. That's what I did. Left the PS3 on over the weekend or something, hit the go button once every few hours and nek minit I'm 100.


As for Mario Maker in particular, sorry but I've been modding levels and playing modded levels of Mario since the nineties through unofficial means and I just can't get hyped for Nintendo saying "you can only do that after giving money to us now".

Did you ever play Mario Sonic? I had one of those 150 in 1 carts for GBA in the day full of NES games, all were pretty well the original games but there was Mario Sonic and Bomber Mario. There was also "Tekken 2" which was just a weird MK reskin but whatever. Mario Sonic was straight up SMB but with Sonic in it, spin dash and all, it was actually really dope. 


_______________________________________ DYLAN'S POST NOW _______________________________________


Duke 3D PS4. 

Awesome. New it would come eventually, but with a whole new episode of levels? Holy shit that makes me hard. Good lord I'm keen, and it's only just over a month away too, I absolutely cannot wait for this, I only hope it will be available physically, if anyone out there still wants a new Duke game (if you've given up hope, I feel you), then please support this shit. Sure, the game has been re-released a billion and one times now, but this is the first one where Gearbox has actually put some effort in, that needs to be shown that it's appreciated. If they sell enough copies, it just may send them a signal, I mean, it may also do nothing. But like, fuck man, I would love some new Duke.


Mario Maker 3DS.

This looks cool. For some one like me, this is perfect. Sure, there's been ways to achieve what this game does out there for free for years now, but it's nice and simple, it's all organized, it's portable, and it's all I want from Mario: a shit load of levels, and confirmed replayability. I'm down.



As for buying systems and shit, I wouldn't personally consider it a spending on games, but we'll put it to a vote. I saw a comment before but I forgot to quote it (sorry) that someone was gonna buy a PS4 I believe but they wondered what that would be counted as. Well, I bought another Xperia Play the other day on sale (long story, good story too, I'll surely share it sometime) and I don't consider that spending money on games, however if I bought a game for it I would consider that spending. Anyway, I'm done typing so I vote we don't count buying a system as a bad thing in this, but anyone else is down to vote on it yo.

Edit: The whole thing was a nightmare to write. Too many quotes for one thing then they doubled up and formatting and ugh and shit fuck. Anyway, the very first bit was from a quote from Billy, but like, it kind of just applies to me in general so it's fine on it's own (I'm also too scared to edit it)

Edited by Super-Fly Spider-Guy
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As for buying systems and shit, I wouldn't personally consider it a spending on games, but we'll put it to a vote. I saw a comment before but I forgot to quote it (sorry) that someone was gonna buy a PS4 I believe but they wondered what that would be counted as. Well, I bought another Xperia Play the other day on sale (long story, good story too, I'll surely share it sometime) and I don't consider that spending money on games, however if I bought a game for it I would consider that spending. Anyway, I'm done typing so I vote we don't count buying a system as a bad thing in this, but anyone else is down to vote on it yo.


While I personally don't have that kind of money to buy a console during the duration of this event, I also don't want to throw a wrench into everyone's gears so I'll vote for not counting it as a purchase. I mean it's usually a one-time purchase and if you feel like you must absolutely have a new console right now, then you may as well get one.


But I would suggest listing the price you payed for your console in the money spent section if you have one.

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Whaaaaat I didn't hear about Duke 3D remaster, that's awesome!! Though I admit I'm a bit leery of Gearbox having their hands on it... if it isn't Borderlands, it's usually handled poorly. See: Aliens Colonial Marines, Battleborn.

I haven't been playing much, just a bit of Diablo III RoS for PS3 and PS4. Been binge watching Foyle's War and Still Game on Netflix, both brilliant shows I don't know how I overlooked until now.

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As for buying systems and shit, I wouldn't personally consider it a spending on games, but we'll put it to a vote. I saw a comment before but I forgot to quote it (sorry) that someone was gonna buy a PS4 I believe but they wondered what that would be counted as. Well, I bought another Xperia Play the other day on sale (long story, good story too, I'll surely share it sometime) and I don't consider that spending money on games, however if I bought a game for it I would consider that spending. Anyway, I'm done typing so I vote we don't count buying a system as a bad thing in this, but anyone else is down to vote on it yo.

Edit: The whole thing was a nightmare to write. Too many quotes for one thing then they doubled up and formatting and ugh and shit fuck. Anyway, the very first bit was from a quote from Billy, but like, it kind of just applies to me in general so it's fine on it's own (I'm also too scared to edit it)


I vote for it not counting as well, although I highly doubt I'll fall into this category (unless I decide to pull the trigger on getting a Vita, whch I've been contemplating for awhile now). 

