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Resident Evil 7 Not Coming to the Switch


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This shouldn't be surprising at all and I wouldn't expect much 3rd party support for the Switch when it comes to the latest AAA multiplat games. One of the developers of Titanfall 2 basically said "Fuck no there's no way you could fit Titanfall 2 on the Switch" when recently asked about a possible Switch port. Gearbox has said Borderlands 3 coming to the system looks unlikely. I don't expect that trend to change anytime soon. My guess is that 3rd party support in terms of large publishers will be titles like Just Dance (Ubisoft) or FIFA (EA). The types of franchises that were ported to the WiiU and were even still being made for the PS2 even by the time the PS4 came out. There will also be the type of support you would expect for handheld systems but when it comes to the latest AAA games I wouldn't hold my breath.


I believe there are several reasons for this. First is that the Switch only has 32 GB of storage. That pretty much eliminates any digital downloads of the latest and largest games. Most AAA new releases are well over that size especially when you add patches and updates. Sure you can upgrade the storage with a card but I just don't see many developers releasing a Switch version when their game won't even fit on the system and requires customers to purchase extra storage just to get that 1 game to fit. Not to mention having to downgrade the game to get it to run on the specs. Just not worth it to developers when most people would just buy those games on other systems anyways. 


Nintendo has basically become a console that most people buy only for Nintendo exclusives and little else. Not trying to hate on them because I grew up loving Nintendo but that's just the way it has been lately. I hope the Switch succeeds because I really do love Nintendo franchises but I highly doubt full 3rd party support will happen. Maybe I'll be wrong though, we'll see.

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1 hour ago, MStalker58 said:

I believe there are several reasons for this. First is that the Switch only has 32 GB of storage. That pretty much eliminates any digital downloads of the latest and largest games. Most AAA new releases are well over that size especially when you add patches and updates.

This is important because people don't think about this: developers LIKE digital. It makes production costs lower, it makes it easier to get the product into people's hands, it cuts out retailers, and it's easier to prevent used game sales. Not being digital game friendly is a HUGE turn off to a lot of devs.



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Did anyone actually expect any big third party games to come to Switch? And no, I don't mean 5 year old games like Skyrim, I'm talking about new games. It says something when you get EA on stage at your conference (one of the biggest publishers in the world) and all they announce is FIFA for the Switch. Supposedly it's a port of the PS3/Xbox 360 version too. That says something. It's gonna be a very similar situation to the Wii U with its lack of third party support. Hell, in terms of the support from western publishers, it's looking even worse. At least the Wii U got games like Mass Effect 3, Watch Dogs, and Batman Arkham City, even if they were lacklustre ports. Ubisoft in particular tried supporting the Wii U with stuff like Zombi U which clearly backfired, and I think they've learned their lesson this time around. There's not a single console that has succeeded without third party support. I don't see this being the exception.

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Just now, Undead Wolf said:


Did anyone actually expect any big third party games to come to Switch?



Yes actually. The whole point of making a new system would be to fix the issues with the Wii U, and its biggest issue was its total lack of third party support. So it is simply a mystery why they would make a new piece of hardware if they were just going to follow the same trend as before...

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1 minute ago, Cynthia-Roses said:

Yes actually. The whole point of making a new system would be to fix the issues with the Wii U, and its biggest issue was its total lack of third party support. So it is simply a mystery why they would make a new piece of hardware if they were just going to follow the same trend as before...


If Nintendo wanted third party support, they should have made a console with similar power to the PS4/Xbone. The Switch is much less powerful which means a lot more work is required for developers to port their game over. Because of this, I wasn't ever expecting the big AAA games to make their way over. Still, after watching that conference, it's even worse than I could have imagined...

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2 hours ago, SnowxSakura said:

I'm not going to buy one at all, I have an unopened 64 gig one, and I doubt I'll need that since I never buy digital


Good on you. I used to say I don't do digital, which is why I got the X360 Arcade. Three extra HDDs later...


