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Project Guide Creation V2.0

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De wa,

here you go :D





VIT increased to 9!

DEF increased to 7! (forgot to raise it with the Dead Island lists)

CON increased to 13!

MAG increased to 13!


VIT (Vita games - how many guides we'll be able to make for Vita games; default 0 since there are 0 Vita games) - currently at 9 somehow OVER MAX

DEF (Definitive Edition Trophy Guides - how many guides for games with "Definitive Edition" in the name we could potentially make) - currently at 7 MAX

CON (Concert - how many times we can act in concert/work together to collaborate on guides) - currently at 13

ACC (Accuracy - how accurate our guide information can be) - currently at 13

STR (Strategy - how detailed and in-depth the guide information can be) - currently at 13

MAG (Magnificence - how high the quality of our guides can be) - currently at 13

SPR (Sprucing - how grammatically correct, organized, etc our guides can be) - currently at 13

SPD (Speed - how high the speed of our guide output can be; Note: should be equally balanced with at least Acc, Mag, and Spr as often as possible to avoid being sent back for revisions) - currently at 13

EVA (Evaluation - how high the effectiveness, speed, focus, and professionalism of the Guide Team can be) - currently at 255 MAX

LUCK (Luck - getting your guide attention from a lucky PlayStation + inclusion or other relevant occurence) - currently at 777 MAX but always does a RNG check

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Yes here is his post from about 3 pages ago.


I need to work up the motivation to finish editing the guide tonight :P I am getting distracted with FIFA 15 and Juarez boosting and all sorts of nonsense.


Also while we're on the subject, would a guide written for Telltale's Batman published within a week of its physical release date fulfill Did you even enjoy it? Or maybe just a week from the point where the platinum actually becomes obtainable. I'm just brainstorming trying to figure out a game this could be done for haha.


Perfect! I totally forgot that was the member everyone was helping with grammar and spelling! In that case, I'll add him to the participants list.


:gold: - Enough to fill a mansion (50 participants joined) Earned by PSNP on September 12th 2016!


I earned  :hidden: - Sensei (Answer 10 guide related questions in the Project Guide Creation thread) a long time ago :awesome:. But besides that, nothing yet. Also  :hidden: - All in a days work (Publish 5 guides in 25 hours) is unobtainable and needs to be patched. The requirements are impossible.

I added DarKNesS_X to the guide too as the 5th contributor.


Updated your participants list! Make sure all your peeps drop a comment here.


I think Mango offered some advice too, somewhere.


:bronze: Sensei (Answer 10 guide related questions in the Project Guide Creation thread) Earned by the Guide Team on September 12th 2016!


:hidden: - All in a days work (Publish 3 guides within a short period of time)


Reviewed a guide within an hour of it being submitted :dance:. Finally got a Guide Team trophy.


:silver: - Speed Reader (Publish a guide within 1 hour of submission) Earned by Dragon-Archon on September 12th 2016!


I think there is a ??? trophy still available. Maybe you can create an easy/cool one for yourself?




VIT increased to 9!

DEF increased to 7! (forgot to raise it with the Dead Island lists)

CON increased to 13!

MAG increased to 13!


VIT (Vita games - how many guides we'll be able to make for Vita games; default 0 since there are 0 Vita games) - currently at 9 somehow OVER MAX

DEF (Definitive Edition Trophy Guides - how many guides for games with "Definitive Edition" in the name we could potentially make) - currently at 7 MAX

CON (Concert - how many times we can act in concert/work together to collaborate on guides) - currently at 13

ACC (Accuracy - how accurate our guide information can be) - currently at 13

STR (Strategy - how detailed and in-depth the guide information can be) - currently at 13

MAG (Magnificence - how high the quality of our guides can be) - currently at 13

SPR (Sprucing - how grammatically correct, organized, etc our guides can be) - currently at 13

SPD (Speed - how high the speed of our guide output can be; Note: should be equally balanced with at least Acc, Mag, and Spr as often as possible to avoid being sent back for revisions) - currently at 13

EVA (Evaluation - how high the effectiveness, speed, focus, and professionalism of the Guide Team can be) - currently at 255 MAX

LUCK (Luck - getting your guide attention from a lucky PlayStation + inclusion or other relevant occurence) - currently at 777 MAX but always does a RNG check




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Can someone tell me where the review guide queue is located on this website? I can't find it :(

It's only accessible for the Guide Team. If you publish your guide, it'll show up in the review queue.

I think he just forgets we are mere mortals. 

Oh, my bad. Here's a glimpse of the Review Queue. Just ignore the red rectangles, those were used to explain where guides are stored.


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How many pokemon did you caught?


I've been playing Pokemon GO since July 14, and so far I have caught 92/150 Pokemon.


EDIT: Also, I wanted to ask a question: Is there a way to make a list similar to that in the THL's Hall of Fame on which person has earned a trophy?


For example: Garciafever - 1 Gold, 1 Silver


I know that it shows on the thread trophies spoiler, but I feel that it somewhat gets lost with the rest of the text in regards to the trophy descriptions.

