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The Love Live School Idol Festival thread


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That's literally the worst one =D Even more than primtemps (since that has Kotori-chan :awesome:)

No, the worst one is clearly Lily White (since that has Rin-chin :awesome:)


I think we should stop or we are going to become the cancer of the Idol Fandom:  People who call other people's idols shit. Let us just agree that we have very different taste in idols and music.

Edited by TheVader66
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No, the worst one is clearly Lily White (since that has Rin-chin :awesome:)

And that is another incorrect info since Lily White is obviously best because UmiRin :awesome:



I think we should stop or we are going to become the cancer of the Idol Fandom:  People who call other people's idols shit. Let us just agree that we have very different taste in idols and music.

But we must argue about best girls, to harden our beliefs :awesome:


Anyway, for me, it's...

muse: Lily White > BiBi > primtemps

Aqua: CYaRon > Guilty Kiss > Azalea


Best units were obvious for me, but 2nd/3rd are pretty close =D

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Sure, pour more salt into my injury record of being unable to get UR or successful draw  :P :P :P :P :P

Maybe if you stop insulting Kotori she might come home to you  :awesome:. Anyways I think my luck has run out since I used 30 love gems for just one SR and from my Blue Tickets I only got a SR.

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I'm not insulting Kotori :P Maybe I should, I don't like Eli and Nozomi and I have most of them :P



That's literally the worst one =D Even more than primtemps (since that has Kotori-chan :awesome:)


Anyways, I have total of 8 URs (9 if we are including the 2nd Kotori used to Idolize her) though I want more. I want to have a Full UR Team.

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It's just if the set is old, the chances of obtaining a significantly lower.

Don't destroy my dreams, I am going to get them one day. Also I can technicaly get the UR Eli if I wait long enough for her to appear again in the Sticker Shop but I have to sacrifice three URs.




Anyways what is your dream card or card set to get?

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As for set, obviously maids :awesome: http://schoolido.lu/collection/Café%20Maid/

As for card, I'm currently aiming for Devil Umi which will be in scouting soon. Other than that, dunno... don't have any particular card I would really be wishing for =D

Geez I wonder why you love the Maid Set  :awesome: :





and ooooooh Umi looks cute in this card. I may try to get as well though I need a Cool UR more.



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Tehe~ :awesome: And also, there's this one, just for the sheer game breaking ability :awesome:


WTF!!! Why does she have such a OP score up? In my opinion she may be the most useful Score Booster I have ever seen. 




I remember back when I didn't know anything about the series. I loved Umi the most and she was my choice when you had picked out an idol to begin with. I still have her even though she is super weak now.



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Be glad, best unit is best unit :awesome:


CYaRon is amazing and honestly, I don't mind the curse of the moe that I'm getting.


But...I am more of a Guilty Kiss person. I don't mind any of the sub-units, they're all awesome.


 You still have great luck in honor scouting by getting four SRs in one 10 + 1 Honor Scouting and one them being Riko  :wub: . I wasted 30 love gems for 1 SR   :(


Actually, I think I have a much worse luck than you. I wasted about 35 Love Gems solo scouting after my 10+1 pull and all I got was Rs. I guess patience is a virtue. Had I waited instead of solo scouting I could have done another 10+1.

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CYaRon is amazing and honestly, I don't mind the curse of the moe that I'm getting.


But...I am more of a Guilty Kiss person. I don't mind any of the sub-units, they're all awesome.



Actually, I think I have a much worse luck than you. I wasted about 35 Love Gems solo scouting after my 10+1 pull and all I got was Rs. I guess patience is a virtue. Had I waited instead of solo scouting I could have done another 10+1.

Maybe your luck reside on doing 10+1 Honor Scouting since I noticed everyone has different method to getting URs. My Good Luck is in Solo Yolos but I have the Worst Luck in Blue Ticket Scouting. Meanwhile Satoshi has horrible luck in Solo Yolos.


By the way, I asked this question to Satoshi but I want to ask you as well:


Who is dream card to get in all of the cards available in Love Live?

Also which is your favorite set of cards that you like?


If you don't have an idea of what card or set you want. Then try to see what you like in School Idol Tomodachi: http://schoolido.lu/cards/

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Actually, I think I have a much worse luck than you. I wasted about 35 Love Gems solo scouting after my 10+1 pull and all I got was Rs. I guess patience is a virtue. Had I waited instead of solo scouting I could have done another 10+1.

Lol, same 'luck' with Solo YOLOs as me xD Definitely wait for 10+1.

WTF!!! Why does she have such a OP score up? In my opinion she may be the most useful Score Booster I have ever seen. 

Well, she is =D Team of 8 Umis + Kotori center is the most broken thing in the game =D

I remember back when I didn't know anything about the series. I loved Umi the most and she was my choice when you had picked out an idol to begin with. I still have her even though she is super weak now.

Same, same =D

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Maybe your luck reside on doing 10+1 Honor Scouting since I noticed everyone has different method to getting URs. My Good Luck is in Solo Yolos but I have the Worst Luck in Blue Ticket Scouting. Meanwhile Satoshi has horrible luck in Solo Yolos.

Lol, same 'luck' with Solo YOLOs as me xD Definitely wait for 10+1.


It does seem to be that way. Guess it's time for me to get more Love Gems and save up.


By the way, I asked this question to Satoshi but I want to ask you as well:


Who is dream card to get in all of the cards available in Love Live?

Also which is your favorite set of cards that you like?


If you don't have an idea of what card or set you want. Then try to see what you like in School Idol Tomodachi: http://schoolido.lu/cards/


Been using that site for a few weeks now. Great source of renders too.


My ultimate dream cards as I've mentioned are the YohaDia URs. But if I have to choose one:


It would've been Yohane, but Dia's one has a charm to it.


And a Muse dream card would be:


Umi isn't in my top 3 (not yet), but she has some of the best cards and her voice is divine.


My favourite set is probably this one: http://schoolido.lu/collection/Rock/

They look pretty badass, I must say.

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