2 hours ago, MStalker58 said:

This shouldn't be surprising at all and I wouldn't expect much 3rd party support for the Switch when it comes to the latest AAA multiplat games. One of the developers of Titanfall 2 basically said "Fuck no there's no way you could fit Titanfall 2 on the Switch" when recently asked about a possible Switch port. Gearbox has said Borderlands 3 coming to the system looks unlikely. I don't expect that trend to change anytime soon. My guess is that 3rd party support in terms of large publishers will be titles like Just Dance (Ubisoft) or FIFA (EA). The types of franchises that were ported to the WiiU and were even still being made for the PS2 even by the time the PS4 came out. There will also be the type of support you would expect for handheld systems but when it comes to the latest AAA games I wouldn't hold my breath.


I believe there are several reasons for this. First is that the Switch only has 32 GB of storage. That pretty much eliminates any digital downloads of the latest and largest games. Most AAA new releases are well over that size especially when you add patches and updates. Sure you can upgrade the storage with a card but I just don't see many developers releasing a Switch version when their game won't even fit on the system and requires customers to purchase extra storage just to get that 1 game to fit. Not to mention having to downgrade the game to get it to run on the specs. Just not worth it to developers when most people would just buy those games on other systems anyways. 


Nintendo has basically become a console that most people buy only for Nintendo exclusives and little else. Not trying to hate on them because I grew up loving Nintendo but that's just the way it has been lately. I hope the Switch succeeds because I really do love Nintendo franchises but I highly doubt full 3rd party support will happen. Maybe I'll be wrong though, we'll see.


14 minutes ago, Cynthia-Roses said:


Yes actually. The whole point of making a new system would be to fix the issues with the Wii U, and its biggest issue was its total lack of third party support. So it is simply a mystery why they would make a new piece of hardware if they were just going to follow the same trend as before...


5 minutes ago, Undead Wolf said:


If Nintendo wanted third party support, they should have made a console with similar power to the PS4/Xbone. The Switch is much less powerful which means a lot more work is required for developers to port their game over. Because of this, I wasn't ever expecting the big AAA games to make their way over. Still, after watching that conference, it's even worse than I could have imagined...


You're all talking about AAA third party support though and not indie third party support, which is much bigger now than it was ten years ago. The basic reason for me getting the X360 next to my Wii was me wanting to play the REAL version of The Force Unleashed, and stuff like GTA which will never come to Nintendo either.


Total AAA support never hsppens for Nintendo any more, and don't expect it. Never expect a console now that can compete with the current Xbox/PlayStation iteration because that's simply not what Nintendo does. For the umpteenth time, Nintendo doesn't need to be the third wheel in the Sony/Microsoft comparison war, they just need to do their own thing. They'd never stand a chance in the comparison war but simply as themselves, being different and doing their thing, is what can make them survive, provided there's still enough people like me left who feel like not needing another PS4/X1 counterpart, but who just want to have fun with cool Mario/Zelda/Metroid games and who want to do couch multiplayer with Kart/Party/Smash. That's what I hate the most about Sony and Microsoft, they make it impossible to find a fun game that can just be played and enjoyed with four people at the same place instead of online.

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8 minutes ago, cjshaitan said:

Off topic slightly but every time I see reference to the switch I automatically read it as " Nintendo's Snatch ". I love the sick mind behind naming their hardware


Super Nintendo Attertainment Chystem?


Also, do you read it as the Game C*nt, N69 and Wee? You should go to Microsoft, their "X"-box is already dirty and doesn't need changing. But it does need cleaning...


Also... slightly?!

Edited by BillyHorrible
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2 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:

You're all talking about AAA third party support though and not indie third party support, which is much bigger now than it was ten years ago. The basic reason for me getting the X360 next to my Wii was me wanting to play the REAL version of The Force Unleashed, and stuff like GTA which will never come to Nintendo either.


Total AAA support never hsppens for Nintendo any more, and don't expect it. Never expect a console now that can compete with the current Xbox/PlayStation iteration because that's simply not what Nintendo does. For the umpteenth time, Nintendo doesn't need to be the third wheel in the Sony/Microsoft comparison war, they just need to do their own thing. They'd never stand a chance in the comparison war but simply as themselves, being different and doing their thing, is what can make them survive, provided there's still enough people like me left who feel like not needing another PS4/X1 counterpart, but who just want to have fun with cool Mario/Zelda/Metroid games and who want to do couch multiplayer with Kart/Party/Smash. That's what I hate the most about Sony and Microsoft, they make it impossible to find a fun game that can just be played and enjoyed with four people at the same place instead of online.


