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Farming Simulator 18 Trophy Discussion

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So the trophy list is up for Farming Simulator 18.


It looks very similar to the lists for previous Farming Simulator games on Vita except they've brought across the breeding trophies for cows, sheep, and pigs from Farming Simulator 17 on PS4.


It terms of Platinum time, it looks as though it will be similar to the other games on Vita with the total money/distance/sown/harvested amounts for their respective trophies being the same.


I'm looking forward to adding a fifth (EDIT - sixth) Farming Simulator platinum to my collection :)


What are your thoughts on the trophies?

Edited by Dreamcatcher4891
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They are very relaxing games to be honest and the Platinum trophies are very straightforward. A fair bit of grinding needed though.


There used to be a demo on the store for the first game until it got delisted.


Farming Simulator 14 has since been made free on the Google Play store by the developers if you have an Android phone or tablet and you're interested in seeing what the Vita versions are like.

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as someone who has platted a farming simulator game for the vita.... its a huge time investment took well over 80 hr's from start to finish instead of the prediction of 40 hr's. had to break it into sessions with a few rounds a days until i completed it.


it doesn't stop me from buying any more of those in the future.

Edited by kingdrake2
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56 minutes ago, kingdrake2 said:

as someone who has platted a farming simulator game for the vita.... its a huge time investment took well over 80 hr's from start to finish instead of the prediction of 40 hr's. had to break it into sessions with a few rounds a days until i completed it.


it doesn't stop me from buying any more of those in the future.


The first two games on Vita were under 40 hours for me but Farming Simulator 16 took me about 70 hours to Plat. That one definitely felt a lot longer.

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1 hour ago, kingdrake2 said:

as someone who has platted a farming simulator game for the vita.... its a huge time investment took well over 80 hr's from start to finish instead of the prediction of 40 hr's. had to break it into sessions with a few rounds a days until i completed it.


it doesn't stop me from buying any more of those in the future.


80 hrs? I finished a few of them on the vita in about 35 hours. If done right they all take about that long (with some rubber banding to get to the driving qualifications).


Edit: Ninja'd :ninja:

Edited by hotdog_president
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  • 1 month later...
20 hours ago, aidan2110 said:

Someone already platted it in 2 days. Maybe it's shorter this year? 


It should be longer this time because of having to grow additional crops for breeding animals but It depends on how consistently a person plays the game I guess.


I'm finding the money gains from selling crops are about the same as Farming Simulator 14 and 16. The animal breeding aspect is a easier process than it was in Farming Simulator 17 on PS4 too.

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I finished it in 37 hours... Here's some of my observations:

  1. When you start on beginner, don't sell off all the crops you have in your bins. Wait until there's a high demand offer for that particular crop, and dump that crop off for a little extra money.
  2. I started off by using the grass field right next to the cows to feed them grass to start breeding cows. When you have bred enough cows for the trophy, move on to the sheep. I continued feeding the sheep grass until I was ready to sell everything for my 10 mil trophy because wool was pretty good to sell. However, I imagine that milk is pretty comparable as milk is made faster. It's just how I did it.
  3. I ended up having two fleets of tractors and harvesters, one on the northern end of the map and one on the southern end. When I was operating at its fullest I was getting about 4 hectares per round of harvesting. I don't know if this was the best way to make money quickly, but it was a great way to get the 100 hectares trophy quicker. I ended up harvesting 135 hectares by the end of my plat because I needed more cash.
  4. You can exploit the great demand system much like the previous Vita versions. Like I said, I had two fleets going, so the northern fleet was producing wheat while the southern fleet was producing canola. With two separate crops going, there was more of a chance that you would hit on a great demand. Like before, quit your game before you check to see what the notification is in the top left corner. If it does turn out to be a great demand you can fulfill, close the game entirely without quitting to the main menu. That will ensure that the great demand will still be there when you load the game back up. From there you can stockpile that crop before you actually activate the great demand.
  5. Depending on how many/how good your crop transports are (I had two semis), you can only get about 300,000 units of crop delivered to a site before the great demand runs out. Again, it depends on where the great demand is (the Inn was awesome because it was so close), but that's what I found out.
  6. Once you stockpile more than 300,000 units of a particular crop, don't be afraid to sell some when the normal market values go in the green. I spent a lot of time at the end of my game waiting on the markets to rise again after I sold some of my stockpile because I didn't do it as I went along.
  7. You can sell all of your machinery to get to your 10 million dollars trophy if you have everything else completed. However, remember that the game requires you to keep at least one tractor/transport so keep your cheapest vehicle if you do end up selling everything.
  8. There's almost exactly 200 trees on the map, so you don't need to use the stump grinder if you don't want to. Had to do a little searching for the last 6-8 trees, but they're out there! I didn't gather any of the lumber, didn't think it would be worth the hassle.

All in all, it's pretty similar to the other versions on the Vita... just a grind to finish, but oh so addictive!

