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PlayStation 4 Pro Announced


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Well I'm not suggesting that you do anything but cost is an issue for some. Lower price point gets more people in the door, no matter how you slice it. The slim is basically the same PS4 that the rest of us have but for less money, so no, I don't see any reason not to buy it and save the money. If you want the extra that the pro offers, great, but if not or cannot afford it, the slim is a great option.

For example, i will get the slim edition next year or in christmas. I dont care too much about graphics.

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Really don't even want another PS, now that Mods are no longer a thing I think some monkeys are running Sony RN tbh making very stupid choices.

Want to compete with PC ? PFFFT Then add mods you dumb fucks the reason most people go to PC IS MODs. 

Anyway probably wont be getting another PS after my 4 breaks I'll stick with PC. Really feels like sony isn't making it anywhere gaming wise soo maybe I'll get the ps5? idk

Sony really let me down been on there system since PS1 PS2 PS3 and PS4 PSP Ps Vita had everything now I don't want anything sad to say


And before someone comments saying your not getting a PS4 Just because of mods??????

No, I will not be getting another one because half of the things the fans want Sony just ignores.

Its not that they don't give us anything they basically just give us half ... 

Yea we got

PS2 games coming to ps4 woot ? there is only like 12 atm OH GOLLY GEE LET ME HOP ON THAT

Nah i'll just plug my PS2 in and play ...? ya know there only like 30 bucks now with games being like 5.

Communities is this a joke Honestly, since they put this in I thought it was a joke half of them I join don't even do anything with like 1000+ people in it

They have convos that die in like 3 messages people always asking for help who never get it. 

Folders and deleting demos ... Are you kiddin right ? We should have had this since the PS was fucking launched.


Stuff we don't get.

Backwards Compatibility


Name Changes

Could go on but I won't 


Things that if Sony really put it Yea it would take time and in the end be worth it but they don't because they don't profit off it

but hey ; ) it would be "what the players want" right.

Edited by ChastityFail
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"I heard you're into gaming and I want to buy a PS4. Think that's a good idea?"

"Yeah, but what do you want? Just to play a game on it, or play a game on it at the highest graphic fidelity you can afford?"

"I want the best PS4 out there."

"There's the PS4 Slim at $299. That's just your normal PS4, lets you play a game now. It'll be an upgrade from the 360 you have now. If you want the (air quotes) very best PS4 on the market, wait till November when the Pro comes out."

"What's that?"

"It's an improved version. Better processor, can play games at 4k if you have the right TV. Also supposed to play the games better if you don't have a 4k TV. Better framerates, better performance. To be honest, it's being made to better support the VR headset Sony's releasing at the same time. That one will cost $399."

"That sounds nice. Is $399 for the PS4 and the headset?"

"No, that's just for the console. The headset is being sold separately. Watch them bundle the two later though. They always do."

"Well, what VR games are there?"

"Well, none right now. There's a bunch that's announced to be released later, see what Google says."


*At this point, the facial expression of the person I'm talking to changes. Keep in mind, I'm a subordinate at work to the person I'm talking to about this. He's used to parsing excuses and bullshit from the people working for him. There's a certain facial expression he uses when he thinks what you're saying is complete bullshit and then he gets to the real reason why you haven't done what you were told to do. He's using that expression right now, and that's when I too come to the realization that the facts I'm laying out about the Pro do, in fact, sound like complete bullshit to a person standing outside the Reality Distortion Field. Then I continue talking:


"Well, you know how consoles have been behind PCs when it comes to graphics and performance?"


"The Pro is Sony's wild-ass stab at trying to get closer to that standard."

"I think I'll just buy the $299 one."

Edited by damon8r351
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