Like it or not, but consoles are sold on the back of big AAA games. Indie games are great and all, but they aren't system sellers. People don't drop $300 on a piece of hardware for games that could run on anything. I believe you were trying to make the same argument about PSVR and "smaller experiences", correct me if I'm wrong. That's just not how the average consumer thinks.


This is basically Nintendo giving up on making a competitive console and focusing on something that will appeal to the casual gamer, AKA the same people who bought the Wii. I just don't see that happening, especially now that smartphones exist. That audience has moved on. I think Nintendo are gonna learn that the hard way. This approach of theirs only serves to drive away the core Nintendo fans who have supported them for so long.

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2 minutes ago, Undead Wolf said:


Like it or not, but consoles are sold on the back of big AAA games. Indie games are great and all, but they aren't system sellers. People don't drop $300 on a piece of hardware for games that could run on anything. I believe you were trying to make the same argument about PSVR and "smaller experiences", correct me if I'm wrong. That's just not how the average consumer thinks.


This is basically Nintendo giving up on making a competitive console and focusing on something that will appeal to the casual gamer, AKA the same people who bought the Wii. I just don't see that happening, especially now that smartphones exist. That audience has moved on. I think Nintendo are gonna learn that the hard way. This approach of theirs only serves to drive away the core Nintendo fans who have supported them for so long.


My comment on small experiences was about the PSVR being better in short bursts and not hours at a time, it had nothing to do with it being backed by a big publisher or not (Batman Arkham VR might not be full length but we can not call it indie).


My main point is that for AAA games, Nintendo has mostly looked after themselves, with a couple of companies regularly contracted, most prominently Rare during the SNES and N64 days. They don't need GTA, Resident Evil or the likes. They need excellent Zelda and Mario games, which is what the WiiU lacked.


I don't think they're driving away their core fans, because their core fans love the Nintendo games and not the third party support, which was bad even back in the N64 days. They lost their core group partly with the Wii and completely with the WiiU, and they're actually trying to get them back with the Switch.

To their old core fans, the third partystuff does not matter that much. What matters is the Zelda (which was missing on the WiiU), the hardcore Mario (missing on the WiiU, arguably found on the Wii with the challenges later on in Galaxy), the Rare (missing since N64), the Star Fox (not on the Wii, one just last year on the WiiU), the F-Zero (missing since Game Cube), the Metroid Prime (none on the WiiU)...

What does matter to the core group, is that they don't have to use those gimmicky Wii(U) controls, which is now improved and optional on the Switch, and they want their Nintendo titles the way they like them. All Nintendo now needs to do to make Switch a super smash hit is expanding the Virtual Console and adding all of their big handheld titles, starting with a full Pokémon game. As said in other threads, it's the handheld market where the Switch can really shine.

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46 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:

You're all talking about AAA third party support though and not indie third party support, which is much bigger now than it was ten years ago. The basic reason for me getting the X360 next to my Wii was me wanting to play the REAL version of The Force Unleashed, and stuff like GTA which will never come to Nintendo either.


Total AAA support never hsppens for Nintendo any more, and don't expect it. Never expect a console now that can compete with the current Xbox/PlayStation iteration because that's simply not what Nintendo does. For the umpteenth time, Nintendo doesn't need to be the third wheel in the Sony/Microsoft comparison war, they just need to do their own thing. They'd never stand a chance in the comparison war but simply as themselves, being different and doing their thing, is what can make them survive, provided there's still enough people like me left who feel like not needing another PS4/X1 counterpart, but who just want to have fun with cool Mario/Zelda/Metroid games and who want to do couch multiplayer with Kart/Party/Smash. That's what I hate the most about Sony and Microsoft, they make it impossible to find a fun game that can just be played and enjoyed with four people at the same place instead of online.


Well yeah...my whole discussion was about AAA third party support since this thread was about games like Resident Evil 7 possibly not coming to the Switch. I didn't talk about indie support because it wasn't really relevant to this discussion. I didn't say the Switch wouldn't have any games, that it was doomed due to lack of AAA support, needed to compete with Xbox/Sony or anything like that. Just that people probably shouldn't expect for the latest AAA games to be made for the system.


