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The Personal Impact of Video Games


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Video games matter to me alot. I love them because they let me do things I would not normally be able to do. In games like COD I get to fight battles and experience...well experiences I would not normally ever have the chance of doing. To make it better I don't die either! Sports games let me throw the final strike of the World Series or the Hail Mary pass that wins the Super Bowl. Video games allow me to live dreams and wishes I have.

I can attribute video games to many happy moments of my life. Video games challenge me, they give me something to strive at till I succeed. Indeed I would say they have prepared me in some ways for the real world. Finally video games let us live in realistic fantastical universes that don't exist. Becase I or we control these hero's and athletes we get a virtual and exciting world. Let's face it, every once in awhile it is nice to get away from the real world and be saviors of the world or ultimate badasses or MVP caliber athletes.

Edited by DanielVT
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Video games matter to me alot. I love them because they let me do things I would not normally be able to do. In games like COD I get to fight battles and experience...well experiences I would not normally ever have the chance of doing. To make it better I don't die either! Sports games let me throw the final strike of the World Series or the Hail Mary pass that wins the Super Bowl. Video games allow me to live dreams and wishes I have.

I can attribute video games to many happy moments of my life. Video games challenge me, they give me something to strive at till I succeed. Indeed I would say they have prepared me in some ways for the real world. Finally video games let us live in realistic fantastical universes that don't exist. Becase I or we control these hero's and athletes we get a virtual and exciting world. Let's face it, every once in awhile it is nice to get away from the real world and be saviors of the world or ultimate badasses or MVP caliber athletes.

Yes, what you said. Except with killing zombies and throwing stuff with a gravity gun.

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Video games are my drug. People take drugs to get away from real world, well I just play games. In video games I have met amazingly awesome people whom today are among my best and most trusty friends. It has helped me learned the English Language, because let's face it, its the only thing I would really pay attention. Its amazing how many games are out there, similar and different, they all are beautiful because the gaming world is the most splendid thing people could experience. I remembered in my natal country there wasn't such a thing as a game shop or "internet" not even a computer, still I managed to play video games and that was the only thing that kept me from doing bad things.

Edited by entimecago
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I didn't do any bad stuff when I was a kid/teenager because I was too dug into video games. That and they're a great hobby, the only one that's been consistent for the past 22 years. Well that and the PC :lol:

Video games was how I met a lot of awesome people, notably my best friend in reality, most of the community of Backloggery, and the people here. It's a really good thing for me, cause I have crappy social skills in reality/am an introvert. I wouldn't have nearly the number of people I talk to if it weren't for video games.

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Yes, what you said. Except with killing zombies and throwing stuff with a gravity gun.

I like that modification! :D

Video games are my drug. People take drugs to get away from real world, well I just play games. In video games I have met amazingly awesome people whom today are among my best and most trusty friends. It has helped me learned the English Language, because let's face it, its the only thing I would really pay attention. Its amazing how many games are out there, similar and different, they all are beautiful because the gaming world is the most splendid thing people could experience. I remembered in my natal country there wasn't such a thing as a game shop or "internet" not even a computer, still I managed to play video games and that was the only thing that kept me from doing bad things.

Wow....that is fantastic! BTW your English is spot-on! :)

I didn't do any bad stuff when I was a kid/teenager because I was too dug into video games. That and they're a great hobby, the only one that's been consistent for the past 22 years. Well that and the PC :lol:

Video games was how I met a lot of awesome people, notably my best friend in reality, most of the community of Backloggery, and the people here. It's a really good thing for me, cause I have crappy social skills in reality/am an introvert. I wouldn't have nearly the number of people I talk to if it weren't for video games.

Video games have kept me out of trouble too! Well except when I play them too much and am negligent in terms of my responsibilities. :P

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I'm in my current relation in part of video games. Our first "date" was via texting while we both played Alice: Madness Returns. I've met lots of friends where common interest in games was the catalyst and then we grow our activities beyond that. So, yeah, it really helped shaped my social world.

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Well I just got out of work and have had a few beers, let me see if I can relate to what video games have meant in my life.

Back in 1976(ish) I remember my Uncle bringing a motorized (yes motorized) version of Pong to a family Christmas. It was at that moment I became infatuated with video games. I fell in love with Pac Man, Centipede, Galaga, Dig Dug and Donkey Kong in the Arcades. I begged for Mattel's "football" or "hockey" handheld games. I remember the arcades giving tokens for good grades (8 tokens for an A? hell yeah). I remember shoveling sidewalks and and mowing lawns to save up for that Atari 2600 and a copy of Missle Command. From the Atari I "needed" the Intellivision and it's "State of the Art Graphics". I lost years of my life playing B17 Bomber....cause it actually talked!! Then came the Colecovison....my god what a system that was. Look it up young people, it blew the f#$k out of everything at that time.