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As for buying systems and shit, I wouldn't personally consider it a spending on games, but we'll put it to a vote. I saw a comment before but I forgot to quote it (sorry) that someone was gonna buy a PS4 I believe but they wondered what that would be counted as. Well, I bought another Xperia Play the other day on sale (long story, good story too, I'll surely share it sometime) and I don't consider that spending money on games, however if I bought a game for it I would consider that spending. Anyway, I'm done typing so I vote we don't count buying a system as a bad thing in this, but anyone else is down to vote on it yo.


I think it shouldn't fall into the caterogy, and we actually had kind of covered it when someone asked if buying the PSVR would count as a game or not (I forgot what we decided back then, but the rule should be the same for any kind of gaming device and accessory as long as it's reasonable, there's no reason for someone to buy 2-3 new systems of the same kind or 5+ controllers :lol:).


I personally will not buy any new system, specially since I still own money that my brother lend me to buy my PS4 (complicated times, and I was to buy a PS4 for myself as a reward for finishing my master degree, but had not enough money at the time, so he lend me some to take advantage of a decent deal on a PS4 + Bloodborne + 3 months PS+ + Vita TV for €400).. Hopefully the temporary job that I got will let me at least return the money that I own him and start saving towards Persona 5..


As for my weekly gaming update, there's none again, since I barely played at all during all week.. only played a bit more of Lost Dimension, clearing 1 or 2 chapters on NG+, but didn't got a single trophy in the process.

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Finally i completed the first game of the Bye Bye Backlog Challenge. Playstation All-Stars on PS3 :D


Next game is Crysis i have prolonged that long enough now :(


Currently Playing


Crysis 3 - 53/61 (81%)

Fat Princess: Piece of Cake - 5/13 (25%)

Project Cars - 8/45 (14%)

Tomb Raider 30/51 --> 37/51 (67% --> 77%)


Games to be played next


Bioshock - 9/66 (10%)

Bioshock 2 - 46/69 (63%)

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - 7/34 (13%)

Grand Theft Auto 5 (PS3) - 40/59 (66%)

Sleeping Dogs 51/60 (75%)



Games completed so far


:platinum: Dante's Inferno - 55/55

:platinum: Dragon's Crown - 49/49

:platinum: Ether One - 13/13

:platinum: Metro Last Light (PS3) - 71/71

:platinum: Playstation All-Stars Battle Royal (Vita) - 56/56

:platinum:Playstation All-Stars Battle Royal (PS3) - 56/56

:platinum: Sound Shapes (PS4) - 89/89

:platinum: Sound Shapes (PS4) - 89/89

:platinum: Sound Shapes (PS4) - 89/89

:platinum: Sound Shapes (PS4) - 89/89

Life is Strange - 12/61 (18%)


Probably buying


Virtue's Last Reward

Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition

Project Cars GOTY


Bought already


Bioshock Ultimate Rapture Edition + Bioshock Infinite 3€

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 6,20€

Resident Evil 0 HD (PS4) + DMC HD Collection (PS3) 0€


DLC bought already


Playstaton All-Stars Battle Royal - Fearless 1,59€

Outlast - The Whistleblower 3,27€

Sleeping Dogs: Year of the Snake + Nightmare in North Point 12,08€

Edited by Evil_Joker88
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As for buying systems and shit, I wouldn't personally consider it a spending on games, but we'll put it to a vote. I saw a comment before but I forgot to quote it (sorry) that someone was gonna buy a PS4 I believe but they wondered what that would be counted as. Well, I bought another Xperia Play the other day on sale (long story, good story too, I'll surely share it sometime) and I don't consider that spending money on games, however if I bought a game for it I would consider that spending. Anyway, I'm done typing so I vote we don't count buying a system as a bad thing in this, but anyone else is down to vote on it yo.

Edit: The whole thing was a nightmare to write. Too many quotes for one thing then they doubled up and formatting and ugh and shit fuck. Anyway, the very first bit was from a quote from Billy, but like, it kind of just applies to me in general so it's fine on it's own (I'm also too scared to edit it)



I think it shouldn't fall into the caterogy, and we actually had kind of covered it when someone asked if buying the PSVR would count as a game or not (I forgot what we decided back then, but the rule should be the same for any kind of gaming device and accessory as long as it's reasonable, there's no reason for someone to buy 2-3 new systems of the same kind or 5+ controllers :lol:).