Instead, a more realistic expectation is for Nintendo exclusives, indie games, and franchises that get supported and are popular on handhelds like the 3DS. Speaking of indie games, I'm actually surprised that Nintendo hasn't focused or partnered more with those developers. It seems like a perfect match since indie games are usually smaller, don't require the latest specs, and would be perfect for a portable system. Maybe that will happen with the Switch to help fill the gap between big Nintendo releases. 


Personally, I'm on the fence and haven't decided if I will buy a Switch. Definitely not going to at launch but taking a wait and see approach for sometime down the road. The Wii U was the first Nintendo console that I didn't buy. Finally just couldn't justify buying another console only to play a handful of games that interested me. Considering there was no Zelda or Metroid or a true open world Mario game, I just didn't have much interest in it at all. At least the Switch is starting off with a Zelda and a new open world Mario so there's some hope on that front. As for AAA third party support, that's just not going to happen and we seem to agree on that point. Whether that is important or will impact the success of the console is a different discussion.

Edited by MStalker58
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40 minutes ago, Undead Wolf said:

Like it or not, but consoles are sold on the back of big AAA games. Indie games are great and all, but they aren't system sellers. People don't drop $300 on a piece of hardware for games that could run on anything. I believe you were trying to make the same argument about PSVR and "smaller experiences", correct me if I'm wrong. That's just not how the average consumer thinks.


Agreed. Indie titles more or less are just being used right now to fluff the Switch library.

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I still think Nintendo needs proper third party support to succeed. Their last really successful console, the SNES, had a ton of third party support and when talking about the great games for that system we talk about Nintendo games as well as third party games. The N64 lost a lot of that support because of the decision to go with cartridges instead of CD-ROM and the same thing happened with the GameCube using those mini discs instead of DVDs. The Wii was financially successful but I recall reading it has one of the lowest software attach rates of any console, people bought it for the bundled Wii Sports and nothing else, then they gathered dust and the "casual" gamers who bought the Wii didn't care at all about the Wii U. 


I have no problem with Indie games, many times they are just as good as Triple A games but I don't think they are really console sellers. I wonder if Nintendo deciding to use cartridges again has made it so some third party games are just not possible on the Switch, regardless of the power of the system. 




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49 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:


Super Nintendo Attertainment Chystem?


Also, do you read it as the Game C*nt, N69 and Wee? You should go to Microsoft, their "X"-box is already dirty and doesn't need changing. But it does need cleaning...


Also... slightly?!

I feel like this is necessary now


4 minutes ago, Parker said:

I still think Nintendo needs proper third party support to succeed. Their last really successful console, the SNES, had a ton of third party support and when talking about the great games for that system we talk about Nintendo games as well as third party games. The N64 lost a lot of that support because of the decision to go with cartridges instead of CD-ROM and the same thing happened with the GameCube using those mini discs instead of DVDs. The Wii was financially successful but I recall reading it has one of the lowest software attach rates of any console, people bought it for the bundled Wii Sports and nothing else, then they gathered dust and the "casual" gamers who bought the Wii didn't care at all about the Wii U. 


I have no problem with Indie games, many times they are just as good as Triple A games but I don't think they are really console sellers. I wonder if Nintendo deciding to use cartridges again has made it so some third party games are just not possible on the Switch, regardless of the power of the system. 




I agree, I know a few people that bought the wii, only played it for a couple days and never touched it again. Even with the really good games here and there, the motion controls make it less desirable to play

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I'm not worried about Resident Evil 7 being excluded. To be fair anyone who wants to play it probably has a PS4/X1/PC to play it on right now unless you are waiting for a sale. The Switch isn't even out yet, and even when it does RE7 would probably cost more there than the others, which will likely already have a discount on them. It's simply a case of being late to the party.


Speaking of parties, third party support seems to be less than that of the Wii U. Reads bad faith all over. Let me put this into perspective (at least in a retail direction)



* Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

* Just Dance 2017

* Super Bomberman R

* 1 2 Switch

* Has Been Heroes ( maybe, it just says March without a date on EB Games)


I got a Wii U at launch. Off memory here are the titles that existed at that launch.