Then came the NES.. I needed to start a new paragraph for the NES. In my teen years the NES was my life. my friends and I played hours and hours of RBI Baseball, Legend of Zelda, Metroid and countless....and I mean countless titles from NES. Every Saturday was spent at someone elses home, eating Doritoes and pizzas, playing to all hours of the morning. We talked video games, we breathed video games (but we still went outside). That NES followed me to college and provided me hours of diversion from cramming for exams and preparing to be an "adult"

After College it was the Sega, SNES, PS1, PS2, Xbox, PS3 and Recently Steam. Hundreds, no thousands of games. I agree with Parker, the money that I have spent on video games over the last 35 years is mind boggling. Would I change it? No, not one bit.

I will leave this thread with this. I have been a FBI agent, an elite F1 driver, a star running back, a demon prince, a sniper and I have saved the universe at least 407 times. Video games have complimented me.....through my life, death, divorce, friendships and any other thing I could come up with. That 10 minute bedazzled lightning game or that 50 hour Disgaea marathon, keeps me grounded (and waiting in line for Dead Space 3)

Edited by broy300
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Video Games...

Lemme see...

The first game I played was either Pac-man or Pong, but Pac-man was certainly my first love, I then remember taking it turns with the likes of Frogger, Pitfall and Choplifter with either my cousin or my dad, just to see who could get further. As years passed, my Dad and I bonded over many a game, most of our favourites being games where we could pit ourselves against each other. The two games I endeavoured to beat him at most were Sensible Soccer & Speedball 2.

During this time gaming was seen as an oddball / geeky hobby and never really hit massive popularity until The Gameboy was born (the first (handheld) console I bought with my own money.). Suddenly friends left right and centre were getting either the NES or the Master system asking for my advice on what games to get. I was their God, and so began the story of AF...

As I hit my teens I struggled to separate real life from video games and it wasn't until I became the last starfighter that I knew what my destiny was... As I went through my teens, the biggest games were probably StreetFighter 2 turbo, Super Mario World & Kart and The Legend of Zelda (lttp) on Nintendo, Sonic & the Desert Strike series on Sega and numerous games on PC,

Then it happened... LAN gaming & Playstation 1. I flipped my shit, getting heavily into the gaming scene knowing that I would never be one of the many that "grew" out of video games.

Finally, here I am now, quite a bit older, not much wiser, but quite content still playing games.

Without going into personal details, Video games have been the cause of some of my greatest friendships, as well as the loss of some relationships. Along with some other things they probably prevented me from going wilder than I already was as a teen and a young lad. They helped me bond with my Dad as I grew up, and my Daughter as she has grown up. They've been the root of a few rows in my life, as well as the place to calm down after a few rows. They've helped me cope with grief & sickness. They were the one thing I kept, when I decided to change everything about my life (No, not a sex change Broy.)

I suppose you can sum it up with the Double Life ad from the PS1 days...

For years I've lived a double life.

In the day I do my job, I ride the bus,

Roll up my sleeves with the hoi polloi.

But at night I live a life of exhilaration,

Of missed heartbeats and adrenaline,

And, if the truth be known,A life of dubious virtue.

I won't deny I've been engaged in violence,

Even indulged in it.

I have maimed and killed adversaries,

And not merely in self defence.

I have exhibited disregard for life, limb, And property,

And savoured every moment.

You may not think it to look at me,

But I have commanded armies,

And conquered worlds.

And though in achieving these things

I have set morality aside,

I have no regrets.

For though I've led a double life

At least I can say,

I have lived.

P.S:- I also went out, got fucked up, and laid. I was a busy lad.

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I'm sure that I am not the only child who grew up watching the likes of spiderman, batman, and the x-men in the Saturday morning cartoons growing up. (what have they done with all the good cartoons anyway) I remember being little and hoping that one day I would mutate or be bitten by a mutated spider and become a superhero. I looked up to them, and what they stood for. As I got a tad older I became more attached to ..... you guessed it, Batman. The superhero without superpowers. Just a strong will to do what is right, and a large bank account for all those cool gadgets.

The current generation games more than prior gens have allowed me to somewhat live out that childhood fantasy of becoming more than just a normal person. And play out the role on one normal person overcoming unbeatable odds and coming out of top.

I personal favorite games/series.

Assassins Creed

Batman Arkham series

Dead Space

God of War

Heavy Rain


Ratchet and Clank

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