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On 2017-6-16 at 6:03 AM, hotdog_president said:

I finished it in 37 hours... Here's some of my observations:

  1. When you start on beginner, don't sell off all the crops you have in your bins. Wait until there's a high demand offer for that particular crop, and dump that crop off for a little extra money.
  2. I started off by using the grass field right next to the cows to feed them grass to start breeding cows. When you have bred enough cows for the trophy, move on to the sheep. I continued feeding the sheep grass until I was ready to sell everything for my 10 mil trophy because wool was pretty good to sell. However, I imagine that milk is pretty comparable as milk is made faster. It's just how I did it.
  3. I ended up having two fleets of tractors and harvesters, one on the northern end of the map and one on the southern end. When I was operating at its fullest I was getting about 4 hectares per round of harvesting. I don't know if this was the best way to make money quickly, but it was a great way to get the 100 hectares trophy quicker. I ended up harvesting 135 hectares by the end of my plat because I needed more cash.
  4. You can exploit the great demand system much like the previous Vita versions. Like I said, I had two fleets going, so the northern fleet was producing wheat while the southern fleet was producing canola. With two separate crops going, there was more of a chance that you would hit on a great demand. Like before, quit your game before you check to see what the notification is in the top left corner. If it does turn out to be a great demand you can fulfill, close the game entirely without quitting to the main menu. That will ensure that the great demand will still be there when you load the game back up. From there you can stockpile that crop before you actually activate the great demand.
  5. Depending on how many/how good your crop transports are (I had two semis), you can only get about 300,000 units of crop delivered to a site before the great demand runs out. Again, it depends on where the great demand is (the Inn was awesome because it was so close), but that's what I found out.
  6. Once you stockpile more than 300,000 units of a particular crop, don't be afraid to sell some when the normal market values go in the green. I spent a lot of time at the end of my game waiting on the markets to rise again after I sold some of my stockpile because I didn't do it as I went along.
  7. You can sell all of your machinery to get to your 10 million dollars trophy if you have everything else completed. However, remember that the game requires you to keep at least one tractor/transport so keep your cheapest vehicle if you do end up selling everything.
  8. There's almost exactly 200 trees on the map, so you don't need to use the stump grinder if you don't want to. Had to do a little searching for the last 6-8 trees, but they're out there! I didn't gather any of the lumber, didn't think it would be worth the hassle.

All in all, it's pretty similar to the other versions on the Vita... just a grind to finish, but oh so addictive!


These tips are very helpful. Thanks for sharing ?


I had a feeling that the breeding trophies would add to the amount of time to Platinum this time but that doesn't appear to be the case. Still around 40 hours.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just picked up the game. I've only ever played it on PS4, so are you not allowed to exit your vehicle on Vita? I can't find any option to. Also, are you given animals at the start or do you have to buy them? I went to the animal shop, but nothing pops up. 


Finally, do crops typically wither pretty quick? I noticed the default field of crops already withered in about 20 minutes of playing time. I'm assuming there isn't a way to slow down the game time like last years version to solve this issue. 

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6 hours ago, aidan2110 said:

I just picked up the game. I've only ever played it on PS4, so are you not allowed to exit your vehicle on Vita? I can't find any option to. Also, are you given animals at the start or do you have to buy them? I went to the animal shop, but nothing pops up. 


Finally, do crops typically wither pretty quick? I noticed the default field of crops already withered in about 20 minutes of playing time. I'm assuming there isn't a way to slow down the game time like last years version to solve this issue. 


You can't exit your vehicle sadly.


For the animals, you'll need to buy the Joskin Betimax RDS 7500 for $32,000 from under the Transport section of the store. From there you can drive over to the animal shop and buy the animals. You'll then need to drive them over to the part of the map where they are kept. You can buy 8 at a time.


From my experience, the crops do wither a lot more quickly in the Vita versions of the game. Unfortunately there is no option to turn off plant withering like you can on the PS4 versions.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/15/2017 at 11:16 AM, aidan2110 said:

Did you purchase the 1.2 million field or the 550,000 field in the northern section?


Personally, I did not use the 1.2 mil field. I used 6 fields on my southern fleet and 4 on my northern fleet. If I remember correctly, this is how I did it:


Southern fleet:

1. The field that is given to you right next to the cows

2. The field that is just southwest of your farm

3-4. The two fields directly west of #2 (across the road to the west)

5-6. The two fields to the south and southeast of #2


Northern fleet:

1.  The smallest field right after your cross the bridge going north

2. The other small field just to the northeast of #1

3. The field directly to the north of #2 (I think this was the 550,000 one)

4. The field to the north of the 1.2 million field


Hope this helps!

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  • 5 months later...

I did this in 31 hours. My approach is to never have equipment waiting. 

If you have too few fields, your equipment will be standing still and you will not make progress.


I had two fleets with 3x tractors, 1 harvester and 1 transport running two areas.

Also had one extra tractor to collect grass, sell/buy animals, sell milk/wool, fill the bioplant and other stuff.

I also purchased 2 animals each right away so they would work themselves.

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  • 2 months later...
On 5/3/2017 at 7:35 PM, Property_Damage said:

Well yeah, im not the biggest fan of letting a plat slip through my fingers :)

May I ask what made you stop playing Farming Simulator 18? It's on sales right now and I'm thinking of trying it but I'm second-guessing myself seeing that such a Farm Sim vet as yourself actually gave up on this one.

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3 hours ago, det_gittes said:

May I ask what made you stop playing Farming Simulator 18? It's on sales right now and I'm thinking of trying it but I'm second-guessing myself seeing that such a Farm Sim vet as yourself actually gave up on this one.

Ive only played farming simulator and farming simulator 14, both for the vita

as for 18, i never touched it or any other title of theirs after 14

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