* Call of Duty Black Ops 2

* ZombiU

* Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper

* Sonic Racing Transformed

* Assassin's Creed 3

* Darksiders 2

* New Super Mario Bros U

* Nintendoland

* Tekken Tag Tournament 2

* Mass Effect 3 Special Edition

* Batman Arkham City Special Edition


Those are the ones that I played from the launch lineup. This doesn't even count the likes of sports titles and Wii Fit U etc etc. But the point is, that's actually looking like a good lineup. The Switch looks like it got shit on hard.


Even the old ports like Rayman Legends and Lego City Undercover aren't even day one, and those games were literally made for Wii U. You would think 5 years later they could port this to Switch in a day, assuming the Switch architecture isn't a hell riddled mess again. Very few developers had Vigil Games' porting luck when they got the Wii U version of Darksiders 2 to work in less than 5 minutes.


I wish Switch the best of luck, because it doesn't have my support on day one. I'm going to let this one simmer before I decide to even buy one.

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11 hours ago, MStalker58 said:


Well yeah...my whole discussion was about AAA third party support since this thread was about games like Resident Evil 7 possibly not coming to the Switch. I didn't talk about indie support because it wasn't really relevant to this discussion. I didn't say the Switch wouldn't have any games, that it was doomed due to lack of AAA support, needed to compete with Xbox/Sony or anything like that. Just that people probably shouldn't expect for the latest AAA games to be made for the system.


Instead, a more realistic expectation is for Nintendo exclusives, indie games, and franchises that get supported and are popular on handhelds like the 3DS. Speaking of indie games, I'm actually surprised that Nintendo hasn't focused or partnered more with those developers. It seems like a perfect match since indie games are usually smaller, don't require the latest specs, and would be perfect for a portable system. Maybe that will happen with the Switch to help fill the gap between big Nintendo releases. 


Personally, I'm on the fence and haven't decided if I will buy a Switch. Definitely not going to at launch but taking a wait and see approach for sometime down the road. The Wii U was the first Nintendo console that I didn't buy. Finally just couldn't justify buying another console only to play a handful of games that interested me. Considering there was no Zelda or Metroid or a true open world Mario game, I just didn't have much interest in it at all. At least the Switch is starting off with a Zelda and a new open world Mario so there's some hope on that front. As for AAA third party support, that's just not going to happen and we seem to agree on that point. Whether that is important or will impact the success of the console is a different discussion.


I know you were talking about only AAA because you explicitly mentioned it, I just wanted to add to the discussion that "third party support" includes indies as well. It seems that Nintendo actually is already partnering up with some indie developers: good example, Tomorrow Corporation - a three person developer team which made two games, Little Inferno and Human Resource Machine, while two of the three worked together on World Of Goo. All three of those were console exclusives for Nintendo, and they're launch games for the Switch. I know they're not new games, but they got good reviews, don't depend on high graphics and those two that were on the WiiU were surely missed by many people. I'm also willing to bet that whatever their next game will be, it will also be a console exclusive for Nintendo. Other example: Shin'en, which has been exclusively making Nintendo games since they were founded and are busy making Fast RMX for the Switch.


Personally, I'm counting Yooka-Laylee as one of the most important third party games to come to the Switch. It's being made by many people who also worked on the old N64 Rare platformers and it's a perfect throwback to what I think was the last really great era of Nintendo (personally I think it all went downhill after the N64). It even has a "N64 shader" graphical option, for crying out loud!


About the WiiU, I have mostly the same opinion as you do. It was the first Nintendo console I didn't buy (not including the NES since that was before I started to get interested in gaming), and this was partly because I had no interest in its gimmick controller but mostly because there were no games that interested me. I missed the open world Mario the most, but lack of the other titles I enjoy, Zelda/F-Zero/StarFox/MetroidPrime counted as well. I pre-ordered the Switch along with Zelda and Mario, not with the intention of actually getting it but more so I could think about it for a month and not have all of them be sold out. I pre-ordered on the day of the event (13), turns out a week later when Nintendo reveals to the store what numbers they get that all pre-orders until 17 get a Switch and all pre-orders until 15 get a Zelda. So I have a Switch and a Zelda come launch if I want one... and frankly every day I want it more. Now, I also have a PS4 and PS3 with no intention of selling those as long as I still have games for them so having Zelda and World Of Goo in the first month should be more than enough for me, and there's Snipperclips to play with the missus. I actually have to remind myself that I also have Horizon Zero Dawn and Fractured Butthole to play in that month... Now if the Virtual Console of the Switch gets filled right away then I've got a lot more games to play because my N64 broke down after fifteen years of service and I'm looking to replace that library, digitals on the Switch is good enough for me.