I personally will not buy any new system, specially since I still own money that my brother lend me to buy my PS4 (complicated times, and I was to buy a PS4 for myself as a reward for finishing my master degree, but had not enough money at the time, so he lend me some to take advantage of a decent deal on a PS4 + Bloodborne + 3 months PS+ + Vita TV for €400).. Hopefully the temporary job that I got will let me at least return the money that I own him and start saving towards Persona 5..


I was the one who might buy the VR but we mostly talked about if it counted because I pre-ordered it before I joined the event (still not sure if I'll buy it though, but I'm getting to try it out next week).


Personally I think gaming consoles and peripherals should not count in the games tab but the money should count towards wallet pain (yes I will add added money to pre-orders in that slot as well). Are you using that Xperia phone only as a gaming device or as a phone as well? Can it even be used as a phone?


Personal update: no update from me yesterday (*shocking*) because I'm gaming less these days, yesterday not at all. I'm feeling a burndown coming, I get these every once in a while and I just don't feel like gaming anything at all at those times. Combined with us giving a big party in october which we have to do a lot of stuff for and I might just quit it for a few weeks.

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While I personally don't have that kind of money to buy a console during the duration of this event, I also don't want to throw a wrench into everyone's gears so I'll vote for not counting it as a purchase. I mean it's usually a one-time purchase and if you feel like you must absolutely have a new console right now, then you may as well get one.


But I would suggest listing the price you payed for your console in the money spent section if you have one.

Turns out that


Being really cheap

+ living in a cheap rental 

+ pooling your income / splitting bills with your missus

= a decent amount of money that you don't really don't know what to do with some times




I vote for it not counting as well, although I highly doubt I'll fall into this category (unless I decide to pull the trigger on getting a Vita, whch I've been contemplating for awhile now). 

I had a Vita way back when. It was dope. Shitloads of stacked up PS+ games, decently discounted price, all good. Then it died and there's a long story with 2 replacement ones that sucked that landed with me getting a 3DS XL but anyway ... Nowadays you'll be struggling to find one here (at all) for the price I got mine for back in Feb 2013, I got it for 199 new then at EB and the RRP is still 259 here. Combine that with at least another 40 to get the smallest reasonably acceptable mem card size and you're at 300 bucks before buying a single game. Then add in that there's pretty nothing new coming out that's either worth having a Vita for, or that you can't get anywhere else in a better form. In short, dude, I love the Vita, but don't get one. Get a PSTV and use the whitelist hack to play everything if you want, that's a better idea to be honest, unless you really want portability, in which case, buy a PSP because it has more games and emus and shit than the Vita will ever (unfortunately) have.




Whaaaaat I didn't hear about Duke 3D remaster, that's awesome!! Though I admit I'm a bit leery of Gearbox having their hands on it... if it isn't Borderlands, it's usually handled poorly. See: Aliens Colonial Marines, Battleborn.


It's straight up, man. There's the main game with all it's episodes from all over the place (hopefully with Duke it out in D(L)C and all them too), which you'd expect, but also there's a WHOLE NEW FUCKING EPISODE WITH 8 (I think) LEVELS AND SHIT, DESIGNED BY ONE OF THE ORIGINAL LEVEL DESIGNERS. Remixed scores and re-recorded lines and shit too, but mostly literally a whole new episode. I'm so far beyond keen it's insane.


I think it shouldn't fall into the caterogy, and we actually had kind of covered it when someone asked if buying the PSVR would count as a game or not (I forgot what we decided back then, but the rule should be the same for any kind of gaming device and accessory as long as it's reasonable, there's no reason for someone to buy 2-3 new systems of the same kind or 5+ controllers :lol:).

How about you owned an Xperia Play back in the day when it wasn't a dinosaur, and then it dropped like 10 centimetres and cracked the screen, then you found a guy who could repair it, who wanted 100 to do that, or 140 for a whole new phone, so you buy the new one then a couple of months later you realize it's a lemon because the touch screen goes skitz on you and you just deal with it for a while until San Andreas goes mobile in late 2013 so you buy an old iPhone 4S so you can play that and then you trade it for more than you bought it for because you were banking on EB doing another 70% extra trade value thing again and they did and then you buy you're delicious Nexus 5 that you love and then after a couple of years of great use with that phone you manage to get the cracked Xperia to turn on again (neither one would turn on after a few months without use and you assumed them dead) and you love it so the girlfriend convinces you to buy a new one because a guy on eBay has it for cheap and then you do and then like a week later he wanted like 3 times the price and you got pretty lucky? Is that okay or? :P





Personally I think gaming consoles and peripherals should not count in the games tab but the money should count towards wallet pain (yes I will add added money to pre-orders in that slot as well). Are you using that Xperia phone only as a gaming device or as a phone as well? Can it even be used as a phone?