Edited by GarciaFever
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GH:Wor guide awaiting publication!


Thanks for all andrea!!

Nice work, I'll take a look later.


I've been playing Pokemon GO since July 14, and so far I have caught 92/150 Pokemon.

Nice, are the legendary pokemons available in the wild or will there be special events for them?

I think there is a ??? trophy still available. Maybe you can create an easy/cool one for yourself?

How about :hidden: Guide Team Artist for creating something related to the Guide Team? I made these months ago:

  • UKtV8oW.png: I call this one getting Mango'd. We used to review the same guides lots of times, and Mango did that faster than me. So when I was finished, I'd see his comments :facepalm:.
  • zaWusW0.jpg this one was a joke in another thread.
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I've been playing Pokemon GO since July 14, and so far I have caught 92/150 Pokemon.


114 here. I hope they release the beta tested tracker soon *_*




Nice work, I'll take a look later.


Nice, are the legendary pokemons available in the wild or will there be special events for them?

How about  :hidden: Guide Team Artist for creating something related to the Guide Team? I made these months ago:

  • UKtV8oW.png: I call this one getting Mango'd. We used to review the same guides lots of times, and Mango did that faster than me. So when I was finished, I'd see his comments :facepalm:.
  • zaWusW0.jpg this one was a joke in another thread.


The legendary ones are currently not available at all (apart from that one incident where some were accidentally given out).


I like that trophy idea :D

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My Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars Trophy Guide has been officially published! Premium Membership is awaiting NerdRage04  :wub:  :P

KashSenpai's Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars Trophy Guide just got published (that guide needs a shorter name :|).

I'm sorry but i tried making it short as possible, but that game just has such a long name, can't think of anything else. If i don't include the full name of the game, people may think this is a guide for another RocketLeague sort of game :/

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I'm sorry but i tried making it short as possible, but that game just has such a long name, can't think of anything else. If i don't include the full name of the game, people may think this is a guide for another RocketLeague sort of game :/

It's ok, that wasn't aimed at you, but to the developers. Guide names for trophy guides can't be changed, the format is always Game Name Trophy Guide. Titles for gameplay guides can be changed.

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114 here. I hope they release the beta tested tracker soon *_*



The legendary ones are currently not available at all (apart from that one incident where some were accidentally given out).


I like that trophy idea :D


And yet the people want Niantic to release Gen 2 pokemon within the upcoming winter? Please, they still have yet to do many other things like trading, improving the gym battles, and 1 vs. 1 battling (which I would love to see in the upcoming future). Until then, I can just hold off on spending my candy and stardust, of which I have over 262000+.

Edited by GarciaFever
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Nice work, I'll take a look later.


Nice, are the legendary pokemons available in the wild or will there be special events for them?

How about  :hidden: Guide Team Artist for creating something related to the Guide Team? I made these months ago:

  • UKtV8oW.png: I call this one getting Mango'd. We used to review the same guides lots of times, and Mango did that faster than me. So when I was finished, I'd see his comments :facepalm:.
  • zaWusW0.jpg this one was a joke in another thread.



Haha, that is pretty funny. I like it. I will add it to the Image Gallery.


:bronze: - Guide Team Artist (Draw artwork related to the Guide Team) Earned by Dragon-Archon on September 15th 2016!


My Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars Trophy Guide has been officially published! Premium Membership is awaiting NerdRage04  :wub:  :P

I'm sorry but i tried making it short as possible, but that game just has such a long name, can't think of anything else. If i don't include the full name of the game, people may think this is a guide for another RocketLeague sort of game :/


Good work. 


Trophies Progressed:

:hidden: - Break the Piggy Bank - $205/???

:hidden: - 1680 Hours of Summer - @1336 hours and some minutes


I had my first guide published today! :D I'm planning on writing more trophy guides in the future.


Great Work!


Trophies Progressed:

:hidden: - 1680 Hours of Summer - @1345 hours and some minutes


And yet the people want Niantic to release Gen 2 pokemon within the upcoming winter? Please, they still have yet to do many other things like trading, improving the gym battles, and 1 vs. 1 battling (which I would love to see in the upcoming future). Until then, I can just hold off on spending my candy and stardust, of which I have over 262000+.


Yeah, I don't really have a reason to use my stardust anymore. I am in the same boat with almost 500K saved. It would be nice to add another Gen of Pokemon though. I will add a stats sheet later for trophies.


EDIT: Please help me make sure your guides are properly noted on the OP. Thanks!

Edited by NerdRage04
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I had my first guide published today! :D I'm planning on writing more trophy guides in the future.

Nice, congrats on becoming an official PSNP guide writer :yay:.


Haha, that is pretty funny. I like it. I will add it to the Image Gallery.


:bronze: - Guide Team Artist (Draw artwork related to the Guide Team) Earned by Dragon-Archon on September 15th 2016!

Awesome :D.

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