11 hours ago, Parker said:

I still think Nintendo needs proper third party support to succeed. Their last really successful console, the SNES, had a ton of third party support and when talking about the great games for that system we talk about Nintendo games as well as third party games. The N64 lost a lot of that support because of the decision to go with cartridges instead of CD-ROM and the same thing happened with the GameCube using those mini discs instead of DVDs. The Wii was financially successful but I recall reading it has one of the lowest software attach rates of any console, people bought it for the bundled Wii Sports and nothing else, then they gathered dust and the "casual" gamers who bought the Wii didn't care at all about the Wii U. 


I have no problem with Indie games, many times they are just as good as Triple A games but I don't think they are really console sellers. I wonder if Nintendo deciding to use cartridges again has made it so some third party games are just not possible on the Switch, regardless of the power of the system.


Not that I have personal experience with this but the N64 was supposedly notoriously hard to program for as well, not even going into that Nintendo asked for a pretty high percentage of the profits from games coming out for the N64.


Personally I think Nintendo needs their own games to be the system sellers (lack of Zelda until the last breath (no pun intended) and lack of open world Mario is what did in the WiiU), and they need the Virtual Console and indie support to put some meat on those bones.


11 hours ago, SnowxSakura said:

I agree, I know a few people that bought the wii, only played it for a couple days and never touched it again. Even with the really good games here and there, the motion controls make it less desirable to play


I am very glad to see that the motion controls are optional on the Switch and have been improved upon. I got enough fun out of the Wii but there already was a bit of a lack of games that became more apparent with the WiiU, luckily with the Wii I could still play Game Cube games.


10 hours ago, AuzzieWingman said:

I'm not worried about Resident Evil 7 being excluded. To be fair anyone who wants to play it probably has a PS4/X1/PC to play it on right now unless you are waiting for a sale. The Switch isn't even out yet, and even when it does RE7 would probably cost more there than the others, which will likely already have a discount on them. It's simply a case of being late to the party.


Speaking of parties, third party support seems to be less than that of the Wii U. Reads bad faith all over. Let me put this into perspective (at least in a retail direction)



* Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

* Just Dance 2017

* Super Bomberman R

* 1 2 Switch

* Has Been Heroes ( maybe, it just says March without a date on EB Games)


I got a Wii U at launch. Off memory here are the titles that existed at that launch.

* Call of Duty Black Ops 2

* ZombiU

* Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper

* Sonic Racing Transformed

* Assassin's Creed 3

* Darksiders 2

* New Super Mario Bros U

* Nintendoland

* Tekken Tag Tournament 2

* Mass Effect 3 Special Edition

* Batman Arkham City Special Edition


Those are the ones that I played from the launch lineup. This doesn't even count the likes of sports titles and Wii Fit U etc etc. But the point is, that's actually looking like a good lineup. The Switch looks like it got shit on hard.


Even the old ports like Rayman Legends and Lego City Undercover aren't even day one, and those games were literally made for Wii U. You would think 5 years later they could port this to Switch in a day, assuming the Switch architecture isn't a hell riddled mess again. Very few developers had Vigil Games' porting luck when they got the Wii U version of Darksiders 2 to work in less than 5 minutes.


I wish Switch the best of luck, because it doesn't have my support on day one. I'm going to let this one simmer before I decide to even buy one.



I don't think Has Been Heroes is a launch title. Three retail launch titles you missed: I Am Setsuna, Binding Of Isaac: Afterbirth+, Skylanders Imaginators. Adding three digital launch titles: World Of Goo, Little Inferno, Human Resource Machine.


Personally, I like the Switch line-up a lot more. Two games I'll definitely play right away (Zelda and World Of Goo), and one game coming later in the month that I want as well (Snipperclips). Those WiiU launch titles don't interest me at all, the three games that I like (Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, Batman) I already own for the X360/PS3. With the Switch, I'll never buy those games for it, those kind of games will go on my PS4.