Personal update: no update from me yesterday (*shocking*) because I'm gaming less these days, yesterday not at all. I'm feeling a burndown coming, I get these every once in a while and I just don't feel like gaming anything at all at those times. Combined with us giving a big party in october which we have to do a lot of stuff for and I might just quit it for a few weeks.


I'm currently using it as my main phone but probably not forever. I've got a micro SIM in my normal Nexus 5 phone, but just clumsily shoved into my XP with an adapter to take it out as the main one (I hate carrying more than one thing, I'm getting used to having a wallet and a phone as two things again, I previously had my first phone case with the Nexus as I could stick cards in and it doubled as a wallet) and yeah. It's a pretty good phone. Camera and call quality is an obvious step down, which happens when you're 5+ years old and running Gingerbread, but yeah, all in all, it's still quite a usable phone. Every now and then my signal drops out for a few seconds which is weird and sucks, but could be from a number of things, me using a smaller carrier for my network without super large reach, old gen tech in the phone, the fact it's from China and may not be properly prepared for Aussie networks, and so on. The short answer is yes, yes it does work as a phone. As a games machine it's also dope as hell. I've got GTA 3, Vice City, Dead Trigger, ePSXe, Crash Bandicoot (listed separately as it's a built in official Sony game on the phone), Modern Combat 3 and 4, Minecraft, Max Payne, and a bunch load more of other games from yesteryear that all support and thrive on the controller. It's beautiful man.



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I had a Vita way back when. It was dope. Shitloads of stacked up PS+ games, decently discounted price, all good. Then it died and there's a long story with 2 replacement ones that sucked that landed with me getting a 3DS XL but anyway ... Nowadays you'll be struggling to find one here (at all) for the price I got mine for back in Feb 2013, I got it for 199 new then at EB and the RRP is still 259 here. Combine that with at least another 40 to get the smallest reasonably acceptable mem card size and you're at 300 bucks before buying a single game. Then add in that there's pretty nothing new coming out that's either worth having a Vita for, or that you can't get anywhere else in a better form. In short, dude, I love the Vita, but don't get one. Get a PSTV and use the whitelist hack to play everything if you want, that's a better idea to be honest, unless you really want portability, in which case, buy a PSP because it has more games and emus and shit than the Vita will ever (unfortunately) have.


Honestly it really depends on the individual who buys the Vita. I got mine for 150€ bundled with R&C Trilogy and it's still my favorite console. If you are looking for your usual AAA action games the Vita won't really be for you. Sure, there are lot's of great action games on the Vita, like Gravity Rush, but where the Vita really shines is it's large selection of RPGs VNs and general weeb games. There's also a fair share of Monster Hunter clones on the Vita if you're into that. All of that is mostly because of it's success in Japan, where it is still a really popular console. Since that's the case a large chunk of the Vita's library also consists of non-localized titles which won't be any use to people who don't speak Japanese. 

Overall the Vita is basically every weeb's and RPG lover's dream come true but if you're only looking for the latest CoD and Fifa, the console won't get you that much enjoyment.

Edited by xFalionx
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I had a Vita way back when. It was dope. Shitloads of stacked up PS+ games, decently discounted price, all good. Then it died and there's a long story with 2 replacement ones that sucked that landed with me getting a 3DS XL but anyway ... Nowadays you'll be struggling to find one here (at all) for the price I got mine for back in Feb 2013, I got it for 199 new then at EB and the RRP is still 259 here. Combine that with at least another 40 to get the smallest reasonably acceptable mem card size and you're at 300 bucks before buying a single game. Then add in that there's pretty nothing new coming out that's either worth having a Vita for, or that you can't get anywhere else in a better form. In short, dude, I love the Vita, but don't get one. Get a PSTV and use the whitelist hack to play everything if you want, that's a better idea to be honest, unless you really want portability, in which case, buy a PSP because it has more games and emus and shit than the Vita will ever (unfortunately) have.

That's why I've also been considering the PSTV, the portability aspect really doesn't matter to me since I normally use my phone or listen to music when I'm out and about. I'm checking amazon right now (the only place in Canada apparently that has them) and it's $125 Canadian for the whole bundle, which includes a Dualshock 3 (something I could use another of), the Lego Movie game (meh) and free shipping (yay). I have a PSP sitting at home unused, I played it alot when I was younger (SOCOM Fireteam Bravo 2 was my jam, loved that game) but I really haven't had any desire to play those games anymore.