By the way, LEGO City Undercover is coming to PS4/X1 as well, and at the same time as it arrives for the Switch.

Edited by BillyHorrible
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  • 4 weeks later...



See, this is why "RE7 not coming to Switch" is not newsworthy. Capcom has already flip-flopped to the other side and are now checking if they can make their RE Engine compatible with the Switch, together with the notion that they want to develop AAA titles for the Switch.


Also, apparently the Switch memory space used to be less but Capcom (and possibly other devs) asked Nintendo to expand it.

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1 hour ago, BillyHorrible said:



See, this is why "RE7 not coming to Switch" is not newsworthy. Capcom has already flip-flopped to the other side and are now checking if they can make their RE Engine compatible with the Switch, together with the notion that they want to develop AAA titles for the Switch.


Also, apparently the Switch memory space used to be less but Capcom (and possibly other devs) asked Nintendo to expand it.


Capcom's next big game that we know of is pretty much Resident Evil 2 Remake, so if RE2 Remake doesn't happen on Switch, it's safe to assume this is hot air. And given that RE 2 Remake has been in development for a while, they would have to take extra time to make a Switch version already, so the Switch had better be something TRULY amazing to warrant it.

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10 hours ago, Cynthia-Roses said:


Capcom's next big game that we know of is pretty much Resident Evil 2 Remake, so if RE2 Remake doesn't happen on Switch, it's safe to assume this is hot air. And given that RE 2 Remake has been in development for a while, they would have to take extra time to make a Switch version already, so the Switch had better be something TRULY amazing to warrant it.


Your anti Switch feelings are reaching new levels...


First, the next big game is a remake of an old one? Yeah, pass.

Second, Capcom might well be planning a new game which will come to the Switch as well, so they'll be able to develop for the Switch from the start. Saying nothing Capcom will happen for the Switch if they don't deliver on one remake is moronic.

Third, for Capcom the Switch does not have to be "TRULY" amazing. It just has to sell enough units. Have the player base be large enough and Capcom, as well as other devs, will come.

Fourth, you're talking like you get to tell Capcom when the Switch is amazing enough to be worthy of their games. Please.

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When it comes to third party support on the Switch our best bet is that third party support is similar to the support the 3DS got which was actually pretty good. Worst case scenario the Switch just becomes another Wii U, and so far Switch third party support is reminding me a lot of the support the Wii U got. 


I just find it surprising how many third party Switch games are ports. Like think about it we are getting Rayman Legends a game that is over 2 years old on the Nintendo Switch. From EA we are getting FIFA. Out of all the things Nintendo could have gotten from EA they got FIFA, and if the footage we saw from that recent Japanese trailer is anything to go by it looks like the Switch is getting last gen FIFA. 


From Square Enix we are getting a port of I am Setsuna which came out a year ago. 


From Bethesda we are getting Skyrim a game that came out 5 years ago. 


I can go on and on, but Switch third party support isn't looking good. If anything all these ports show a lack of confidence in the Switch from third party developers. I imagine the third party developers who are releasing these ports want to test the waters first and see if their games will sell on Switch. If they do then I could see them taking the time to port more games over, and if they don't then these publishers will probably just abandon the Switch similar to how they abandoned the Wii U. 


Edited by ratchetdude231
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2 hours ago, ratchetdude231 said:

When it comes to third party support on the Switch our best bet is that third party support is similar to the support the 3DS got which was actually pretty good. Worst case scenario the Switch just becomes another Wii U, and so far Switch third party support is reminding me a lot of the support the Wii U got. 


I just find it surprising how many third party Switch games are ports. Like think about it we are getting Rayman Legends a game that is over 2 years old on the Nintendo Switch. From EA we are getting FIFA. Out of all the things Nintendo could have gotten from EA they got FIFA, and if the footage we saw from that recent Japanese trailer is anything to go by it looks like the Switch is getting last gen FIFA. 


From Square Enix we are getting a port of I am Setsuna which came out a year ago. 


From Bethesda we are getting Skyrim a game that came out 5 years ago. 


I can go on and on, but Switch third party support isn't looking good. If anything all these ports show a lack of confidence in the Switch from third party developers. I imagine the third party developers who are releasing these ports want to test the waters first and see if their games will sell on Switch. If they do then I could see them taking the time to port more games over, and if they don't then these publishers will probably just abandon the Switch similar to how they abandoned the Wii U. 