Honestly it really depends on the individual who buys the Vita. I got mine for 150€ bundled with R&C Trilogy and it's still my favorite console. If you are looking for your usual AAA action games the Vita won't really be for you. Sure, there are lot's of great action games on the Vita, like Gravity Rush, but where the Vita really shines is it's large selection of RPGs VNs and general weeb games. There's also a fair share of Monster Hunter clones on the Vita if you're into that. All of that is mostly because of it's success in Japan, where it is still a really popular console. Since that's the case a large chunk of the Vita's library also consists of non-localized titles which won't be any use to people who don't speak Japanese. 

Overall the Vita is basically every weeb's and RPG lover's dream come true but if you're only looking for the latest CoD and Fifa, the console won't get you that much enjoyment.

And this is the reason why I was looking at the Vita itself, there's alot of Neptunia games on there that I'm interested in, along with many other JRPG's, but depending on PSTV's compatibility then I may want to look into this as my prefered option. Either way, this'll probably wait until around Christmas time where I might try to get one of these from my parents. Oh, speaking of weeb games....


Small update: I went and got my first pickup, Hatsune Miku Project Diva X yesterday. I haven't done enough to warrant a full update yet, but in the meantime can you put it in my Currently Playing list Spidey?

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That's why I've also been considering the PSTV, the portability aspect really doesn't matter to me since I normally use my phone or listen to music when I'm out and about. I'm checking amazon right now (the only place in Canada apparently that has them) and it's $125 Canadian for the whole bundle, which includes a Dualshock 3 (something I could use another of), the Lego Movie game (meh) and free shipping (yay). I have a PSP sitting at home unused, I played it alot when I was younger (SOCOM Fireteam Bravo 2 was my jam, loved that game) but I really haven't had any desire to play those games anymore.


You might consider looking at the US bundles; I know ebay tends to have them for $70 USD/~$90 CAD. Could probably find them cheaper as well if you dig around, since Walmart discounted them down to... I can't recall, either $20 or $30, earlier this year. Might come out cheaper even with the crazy shipping.

It looks like the Neptunia games are compatible, or at least some of them... I'm unfamiliar with the series.

Edited by SyIaris
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You might consider looking at the US bundles; I know ebay tends to have them for $70 USD/~$90 CAD. Could probably find them cheaper as well if you dig around, since Walmart discounted them down to... I can't recall, either $20 or $30, earlier this year. Might come out cheaper even with the crazy shipping.

It looks like the Neptunia games are compatible, or at least some of them... I'm unfamiliar with the series.

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the list to, for whatever reason I was never able to find it whenever I looked for it.

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I bought my Vita a few months ago second hand for 50€. Was a good deal and then on second day i saw a 16 GB in it which is worth 30€ here - good deal because AWESOME :D


I haven't bought any games yet but played solely ps+ games or some free-to-play games :D


But i use it every time i drive in a bus or metro. 2 hours minimum a day xD ... But the screen needs darker environments and it's hard to play outside while there's even a bit sunlight :(

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I bought my Vita a few months ago second hand for 50€. Was a good deal and then on second day i saw a 16 GB in it which is worth 30€ here - good deal because AWESOME :D

But the screen needs darker environments and it's hard to play outside while there's even a bit sunlight :(


That's a really good deal, I have to make do with 8GB of memory. :P


Actually, the LCD screen of the newer Vita can get a lot brighter than the OLED screen of the old Vita. I've never had trouble seeing the screen with my newer model Vita, no matter what light conditions were present at the time.

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Cleaned up the challenges in Sly 3, and it's now one easy trophy away from the plat as well.

Loved the other three Sly games, but this one felt like it was dragging on too long before I made it halfway through. Could've done without the challenges making me redo my least liked parts of the game with extra difficulties added, but most of them weren't too bad.


Gotta ask, though - if anyone's played them both, is the ship stuff in Assassin's Creed IV similar?


Games Played:

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth [PC]

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood [PS3]


Games Beaten:

*The Sims 3: Pets [PS3] - 0% 98%

*Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves [PS3] - 79% 98%



1. Pokemon Sun or Moon [3DS]




DLC ($20):



Free stuff/PS+:

Great Secrets: Da Vinci [PC]

Normality [PC]

Shadow Warrior Classic [PC]

Forgotten Books: The Enchanted Crown + Myths of the World: Spirit Wolf + Bathory: The Bloody Countess + Revenge of the Spirit: Rite of Resurrection [Android]
Pure Pool [PC]
Goocubelets 2 [PC]


Had some free appstore credit about to expire, so... bunch of random decently-rated P&C games that were on sale.  :dunno:


Sorry if this double-posts, the site seems to be having some issues,

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