Isn't that basically what happened with the PS4 though, getting a shitload of older games again? It's a good way to get a larger game library relatively quickly, and for devs it's easy because they already have made the game and can just port it for more bucks while they are working on their new games. Seeing as the only two options are getting either games exclusive to the system or games which are also available on other systems, it's not surprising that many titles of third party devs are ports/multiplatforms.


Switch getting "last gen" FIFA? news flash: the Switch isn't that powerful, it can't handle PS4 graphics (and that's not what its playerbase is demanding). So the thing here is that EA is bringing the latest FIFA to the Switch, regardless of having to rewrite it because of the Switch's lesser graphical capabilities.


Square Enix is also bringing out Dragon Quest, both old ones and the latest one that hasn't been released yet (XI), which is only coming to Sony and Nintendo on consoles.


Skyrim is a great game and if there's any gamers out there who didn't play it but will do so now on the Switch then it's a win.


Sega is bringing their new Sonic games. Playtonic will bring the new Yooka-Laylee. Konami brings a new Bomberman exclusive to the Switch. Bandai brings Dragonball, a new Taiko Drum and a new Tales. Activision will bring their latest Skylanders.


The only game that really quizzes me is why the Switch is getting Rayman Legends from Ubisoft, which is newer than Skyrim but has been on the WiiU already unlike Skyrim. Then again, they are also bringing Just Dance 2017 and Steep to the Switch, both of which are relatively new.


Sounds like plenty of big devs already providing support for the Switch, before it has even been released (let's talk a year from now and see what has been released and what has been revealed). You say "so far Switch third party support is reminding me a lot of the support the Wii U got" before the console's there, I say things are looking much better.

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22 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:

Your anti Switch feelings are reaching new levels...


I am not anti-Switch. I want the Switch to succeed, I just don't see it happening if they keep following this trend.


22 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:

First, the next big game is a remake of an old one? Yeah, pass.


One of the most requested remakes of all time... :\


22 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:

Second, Capcom might well be planning a new game which will come to the Switch as well, so they'll be able to develop for the Switch from the start. Saying nothing Capcom will happen for the Switch if they don't deliver on one remake is moronic.


My point is Capcom is hard at work at RE7 DLC right now, the RE 2 Remake, and Street Fighter V. They have little time to squeeze a lot of big projects in. If RE2 Remake doesn't come to the switch, the chances of a big title from them making it to the system are far less likely. Still possible, but less likely.


22 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:

Third, for Capcom the Switch does not have to be "TRULY" amazing. It just has to sell enough units. Have the player base be large enough and Capcom, as well as other devs, will come.


Yes it does need to be amazing. Nintendo needs to have enough units in people's hands to tell Capcom that players will be willing to accept the significant graphics loss and buy enough copies to justify making the Switch version. Being inferior in graphics means it won't be a version of the game that convinces people to buy a Switch, but if people already have one, it might convince them to grab the game on the Switch. It's all going to boil down to how many of these things Nintendo can sell.


22 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:

Fourth, you're talking like you get to tell Capcom when the Switch is amazing enough to be worthy of their games. Please.

I'm talking from my knowledge and understanding of this industry. Porting games to systems that are not selling is generally a waste of money and too many losses on one platform usually results in dropping that platform as we saw with the Wii U and Third Party.


10 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:

Switch getting "last gen" FIFA? news flash: the Switch isn't that powerful, it can't handle PS4 graphics (and that's not what its playerbase is demanding).

Problem is that Nintendo relying on their playerbase is what failed them with the Wii U. Many people moved to the PS4 and Xbox One because they want MORE than JUST Nintendo franchises. If they bank on their original playerbase, they are going to be right back where they were. They need to attract NEW players, that's sort of the problem.


10 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:

Sounds like plenty of big devs already providing support for the Switch, before it has even been released (let's talk a year from now and see what has been released and what has been revealed). You say "so far Switch third party support is reminding me a lot of the support the Wii U got" before the console's there, I say things are looking much better.

Everything you've listed in terms of support is relatively weak though compared to what the PS4 and Xbox One are offering though... :\

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